ARTICLE: Stick a fork in the 2006 Washington Commanders

Cbz40;1099897 said:
I must be mellowing in my old advice to a dadgum skins fan. :eek::

It's alright...they NEED ALL THE HELP THEY CAN GET!!! ;)
Cbz40;1099897 said:
Don't you think it's a bit early to be throwing in the towell? There's a long season ahead and you can expect many peaks & valleys. The team that's hot this week can be as cold as an iceberg in two weeks.

Just look at the skins start last year and the way they finished. That in itself should make you think twice before kissing the season goodby.

Too many games to be played and you can expect the unexpected.

I must be mellowing in my old advice to a dadgum skins fan. :eek::

im not essentially, "throwing in the towel", im just saying, the odds are stacked pretty heavily against us right now. We have 10 games left, and we will probably need to o 8-2 in order to make the playoffs. With a pretty certian the colts this week(rogers AND springs are reportedly out), that would mean 8-1 down the stretch, against a group of teams, all of which could be over .500

ghst187;1099895 said:
they didn't have the talent on defense last year to do what they did.
They had some great coaching, scheming, and synergy last year.
This year, I'm not sure what it is. They aren't very talented IMO. They have Springs, who has been out, Taylor, Arch (who is pretty overrated), Salvea (who was outstanding last year but quiet this year), Rogers (who has been disappointing) and who...? The DE's aren't very good, the LBs are pretty average, and the secondary could be pretty good but has a few injuries and one or two weak links.
I think to say the Skins are talented has to be relative to the bottom-feeder teams. They aren't that talented compared to the upper-level teams mainly because people (media and Snyder/Gibbs) overrates a lot of the guys they have picked up the last few offseasons.

The reason GW cant use his regular scheme is because of the injuries. Our secondary is just too bad too bad to leave them out on an island by themselves.
skinsngibbs4life;1099909 said:
Our secondary is just too bad too bad to leave them out on an island by themselves.

too bad, too bad

That bad?

Wow, they must really suck to be...too bad too bad...

skinsngibbs4life;1099921 said:
:rolleyes: you knew what I meant :cool:

Of course I knew what you meant!

You meant...they suck they suck

they stink they stink

they are dogs they are dogs

they are worthless they are worthless

they are...well never mind!

See, I knew what you meant!

silverbear;1099347 said:
I feel the EXACT same way when the subject is Peter Flippin' Angelos and my beloved Orioles...

Never liked Angelos, and apparently, neither do many people in and around Baltimore and DC.

But he's long on talk, short on delivery... at least with the Wizards, we've got Ernie Grunfeld giving them some sense of direction... I like his ability to evaluate talent...

I credit Grunfield with turning this team around. Landing Jamison was money, especially for what we gave up to get him. He's the best GM we've had in two decades and it shows, he made the team competitive in two seasons. I love his ability to spot second round talent, most people don't know he drafted Michael Redd there.

BTW, did ya hear that Jared Jeffries has already gotten hurt for the Knicks?? I'm thinking his problem was too many seasons in close proximity to Jarvis Hayes...

Nah, didn't hear that. I hope Knicks fans have good therapist, their going to need 'em. Also, I try not to think about Jarvis Hayes. I have this misguided hope that if I don't pay him any mind than he won't let me down once again, and get a broken leg from a strong gust of wind. :(
silverbear;1099352 said:
I'm looking forward to seeing Darius Songaila in a Wiz uniform, he seems ideally suited for the offensive scheme they're running... ditto for Dwayne Stephenson, who is the type of perimeter defender they definitely needed...

But most of all, I'm REAL intrigued to see how Andray Blatche has developed... he was pretty dominant in the summer leagues...

Too bad Songalia has been sidelined with an injury for so long. It's going to be difficult for him to get back in game shape and develop chemistry with a whole new team.

Stephenson is a real talent, hopefully we get him to play his best ball for us the way Larry Hughes did. If Blatche plays up to his potential, the East better watch out. If he just gives up 11 and 6 we'll be playoff bound once again.
silverbear;1099358 said:
I think Gilbert would have come in real handy in that loss to Greece...

USA was 2-9 from three point range. Beyond Joe Johnson, Gil was the best 3 point shooter they had.
sbuscha;1099689 said:
Of course you did and I meant the entire forum. I said I have heard you skins fans say your suberbowl bound, and now your crying of injuries. Wow you made yourself look real stupid. Which isn't difficult to do since your a skins fan.

Not hardly. You stated your opinion, which hasn't been proven, and I denied it. Simple as that.

Also, if I'm "crying of injuries" than I'm sure you made no mention of the injuries along your OL in our second meeting last season. Right? ;)
skinsngibbs4life;1099556 said:
switching from FS to corner is completly different than switchin SS to FS

But Sean hasn't been asked to PLAY corner, he's been asked to COVER for the corners... which is definitely part of a FS's job...

I'd also suggest it's easier for a FS to move to CB than it is for a SS to move to FS...
skinsngibbs4life;1099579 said:
I have the utmost respect for Arenas. He is such a class act. He is always around the community do this or than and helping out. He even adopted a boy whos mom died in a car accident. I couldnt be happier to have the wizards led by a guy like him

He can play the game a little, too...
skinsngibbs4life;1099870 said:
of course we were thinking superbowl, we have the talent, we were supposed to have the coaches. We went fairly deep into the playoffs the year before(at least won a game). Why wouldnt we be thinking high? Sometimes things come crashing down, and you can't explain it.

Actually, it isn't difficult at all to explain it...

Last year, you guys stayed real healthy until late in the season... this year, you haven't...

A team as lacking in depth as yours in HAS to stay healthy to stay competitive...

There is also a certain element of "too many chiefs, not enough Indians" about the team, with high powered talent all over the coaching staff... many of those talented coaches harbor aspirations of one day being head coaches (in some cases, again)...
5Stars;1099905 said:
It's alright...they NEED ALL THE HELP THEY CAN GET!!! ;)

Hey, if I saw one of them drowning, I'd certainly toss him an anchor...
NIBGoldenchild;1099981 said:
Never liked Angelos, and apparently, neither do many people in and around Baltimore and DC.

I'm takin' up a collection to pay to have him killed... I accept all major credit cards...

I credit Grunfield with turning this team around. Landing Jamison was money, especially for what we gave up to get him. He's the best GM we've had in two decades and it shows, he made the team competitive in two seasons. I love his ability to spot second round talent, most people don't know he drafted Michael Redd there.

I wasn't sure about Grunfeld when he was hired, but am quite happy with him now...

Also, I try not to think about Jarvis Hayes. I have this misguided hope that if I don't pay him any mind than he won't let me down once again, and get a broken leg from a strong gust of wind. :(

I always figured he'd slip on the ice in the parking lot, and crack his kneecap again...
NIBGoldenchild;1099986 said:
Too bad Songalia has been sidelined with an injury for so long. It's going to be difficult for him to get back in game shape and develop chemistry with a whole new team.

It's a long season, he'll have time to get himself up to speed...

Stephenson is a real talent, hopefully we get him to play his best ball for us the way Larry Hughes did.

He's every bit the defensive player that Larry was, but will never give the Wizards the same offensive potential...

If Blatche plays up to his potential, the East better watch out. If he just gives up 11 and 6 we'll be playoff bound once again.

Naw, I want him to turn into the next Kevin Garnett...

I'm greedy...
NIBGoldenchild;1099988 said:
USA was 2-9 from three point range. Beyond Joe Johnson, Gil was the best 3 point shooter they had.

Yup, that's what I meant... it was a lack of outside shooting that did them in, and Gilbert can knock down the perimeter jumper...
wileedog;1098503 said:
At no point last year was their defense as bad as they played last week against Tenn.

They rode that D to the playoffs last year (see Cowboys, circa 2003). Aint happening this year.

Their defense has looked pretty bad this year, especially last Sunday. But I heard they had two starters on the line out, and started a rookie (Golston) and another scrub. No wonder Henry had a field day.

But even their secondary is awful, which is why they brought in Rumph right before the season (and he still sucks) and why they just brought in Troy Vincent who they hope to squeeze the remaining juice out of. Also, former #1 pick Rogers still looks like a lost rookie.

I hope Peyton lights them up big time this weekend. I'd love to see them 2-5 going into their bye. If 10-6 gets you into the playoffs, they'd have to go 8-2 the rest of the way right now to have a chance. They've already lost 4 and they don't have any more Texans or Titans on their schedule, and they only split with those anyways.

I'm loving every minute of it, especially after they all thought they were SB contenders after making the playoff last year in Gibbs second year back and winning another offseason championship. :laugh2:
silverbear;1100016 said:
He can play the game a little, too...

haha, just a little. I still think he is one of the most underrated players in the league. I love it when he just comes down the court and straighgt up pops a 3 and hits nothing but net. He is amazing to watch.

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