Article: Police raid Vick's home, find dog abuse

fanfromvirginia;1470562 said:
I'm a Hokie alum. I didn't donate. I don't much care how much Vick gave. But, to paraphrase Meredith Burgess from Rocky, "He's a bum. He's always been a bum and he'll always be a bum." The sooner the Falcons get rid of his ***, the better.

One felony's all it's going to take.

I know he isnt a good guy.

In no thread can you possibly quote me saying that.

The fact of the matter is he gave $10,000 out of his pocket to help the victims.

You can argue it was a small amount, you can argue his motives and blah blah blah.

BUT, the bottom line is it was a charitable donation to help out a horrific situation.

It was SOMETHING and that SOMETHING was a helluva a lot more than 99.99% of the population.

So yeah, call him a scumbag but about the donation, lay off the man for that... because it really is sad how posters are knocking him for it.

But like I said 12 posts earlier, this topic had enough attention already.

I am going to rest on that.
fanfromvirginia;1470562 said:
I'm a Hokie alum. I didn't donate. I don't much care how much Vick gave. But, to paraphrase Meredith Burgess from Rocky, "He's a bum. He's always been a bum and he'll always be a bum." The sooner the Falcons get rid of his ***, the better.

One felony's all it's going to take.

michael vick is a 24 karat punk.
theogt;1470521 said:
Vick wasn't fighting the dogs. The dogs were fighting each other.

I know it's illegal, but it's a stupid law. They're his dogs -- his property. It's stupid to say he can't fight them if he wants.

Inhumane...brutal...cruel...and illegal.

To see how one treats others one needs to look no further than as to how they treat their pets.

People that do this, and those that support their 'right' to do it are less than human, and show a total lack of decency.
Bob Sacamano;1470571 said:
it's called animal cruelty

hello summer............great to have you back.

i was raising all kind of hell when i saw you were banned.
lane;1470577 said:
hello summer............great to have you back.

i was raising all kind of hell when i saw you were banned.

Funny, I was raising all kinds of hell when I found out they were letting him back.
smarta5150;1470570 said:
I know he isnt a good guy.

In no thread can you possibly quote me saying that.

The fact of the matter is he gave $10,000 out of his pocket to help the victims.

You can argue it was a small amount, you can argue his motives and blah blah blah.

BUT, the bottom line is it was a charitable donation to help out a horrific situation.

It was SOMETHING and that SOMETHING was a helluva a lot more than 99.99% of the population.

So yeah, call him a scumbag but about the donation, lay off the man for that... because it really is sad how posters are knocking him for it.

But like I said 12 posts earlier, this topic had enough attention already.

I am going to rest on that.

Animal cruelty + $10,000 donation do not = vindication. Tell his charity organization his dogs need some donations.

I stand by my belief that this whole "donation" thing was a brilliant move by Vick's agent to improve his public stature. It look like his agent should have covered pet issues too though. He does what he can. Can't be all seeing... Vick needs two full time agents.
smarta5150;1470570 said:
I know he isnt a good guy.

In no thread can you possibly quote me saying that.

The fact of the matter is he gave $10,000 out of his pocket to help the victims.

You can argue it was a small amount, you can argue his motives and blah blah blah.

BUT, the bottom line is it was a charitable donation to help out a horrific situation.

It was SOMETHING and that SOMETHING was a helluva a lot more than 99.99% of the population.

So yeah, call him a scumbag but about the donation, lay off the man for that... because it really is sad how posters are knocking him for it.

But like I said 12 posts earlier, this topic had enough attention already.

I am going to rest on that.
I agree with you about the donation -- sorry if that wasn't clear in the original. I'm focused here on The Dogs that Broke the Camel's Back.
skinsscalper;1470553 said:
That is, by far, the most idiotic statement I have ever read on this board. Dog fighting is inhumane. Period. These animals are typically VERY malnourished, starved to make them more "bloodthirsty, dosed with gunpowder to shortcircuit brain function and increase aggressiveness, and more often than not thrown into a closed environment (with nowhere to run) to fight to the death.

Dog Fighting is purely an attempt at stroking the ego of the dog owner. "My dog beat your dog. I'm better than you". If these tough guys really want to see who's better than who, go man to man. Fight to your own death p***y! What's the matter lost your balls?

Pets aren't "property". Cars are property. Guitars are property. Fine China is property. Dogs are animals, ******. If you can't handle the responsibility of caring and nurturing of an animal, then don't have one. Every one of these guys that takes part in this type of activity (or supports it) should be hung by their vaginas, because they sure don't have any balls! It's the most chicken**** form of entertainment on the planet.


Dogs are property. Goldfish are property. Any wild animal you catch is your property. You may think it's disgusting what other people do to their property. Personally, I think it's disgusting that Eddie Griffin ***** up that Ferarri. But I don't see the point in outlawing the activity.
skinsscalper;1470553 said:
That is, by far, the most idiotic statement I have ever read on this board. Dog fighting is inhumane. Period. These animals are typically VERY malnourished, starved to make them more "bloodthirsty, dosed with gunpowder to shortcircuit brain function and increase aggressiveness, and more often than not thrown into a closed environment (with nowhere to run) to fight to the death.

Dog Fighting is purely an attempt at stroking the ego of the dog owner. "My dog beat your dog. I'm better than you". If these tough guys really want to see who's better than who, go man to man. Fight to your own death p***y! What's the matter lost your balls?

Pets aren't "property". Cars are property. Guitars are property. Fine China is property. Dogs are animals, ******. If you can't handle the responsibility of caring and nurturing of an animal, then don't have one. Every one of these guys that takes part in this type of activity (or supports it) should be hung by their vaginas, because they sure don't have any balls! It's the most chicken**** form of entertainment on the planet.



Good job.
theogt;1470586 said:
Dogs are property. Goldfish are property. Any wild animal you catch is your property. You may think it's disgusting what other people do to their property. Personally, I think it's disgusting that Eddie Griffin ***** up that Ferarri. But I don't see the point in outlawing the activity.

you don't see the point in outlawing the torture of animals?
jackrussell;1470576 said:
Inhumane...brutal...cruel...and illegal.

To see how one treats others one needs to look no further than as to how they treat their pets.

People that do this, and those that support their 'right' to do it are less than human, and show a total lack of decency.
Yes, it's brutal. Yes, it's cruel. No, I wouldn't ever do it. Yes, I would shun someone for doing it. I would call them a horrible, horrible person.

But it's his property. It's not negatively affecting me or you. I don't see the point in controlling what he does with his property unless it has a negative effect on society.
Bob Sacamano;1470588 said:
you don't see the point in outlawing the torture of animals?
I don't see the point in outlawing dog fighting, no. Nor chicken-fighting.
fanfromvirginia;1470565 said:
Then change the damn law, if it offends you so much. Until then, it's a felony.
I don't care enough about the law to lobby to have it changed. I just expressed my opinion.
smarta5150;1470591 said:
What do you guys think about clubbing baby seals?


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