ARTICLE: T.O.'s call got Barry back to 'Bad Boy' self

Chief said:
Totally disagree.

Some players would have been great in any era, and he was one of them.

Bob Feller threw 100 mph in the 1950s. I realize this was long after Babe retired, but the point is, there were flame-throwers a long time ago.

Cy Young, Christy Mathewson, Walter Johnson and Early Wynn. I would also say hitting the fast ball is not hard it only becomes hard when a pitcher has an off speed pitch to go along with it to keep a batter from timing the pitch.
Cowchips said:
# one active bad boy is Ron Artest. TO isnt even close to that level.

# one retired bad boy is OJ Simpson, with Pete Rose a close second.

Way off base with the Pete Rose thing there. He didn't go into the stands and beat anyone up. He certainly didn't slice anyone up. Many more people go on that list before Charlie Hustle, one of the greatest MLB ever seen.

He gambled as a MANAGER...not a PLAYER...
Doomsday101 said:
Athlete back then did not have the same training facilities either. There were also pitchers back then who could bring the heat.

Sure they did Dooms. The local Pub. I'm sure many were of the legendary 10,000 gallon club.:)
thats7 said:
Sure they did Dooms. The local Pub. I'm sure many were of the legendary 10,000 gallon club.:)

Walter Johnson fast ball was at 99 mph.
Cowchips said:
Barry Bonds deserves a title, but it's the modern day title.

In Babe Ruth and Hank Aaron's days, they only saw one pitcher per game. Today with all the specialist roles of short and long relief, they'd be lucky to have 500 home runs each.

People need to grow up and get over this.

Well Barry was on the Juice. Needle drug.

In the NFL - Lifetime ban.
In MLB - look the other way.
I loathe baseball so part of me would love to see more scandals that brings the sport down. :mad:
If all you had to do was take steroids to hit alot of home runs you would think there would be a ton of people hitting 50 bombs a year. I seriously doubt that McGwire, Bonds, Giombia and Sosa where the only ones taking steroids. Hitting is about alot more then strength. Like him or not Bonds is one of best baseball players to ever live, he has 8 gold gloves and had Hall of Fame credentials long before his homerun explosion began.
Doomsday said:
If all you had to do was take steroids to hit alot of home runs you would think there would be a ton of people hitting 50 bombs a year. I seriously doubt that McGwire, Bonds, Giombia and Sosa where the only ones taking steroids. Hitting is about alot more then strength. Like him or not Bonds is one of best baseball players to ever live, he has 8 gold gloves and had Hall of Fame credentials long before his homerun explosion began.

Well then why use them if they are no help? Bonds and the other you mentioned are plain and simple Cheaters of the game and do not belong in the sport.
BrAinPaiNt said:
I loathe baseball so part of me would love to see more scandals that brings the sport down. :mad:

I love the game myself but think the season is just too long.
I really need to start watching baseball - and become a SF Giants fan.

That way - I can have the 3 most hated people in all of sports on my teams!

Kobe, T.O., & Barry.:eek:hboy:
cowheel said:
I really need to start watching baseball - and become a SF Giants fan.

That way - I can have the 3 most hated people in all of sports on my teams!

Kobe, T.O., & Barry.:eek:hboy:

A Laker and Cowboy fan, youre not a front runner r u? :lmao:
barry bonds will never compare to babe ruth. everyone knows bonds cheated and was juiced when he hit all those home runs. he's a bum, i can't wait for him to retire, and he can take his self righteous attitude and blow it out his rear. Forget this guy. :shoot2:
Its amazing at the arrogance of some that claim Babe Ruth would not be great today. Every expert, coach, etc when asked have all said that Babe would be just as great today. But for some logic and common sense just don't compute.
On the topic of Babe Ruth, not only was he excellent at the plate, but he was also pretty damn good on the mound.

In the 1916 world series Ruth pitched a complete 14 inning game, winning by a score of 2 - 1.

In his world series appearances he pitched a total of 29 2/3rds scoreless innings. Alot of his hitting records are falling (or have fallen already) but many of his pitching records still stand.
i dont like the fact that to is using a phone
he should be locked in a weight room with no means with only himslef and bledsoe until the season starts

i knew this would happen if we signed him....

Doomsday said:
A Laker and Cowboy fan, youre not a front runner r u? :lmao:
Front Runner?
Please son... I've been a Cowboys and Lakers fan for 30 years.

I've been with both thru the good AND bad times.
Barry Bonds is the greatest jerk in baseball history but I still love the way he swings the bat and crushes the ball.
Longboysfan said:
Well Barry was on the Juice. Needle drug.

In the NFL - Lifetime ban.
In MLB - look the other way.

Yes, just ask Lyle always had a policy about steroids!!

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