
This group plays a world cup every four years. It has teams in 3 main regions: Europe, Pan America (north & south), and Asia-Oceania (teams ranging from the middle east to the far east, to Pacific nations such as Australia and New Zealand).

The US has a team that plays, and won the cup the only year they participated. This team has no NFL players on it, and would likely not even be as strong as most of the top college teams.

If any of these teams had even a remote shot of playing a competitive game against NFL teams then I am certain the NFL would have scheduled an exhibition game by now.

Now, all of this isn't to say that one day other countries won't field teams that could be competitive with NFL clubs. Of course its possible, and may one day be the case if the world cup continues to expand, and gain popularity. Its possible there could be an exhibition pre season game played between the winners of the world cup and the super bowl. I would love to see that. I am all for it.

Realistically however, we are probably a few decades away from that happening. The US invented grid iron football out of rugby. We have a century and a half of playing it at an organized level of at least college quality since the 1870s.

As it is now, the World Cup champion USA team would lose to the Lions by any score the Lions want.
I find this ironic and condescending, coming from a guy and a country who, every 4 years, criticizes "America" for not "getting" soccer......

It's a pattern. Be it Pele. The World Cup. Womens Olympic Soccer. David Beckham................whatever. We get pummled because we just "don't get" what the rest of "the world" gets.

All we hear about, it that "fuutball" or soccer as it is rightfully called, is the worlds "most popular sport". And, that the U.S. is "out of touch" because we don't embrace it.

The reason why Soccer is the "worlds most popular sport", is because 4/5ths of the world is "turd-world-country", and all you need is a foot and a coconut to play "fuutball".

In the U.S., we don't play Third World sports. In the U.S., yeah, our arrogance (as you put it) requires spending some money on our kids to be able to compete. Any gorilla can play soccer, because the total equipment required is feet and a rock..............

Do yourself a favor........don't question that which you know not of. NFL Football is a brand that Italy and Brazil and France and Iran could never understand. Because those countries are still trying to understand running water and electricity. The NFL is LIGHT-YEARS beyond what your average "soccer" country will ever grasp.

When you come up with a game that requires helmets and physical protection from bodily harm, come back and post. 'Till then, go play cricket and soccer.....................
Vintage;2618079 said:
Huh. Didn't know we entered those thingies.

I hope our players are as good of actors as they are over in Europe!

And congrats to soccer being popular all over the world. It should be. The start up costs to playing soccer is a lot less, than say, basketball or football.

in fairness buddy i started off by saying i love your sport, hence the reason i'm here, but prefer football to which i got a load of folk slating the game. only reason i brought up the popularity of the game was folk were slating it. my point was that the superbowl is a national championship yet the winners are declared world champions and i was asking for opinions on that as most folk outside america view that as anywhere ranging from bizarre to arrogant. never meant to cause offence to anyone just though it would be an interesting thread
Vintage;2618079 said:
And congrats to soccer being popular all over the world. It should be. The start up costs to playing soccer is a lot less, than say, basketball or football.

That has almost nothing to do with it's popularity, i saw this argument for soccer's popularity in another thread and just laughed. It's hands down the most popular sport in Europe and most of Europe including some of the richest countries in Europe (which also make them some of the richest in the world) it's hands down the most popular sport
daschoo;2618071 said:
in fairness in "soccer" the world cup which crowns the world champions is a competition between 32 countries. these 32 countries qualify from the 208 member countries. again im not trying to be an arse but i feel that is a more legitimate claim to the title of world champions. and yes the U.S. have been in it for the last few tournaments, which are held every four years. scotland on the other hand haven't qualified since '98.
also "my soccer stuff" is the most popular sport on the planet :rolleyes:

See my previous post on the World Cup of American Football. Its the same deal.

Oh, and the SB is bigger than any other sporting event in the world. Soccer is only number one in participation because of the ease of which it is to organize.
daschoo;2618097 said:
in fairness buddy i started off by saying i love your sport, hence the reason i'm here, but prefer football to which i got a load of folk slating the game. only reason i brought up the popularity of the game was folk were slating it. my point was that the superbowl is a national championship yet the winners are declared world champions and i was asking for opinions on that as most folk outside america view that as anywhere ranging from bizarre to arrogant. never meant to cause offence to anyone just though it would be an interesting thread
I'm just messing around.

Admittedly, I find soccer to be VERY boring.

But I couldn't care less if its popular/isn't popular. Its a sport. A lot of people like it. Good for them. Its just not for me. (Though, I did play soccer in leagues as a kid)
Ren;2618103 said:
That has almost nothing to do with it's popularity, i saw this argument for soccer's popularity in another thread and just laughed. It's hands down the most popular sport in Europe and most of Europe including some of the richest countries in Europe (which also make them some of the richest in the world) it's hands down the most popular sport

Yet the Super Bowl outdraws any soccer contest every year.
lewpac;2618088 said:
I find this ironic and condescending, coming from a guy and a country who, every 4 years, criticizes "America" for not "getting" soccer......

It's a pattern. Be it Pele. The World Cup. Womens Olympic Soccer. David Beckham................whatever. We get pummled because we just "don't get" what the rest of "the world" gets.

All we hear about, it that "fuutball" or soccer as it is rightfully called, is the worlds "most popular sport". And, that the U.S. is "out of touch" because we don't embrace it.

The reason why Soccer is the "worlds most popular sport", is because 4/5ths of the world is "turd-world-country", and all you need is a foot and a coconut to play "fuutball".

In the U.S., we don't play Third World sports. In the U.S., yeah, our arrogance (as you put it) requires spending some money on our kids to be able to compete. Any gorilla can play soccer, because the total equipment required is feet and a rock..............

Do yourself a favor........don't question that which you know not of. NFL Football is a brand that Italy and Brazil and France and Iran could never understand. Because those countries are still trying to understand running water and electricity. The NFL is LIGHT-YEARS beyond what your average "soccer" country will ever grasp.

When you come up with a game that requires helmets and physical protection from bodily harm, come back and post. 'Till then, go play cricket and soccer.....................

:eek: OH SNAP! :eek:
RoadRunner;2618107 said:
Yet the Super Bowl outdraws any soccer contest every year.

That's bec. we aint a bunch of pink-o commies.


I said it.
RoadRunner;2618107 said:
Yet the Super Bowl outdraws any soccer contest every year.


The world cup finals dwarfs it in ratings worldwide
RoadRunner;2618104 said:
See my previous post on the World Cup of American Football. Its the same deal.

Oh, and the SB is bigger than any other sporting event in the world. Soccer is only number one in participation because of the ease of which it is to organize.
Uh, the Super Bowl is third at best...the World Cup and the Cricket championships (whatever they are called) both get a ton more viewers.
lewpac;2618088 said:
I find this ironic and condescending, coming from a guy and a country who, every 4 years, criticizes "America" for not "getting" soccer......

It's a pattern. Be it Pele. The World Cup. Womens Olympic Soccer. David Beckham................whatever. We get pummled because we just "don't get" what the rest of "the world" gets.

All we hear about, it that "fuutball" or soccer as it is rightfully called, is the worlds "most popular sport". And, that the U.S. is "out of touch" because we don't embrace it.

The reason why Soccer is the "worlds most popular sport", is because 4/5ths of the world is "turd-world-country", and all you need is a foot and a coconut to play "fuutball".

In the U.S., we don't play Third World sports. In the U.S., yeah, our arrogance (as you put it) requires spending some money on our kids to be able to compete. Any gorilla can play soccer, because the total equipment required is feet and a rock..............

Do yourself a favor........don't question that which you know not of. NFL Football is a brand that Italy and Brazil and France and Iran could never understand. Because those countries are still trying to understand running water and electricity. The NFL is LIGHT-YEARS beyond what your average "soccer" country will ever grasp.

When you come up with a game that requires helmets and physical protection from bodily harm, come back and post. 'Till then, go play cricket and soccer.....................

what exactly did i say that was condescending? i can honestly say i have never criticised the u.s. for not getting football, as its called in every country in the world bar yours by the way and has been since before you invented american football - again i'll say a sport i love, and to be honest i hope you continue to not show great interest in it because of the college system you have and the funds you could put into coaching if you wanted to i feel if you made a concerted effort you could really become an international power in the sport.

as for that "which i know not of" comment i'm the first person to admit i know nowhere near enough about nfl, i'm a recent convert to the sport and joined up on here because i started watching it during the aikman era then got back into the sport watching the cowboys win at green bay this season. i still struggle with basic things like defensive formations etc but i love the sport so i'll continue to watch it, support the cowboys and learn as i go.

your comment about water and electricity i won't dignify with an answer and the thing about coming back to you when we have a sport that requires physical protection, i won't go down the dubious route of pointing out that football players are required to wear shin pads but you still have players ruled out every season due to breaking their legs. what i will do though is point you in the direction of the post above yours and what it says regarding rugby, if you watch a game of that i defy you to tell me they hit any softer than in nfl yet they wear no pads.
lewpac;2618088 said:
I find this ironic and condescending, coming from a guy and a country who, every 4 years, criticizes "America" for not "getting" soccer......

It's a pattern. Be it Pele. The World Cup. Womens Olympic Soccer. David Beckham................whatever. We get pummled because we just "don't get" what the rest of "the world" gets.

All we hear about, it that "fuutball" or soccer as it is rightfully called, is the worlds "most popular sport". And, that the U.S. is "out of touch" because we don't embrace it.

The reason why Soccer is the "worlds most popular sport", is because 4/5ths of the world is "turd-world-country", and all you need is a foot and a coconut to play "fuutball".

In the U.S., we don't play Third World sports. In the U.S., yeah, our arrogance (as you put it) requires spending some money on our kids to be able to compete. Any gorilla can play soccer, because the total equipment required is feet and a rock..............

Do yourself a favor........don't question that which you know not of. NFL Football is a brand that Italy and Brazil and France and Iran could never understand. Because those countries are still trying to understand running water and electricity. The NFL is LIGHT-YEARS beyond what your average "soccer" country will ever grasp.

When you come up with a game that requires helmets and physical protection from bodily harm, come back and post. 'Till then, go play cricket and soccer.....................

Wow, do you want to pick up your trophy for most idiotic display ever or would you like it mailed to you?
Ren;2618083 said:
It's not, no matter how much that offends you, the best Football team in the world right now is the Steelers.
Proving that by beating up some non US team would just be a formality, everyone knows it. Which is why no one has ever challenge the legitimacy of the SB winner being world champs

not arguing that point at all, just saying that if you don't open a competion up to international opposition i don't agree with them being crowned world champions whether they're the best in the world or not because the competition was only open to one country.
Future;2618118 said:
Uh, the Super Bowl is third at best...the World Cup and the Cricket championships (whatever they are called) both get a ton more viewers.

i would have thought that the superbowl was way ahead of any cricket to be honest with you mate. pretty surprising stat if true
daschoo;2618139 said:
i would have thought that the superbowl was way ahead of any cricket to be honest with you mate. pretty surprising stat if true
I'm 95% sure...

The Super Bowl is huge here. The game is on at like 3 AM everywhere else. It is Americans' ethnocentrism tells us all that the Super Bowl is the biggest event, but its not.
daschoo;2618136 said:
not arguing that point at all, just saying that if you don't open a competion up to international opposition i don't agree with them being crowned world champions whether they're the best in the world or not because the competition was only open to one country.

The team that wins the NFL is the best team in the world never once has anyone challenged that title because it's pointless and quite honestly not safe considering that other then Canada no one else plays the sport at a professional level
daschoo;2618018 said:
please dont take this the wrong way guys, from my previous posts and the fact i'm on this board you hopefully know i love your sport (still prefer proper football or soccer as you call it) Also while i'll be honest and say i never really had any desire to visit your country i holidayed in texas last summer and absolutely loved the place and now can't wait to go back. but why do they insist on calling it world champions in competitions that only involve american teams? its only one country that compete! sorry it just bugs me, if me and my brother invented a sport i wouldn't call myself the scottish champion for beating him. asides from that i enjoyed the superbowl, albeit a day late because it never finished till half 3 am here monday morning and i'm not staying up that late when i'm working if the cowboys aren't involved. was out my seat and woke my girlfriend when larry scored late in the 4th, gutted at the finish. anyway back to the beer (someone have a shinerbock for me, can't get it over here) :beer2:

because America rules the world
Ren;2618155 said:
The team that wins the NFL is the best team in the world never once has anyone challenged that title because it's pointless and quite honestly not safe considering that other then Canada no one else plays the sport at a professional level

thats what i mean, not arguing they're the best in the world but my point is you cant claim to be the world champions if you haven't competed against international oppostition. that may very well just be my opinion though

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