Arlen Specter - You da man. (Cheatriots)

I think there has been a lying in waite period.... waiting to see if the Pats would challenge the undefeated season... now that its here.....

I couldnt be happier that the media and senators are running with it.
YoMick;1936225 said:
I think there has been a lying in waite period.... waiting to see if the Pats would challenge the undefeated season... now that its here.....

I couldnt be happier that the media and senators are running with it.

"yous gotta hide me Mick, There comming to get me" 'Dont worry billy, You keep winning at any cost. blow out teams, cheat on yer wife, distract dem. git in there and fight"!!! Go PATS
best team ever my ***
coogrfan;1935967 said:
Wait a second-losing a first round draft pick is nothing? Do you really believe that?

For getting off without a *whiff* of an investigation if there had been any prior cheating, not to mention an outright destruction of evidence to ensure there would be no further one?

Yeah, that's a pretty sweet deal.
I am really interested in why certain posters like Tyke so desperately want to defend the Pats.
theebs;1935898 said:
spygate again?

If you think the pats need to cheat to win, watch more football. There is nobody else like them.

Let it go already.

And if specter wants to make himself useful, go take care of gamblers and steroid abusers and doctors who are giving them to athletes.

Sypgate is the last thing a specter should be worried about.

better yet why dont him and his colleges go work on welfare and public schooling and heath care...
the kid 05;1936280 said:
better yet why dont him and his colleges go work on welfare and public schooling and heath care...

Dont be ridiculous.
Arlen Specter is a douchebag, and the government has no business in the matter. I personally think BB should have been suspended for a number of games, but beyond that the government should stay the heck out.
the kid 05;1936280 said:
better yet why dont him and his colleges go work on welfare and public schooling and heath care...
Screw allergies! We've got Cancer to deal with! No other health problems can be handled or looked in to until we get cancer licked!

Yes there are more serious, and grave concerns for the government.

No, that does not mean that they should be prevented from looking into this while these graver problems still exist.
I am so glad Congress battled the steroids in baseball.

Now they can take on NFL and Spygate.

Much easier tasks than doing, you know, politics stuff like doing something with Social Security, Health Care, Foreign Policy, etc.

Fix the problems that are far more important with the country.

THEN, come back and do this if you feel the need to.

The reality of it is, the OWNERS should be the ones calling for an explanation. They are not. This is not a matter in which the US Government needs to be involved.
burmafrd;1936273 said:
I am really interested in why certain posters like Tyke so desperately want to defend the Pats.

It's not a matter of defending the Pats as it is criticizing the abuse of authority by a government official.

I don't care if it's the Pats or the Jets, I contend there isn't a legal basis for Specter to call this inquiry.
wileedog;1936267 said:
For getting off without a *whiff* of an investigation if there had been any prior cheating, not to mention an outright destruction of evidence to ensure there would be no further one?

Yeah, that's a pretty sweet deal.

We already know there was prior cheating.

What do you think should have happened if the league discovered the Patriots had cheated this way since 2001, especially when the rules - to my knowledge - weren't clearly spelled out that you couldn't video tape signals during games?
tyke1doe;1936377 said:
It's not a matter of defending the Pats as it is criticizing the abuse of authority by a government official.

I don't care if it's the Pats or the Jets, I contend there isn't a legal basis for Specter to call this inquiry.
Abuse of authority? He has the authority to investigate. What makes it an abuse?
At the very least BB should have been suspended for a least a game. It smells like a cover up when the Tapes were destroyed, it's about time someone called the Patriots and NFL out of this, now if only he would investigate the Seattle-Pittsburgh SB!.
khiladi;1936131 said:
Neither was Arthur ANderson and Enron...

I can see why you have a problem with sequential logic. You are good at segregating arguments from a context. :rolleyes:

First, Enron and Arthur Anderson were involved in defrauding investors and stockholders, which is illegal.
Please show me where video taping game signals is illegal?

Second, my comments came within a context that you conveniently omitted, namely ...

Tyke1doe said:
First, there is a difference between destroying government documents and destroying personal or private documents. And last time I checked, the NFL wasn't a governmental entity.

Second, destruction of document only has application if a legal investigation has been initiated. Then if one destroys documents critical to an investigation, it becomes a criminal matter. Godell's actions had nothing to do with a criminal or civil investigation.

Third, Specter's comments make little sense because banks and corporations destroy records all the time. The only time it would become an issue is if the companies were notified of an investigation and were specifically told not to destroy evidence crucial to that investigation.

Here's a point of logic for you:

One must not separate a point from the broader context unless that context does not apply.

Hence, it's okay to shred private and personal documents - UNLESS, one has been informed not to do so because of a pending legal investigation, as my Point 3 indicates.
burmafrd;1936273 said:
I am really interested in why certain posters like Tyke so desperately want to defend the Pats.

Questioning the appropriateness of Congress getting involved in this does not necessarily make one a Pats apologist.
theogt;1936382 said:
Abuse of authority? He has the authority to investigate. What makes it an abuse?

What is the legal violation?

Joseph McCarthy conducted congressional hearings also, dragging people thought to be communist sympathizers before Congress under the pretext of defending the nation from Communism.

Just because you have the authority to call someone before Congress doesn't mean it's not an abuse of authority to do so, especially when there is no legal reason to do so.

I fail to see one.
It was a cover up, plain and simple, and the entire league approved of it, including Jerry Jones. You notice no one in the league complained about it when they destroyed the evidence. No one wanting the cheating scandal to be given any more life than it already had.

I hope Specter makes an issue of it, even if it is politics and grandstanding.
coogrfan;1936402 said:
Questioning the appropriateness of Congress getting involved in this does not necessarily make one a Pats apologist.

But the simple-minded who can't think through these issues and separate their hatred for the Patriots and what is appropriate in this case can't do that.

So it becomes "defending the Pats" to them.
theogt;1935895 said:
I don't care if there wasn't squat on those tapes. The decision to destroy them was beyond stupid. And showed what kind of buffoon was running the show.


IMO there is NO WAY IN HELL those tapes would have been destroyed if there was nothing incriminating on them. Those tapes would be PROOF in SUPPORT of the patriots.

The fact that they were destroyed proves - to me - that there was enough on them for fans to seriously question the validity of the patriots superbowl wins.

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