Article on how predictable Cowboys were on offense


Fattening up
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they spend how many % of the salary cap in offense.
they darn well better be successful on the offensive side.
it is the lack of imagination and drive to be better that REQUIRES the offense to keep doing the same with MORE salary and MORE draft resources.

it is an EMBARRASSMENT that the offense collapsed with an injury to 1 ol.
look at the eagles and how they succeeded after their lt went out for the year.
it is because they are competent whereas our coaches are incompetent - ie. allow green out there for 6 sacks...

these stats are damning.
any team with any analytics capability will have their defense ready knowing what we are going to do before the snap.

You can put it in CAPS if you want, but it doesn't make it any more embarrassing. Every time you bring up the offense collapsing in 2017 when the LT went down, I'm going to bring up 2016 when he went down and it didn't. The difference was the quality of the backup play we got. When you don't protect your QB, you aren't going to beat teams by being 'extra unpredictable.'

And again, any team with analytics capability would know what we ware going to do before the snap for years. What changed was our ability to execute it.


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Different players with different skill sets and different things they struggle against.

They have different tendencies then Romo and Murray.

With Dak he liked to use Cole Beasley a lot more then Romo did. Teams figured out that tendency and absolutely shut down Beasley and the Cowboys never countered.
So you think our tendency to run out of two right end sets was materially different in 2016 than it was in 2014?

Come on man.


1st Round Pick
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You can put it in CAPS if you want, but it doesn't make it any more embarrassing. Every time you bring up the offense collapsing in 2017 when the LT went down, I'm going to bring up 2016 when he went down and it didn't. The difference was the quality of the backup play we got. When you don't protect your QB, you aren't going to beat teams by being 'extra unpredictable.'

And again, any team with analytics capability would know what we ware going to do before the snap for years. What changed was our ability to execute it.

The backup play was good in 2016 but the Falcons game was unforgivable.

They almost allowed a NFL sack record before they were willing to try anything.

I’m sorry but you can not wait until the damage is done before your try something. The first half struggle should’ve been enough to give Green some help or get him out.


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No team can assemble that kind of talent any more in the salary cap era, so it is not comparable.

Thank you, I get tired of people say "the 90s cowboys only ran 5'plays but no one could stop them". This ain't the 90s team, you have to scheme and be unpredictable in today's NFL.


1st Round Pick
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So you think our tendency to run out of two right end sets was materially different in 2016 than it was in 2014?

Come on man.

I’m saying I don’t like how predictable we are. Any of it.

Predictability is great if you use it to set up something. We aren’t.


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You can put it in CAPS if you want, but it doesn't make it any more embarrassing. Every time you bring up the offense collapsing in 2017 when the LT went down, I'm going to bring up 2016 when he went down and it didn't. The difference was the quality of the backup play we got. When you don't protect your QB, you aren't going to beat teams by being 'extra unpredictable.'

And again, any team with analytics capability would know what we ware going to do before the snap for years. What changed was our ability to execute it.

details matter.
getting an advantage matters.
belicheat schemes and schemes to get an advantage down to the inflation of the ball or the various other 'gates'.
'oh, we are still scoring so who cares if the other team knows what we are doing' - that is exactly the lack of drive and details that hungrier teams take advantage of.
it is the entitled attitude of a coaching staff that feels too safe.

the cowboys want to do it so big that i would not come down, so the execution can suck and they still win.
only except when something goes wrong, bad things happen like the 2017 offense.
there is also another cost to doing things big on offense, you have to skimp on defense.
oh we need mlb, too bad, not enough $, draft one or go to bargain bin.
need a 1-tech, sorry the money went to the ol.
need to draft a 1-tech high, sorry we got a mess at lt and lg despite all the money already in the offense

it is calling 'making do with less' in the era of the salary cap.
it takes a drive to get better, cover every scenario and contingency, striving to be the best you can be.
it takes finesse to make do with less.
it takes scheming, planning, hard work, minding the details, and intelligence.
that is apparently not the 2018 cowboys.
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while i agree it is too predictable
he also describes how difficult is to stop
he of course being hof linebacker

he also said it is 80% won in the trenches
Dallas was terrible last year on the offense line and for several different reasons

so even predictable with their line playing in sync and with a rb like Zeke or Demarco they can dominate
You gotta have the horses to run this type of offense. You can't win the Kentucky Derby with a mule.
I gotta admit, I love the offense when it's running on all cylinders.


Wide Right
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I would be curious to see how predictable our offense was during our 3 super bowls.
Different time, different team, different league. The Dallas Cowboys flat out beat you with talent. The talent level was to the point that they could be predictable and there was not a lot the other team could do. Garret wants to run the same offense minus the talent.


Cowboys Diehard
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Having an average offense and an average defense as we do now only serves to obtain average results. We'd best hope to supplement our team talent on both sides of the ball to obtain standup results from now on. Here's hoping our FO wakes up and does what must be done to take our overall talent and the team to the next level in the future. Stephen has been talking a good game lately but it really remains to be seen if we'll follow up with action. The FO will be obliged to put their money where their mouth is from now on if they have any hope be believable and contend. ;)
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Fattening up
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details matter.
getting an advantage matters.
belicheat schemes and schemes to get an advantage down to the inflation of the ball or the various other 'gates'.
'oh, we are still scoring so who cares if the other team knows what we are doing' - that is exactly the lack of drive and details that hungrier teams take advantage of.
it is the entitled attitude of a coaching staff that feels too safe.

the cowboys want to do it so big that i would not come down, so the execution can suck and they still win.
only except when something goes wrong, bad things happen like the 2017 offense.
there is also another cost to doing things big on offense, you have to skimp on defense.
oh we need mlb, too bad, not enough $, draft one or go to bargain bin.
need a 1-tech, sorry the money went to the ol.
need to draft a 1-tech high, sorry we got a mess at lt and lg despite all the money already in the offense

it is calling 'making do with less' in the era of the salary cap.
it takes a drive to get better, cover every scenario and contingency, striving to be the best you can be.
it takes finesse to make do with less.
it takes scheming, planning, hard work, minding the details, and intelligence.
that is apparently not the 2018 cowboys.

You're preaching to the choir when it comes to the imbalance of spending for defense. I've been saying that for years. But there's no getting around the fact that we also obviously have to upgrade OT3.

I still haven't seen any evidence that it's better to be unpredictable because it helps teams score more argument. Some pretty predictable offenses have won a lot of games in this league for a lot of years. If you're going to say it's a liability that must be addressed, show me how.


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There are usually 2 reasons why a team is very predictable on offense:

1. The offensive coordinator and HC don’t care if the defense know what we’re doing, our offense is so good, we believe we can be successful anyway.

2. Our HC and offensive coaches are incapable of being creative enough to operate outside of their own perameters.

#2 :thumbup: There you go


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You're preaching to the choir when it comes to the imbalance of spending for defense. I've been saying that for years. But there's no getting around the fact that we also obviously have to upgrade OT3.

I still haven't seen any evidence that it's better to be unpredictable because it helps teams score more argument. Some pretty predictable offenses have won a lot of games in this league for a lot of years. If you're going to say it's a liability that must be addressed, show me how.

if the rde is beating the crap out of your backup lt, the last thing you want is for the rde to know it is a pass or a run pre-snap.
if the safeties know it is a run, they maybe just a couple yards closer in the box.
if the dl knows a run is coming, may be they will play honest instead of doing a stunt.
they may just blitz or not blitz based on run or pass.
information is so valuable in warfare.

addressing predictability is not hard.
if the oc cannot handle it, then add another coach who will sit in front of the analytics computer to check his play call.
there is enough time between plays.
just like the defense can use analytics, you can check yourself, as others have suggested.
this is elementary.
the fact these tendencies exist MEANS they are not doing these checks.
that is why our coaches are the worst in the league.
no drive to be the best, no planning from a strategic level, no interest in getting better than what they are doing already.
instead of overachieving, they underachieve.
these are basic approaches that the hc must inspire and cultivate.
think of the patriots culture vs. the cowboys culture


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I’m saying I don’t like how predictable we are. Any of it.

Predictability is great if you use it to set up something. We aren’t.

Being predictable is one thing.
Doing something 100% of the time in certain packages is not smart


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Meh. We've got our QB and replacing a LG is not difficult. It wasn't the real issue last season. The issue was replacing the backup LT, which is what we're trying to do this week.

The coaches are competent. Fans just aren't satisfied with the lack of playoff success and would rather change coaches and start long threads about 'predictability' as if it's been the problem all along when the issues have actually largely been on the other side of the ball. But nobody ever wants to talk about legitimately fixing the defense for some reason.
Calvin Ridley in the first bro. That or OG!



Fattening up
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Calvin Ridley in the first bro. That or OG!


How unpredictable would that be?

3 OLs and 2 WRs coming in this week. Oh, and maybe a LB at some point to be determined later. If we can just solve the predictability thing, we ought to be good to go on offense.