ARTICLE: T.O.'s call got Barry back to 'Bad Boy' self

koolaid said:
i dont like the fact that to is using a phone
he should be locked in a weight room with no means with only himslef and bledsoe until the season starts

i knew this would happen if we signed him....


Not too worry..I suspect when the best receiver and most accurate long passer in football connect, we are all going to be very pleased with the results.
jay cee said:
I will add that Aaron faced the best that baseball had to offer, while I would estimate that at least 10 percent of the players that Ruth faced would not even have been in the majors, if not for the ban on black players.

1. There were less teams back then, so the talent was far less diluted.

2. If your argument had merit, if Ruth hit a lot of homers simply because 10% of the league shouldn't have been there, then you would have seen a lot of hitters hitting that many home runs. But you didn't. Ruth was hitting 50 and 60 home runs at a time when WHOLE TEAMS COMBINED hit that amount.
Cowchips said:
The Babe would not even get the bat around with a pitcher like Clemens or Martinez, it is so much faster and more accurate today.

That's nonsense. If Ruth could hit Walter Johnson (which he did), he could hit ANYBODY today.
Doomsday101 said:
I love the game myself but think the season is just too long.

I hate this argument.

MLB season starts in April and ends in October - 7 months.

NHL season starts in October and ends in June - 9 months.

NBA season starts in November and ends in June - 8 months.

I know they squeeze in almost twice as many games in a baseball season, but time wise the season is the second shortest of the major team sports, shorter than the NBA and NHL.
genghiskhan said:
I hate this argument.

MLB season starts in April and ends in October - 7 months.

NHL season starts in October and ends in June - 9 months.

NBA season starts in November and ends in June - 8 months.

I know they squeeze in almost twice as many games in a baseball season, but time wise the season is the second shortest of the major team sports, shorter than the NBA and NHL.

Yep. I think that the NBA and NHL have too many games too. We wont count Soccer for this post.

I like baseball enough and played several years as a kid. But there are entirely too many games.

I think Hockey might be the toughest game to play in all of major sports, but there are too many games for a sport that many americans still havent embraced. And I stopped watching after the strike.

An NBA player might need to be the best conditioned and most athletic of all major sports. Yet with so many games the chance of injury is that much greater.

I know I forgot something, so forgive me.
Cowchips said:
Barry Bonds deserves a title, but it's the modern day title.

No, he doesn't... he cheated to get that "title", so it's utterly WORTHLESS...

People need to grow up and get over this.

Including you... but you also need to go find yourself a sense of right and wrong...

Bonds should be given the Rose treatment, suspended from baseball permanently, and denied entry in the Hall of Fame forever... what he's done to baseball is every bit as bad as what Rose did... worse, actually...

The opinion of a billion Bonds groupies like you won't change that simple fact-- he CHEATED, period... without all the chemical enhancement, he probably doesn't get a sniff of 500 homers either... in fact, he probably would have been out of the game altogether 3-5 years back...

If MLB allows records to stand that were only achieved by cheating, then none of their records is worth a crap... Bonds cheapens the game, and the game cheapens itself if it stands still for his cheating...
Hoov said:
yeah, tired of all the steroids talk.

It doesn't bother you that players all across MLB are cheating to achieve success??

todays pitchers are better than the pitchers in those days,

And yet, the bulk of the game's 300 game winners come from the earlier era... been a while since anybody has approached that milestone in baseball, and it's highly unlikely that anybody will again in my lifetime...
jazzcat22 said:
Way off base with the Pete Rose thing there. He didn't go into the stands and beat anyone up. He certainly didn't slice anyone up. Many more people go on that list before Charlie Hustle, one of the greatest MLB ever seen.

He gambled as a MANAGER...not a PLAYER...

And in doing so, he crapped all over the game he professes to love...

Exactly the way ol' juice-head Bonds crapped all over the game with HIS cheating...
txlonghorn14 said:
barry bonds will never compare to babe ruth. everyone knows bonds cheated and was juiced when he hit all those home runs. he's a bum, i can't wait for him to retire, and he can take his self righteous attitude and blow it out his rear. Forget this guy. :shoot2:

There is good news, pal, and it doesn't involve the juicer placing a call to Geico...

Regardless of what happens from here on, Bonds' name will be like Rose's, and will never be mentioned by true sports fans without a sneer of contempt... he has made himself illegitimate, and will remain illegitimate forever... when the record books mention him, knowledgeable baseball fans will ALL think of one thing, and one thing only:


This may be a fitting punishment for a guy who seems obsessed with his place in history, his place in the game... his place is assured-- as a villain...

To me, it's simple-- if Bonds could have done what he's done without the juice, he would have done so... he resorted to chemical enhancement precisely because he knew he couldn't get where he wanted to go without him...

As hard as this sounds, if I one day read that Bonds has terminal cancer a la Lyle Alzado, I'll consider it karmic justice... he chose to take the crap that could cause that kind of thing...
silverbear said:
And yet, the bulk of the game's 300 game winners come from the earlier era... been a while since anybody has approached that milestone in baseball, and it's highly unlikely that anybody will again in my lifetime...

I agree with your overall point, but Greg Maddux has about 320 wins. I think he passed 300 in 2004. Glavine is something like 18 away from 300 and the way he's been pitching he'll probably get it pretty soon (I certainly hope the next year or so will still be in your lifetime ;) ). Clemens has won almost 350...he'll likely pass 350 if he pitches this year.

But your overall point I agree with. Guys like Mathewson, Walter Johnson, Alexander, and lot of other guys were just as good as anyone pitching today.
silverbear said:
And in doing so, he crapped all over the game he professes to love...

Exactly the way ol' juice-head Bonds crapped all over the game with HIS cheating...
Level playiong field I say.

If they had been testing for steroids for the last 20 years - 90% of the league would have been busted.

Damn near everybody in baseball uses performance enhancers.

Where was all of this talk whin McGwire was knocking them 4 miles?
The world rejoiced with his every at bat even!

IMO, Barry is without a doubt the G.O.A.T.
Whether you hate him or not...
WoodysGirl said:
When he actually hit the second-inning shot off A's left-hander Brad Halsey, Bonds ran the bases with something akin to a scowl. He hugged and kissed his son, Nikolai, who met him at home plate. But when he was greeted at the dugout by teammates,took a couple of curtain calls and then sat for a long period by himself afterward, he looked more like a guy who gave up the historic home run rather than hitting it.

that's Bonds in nutshell, he's an arsehole
superpunk said:
Totally...I mean, what real advatage do you gain by pumping yourself up to gargantuan proportions artificially, and illegally - until your head is the size of a small planet?

roids did that to Bond's head, not his ego ;)
genghiskhan said:
I agree with your overall point, but Greg Maddux has about 320 wins. I think he passed 300 in 2004. Glavine is something like 18 away from 300 and the way he's been pitching he'll probably get it pretty soon (I certainly hope the next year or so will still be in your lifetime ;) ). Clemens has won almost 350...he'll likely pass 350 if he pitches this year.

Looks like I lipped off without knowing what I was talking about... thanks for settin' me straight on this one...

Obviously, I don't follow baseball as closely as I do football... however, I have a legitimate excuse-- I'm an Orioles fan... my favorite baseball team hasn't played entertaining baseball in a long, long time...
cowheel said:
Level playiong field I say.

If they had been testing for steroids for the last 20 years - 90% of the league would have been busted.

Damn near everybody in baseball uses performance enhancers.

And if anybody setting a MLB record is proven to have used "perfomance enhancers", then his records should be taken out of the books...

IMO, Barry is without a doubt the G.O.A.T.
Whether you hate him or not...

The "Greatest of All Time" wouldn't have to CHEAT to achieve that status... in fact, Bonds should be denied entry in the the Baseball Hall of Fame for his actions...
As far as I know Bonds has never failed a drug/steroid test. Case closed.

He deserves no asterisk, he deserves his place in the hall, he deserves all of the accolades.
genghiskhan said:
I hate this argument.

MLB season starts in April and ends in October - 7 months.

NHL season starts in October and ends in June - 9 months.

NBA season starts in November and ends in June - 8 months.

I know they squeeze in almost twice as many games in a baseball season, but time wise the season is the second shortest of the major team sports, shorter than the NBA and NHL.

162 games? Too many games. Don't get me wrong I do enjoy baseball but they play way too many meaningless games
SkinsandTerps said:
As far as I know Bonds has never failed a drug/steroid test. Case closed.

He deserves no asterisk, he deserves his place in the hall, he deserves all of the accolades.

I don't recall him failing a drug test either.

Everybody in the baseball record book - including the Babe - could have been on the juice. Who knows? Did they test them?

Bottom line - he's never tested positive, and most everybody else on the list was never tested at all.

Babe would walk out on the field drunk as hell and still knock 'em out. LOL
SkinsandTerps said:
As far as I know Bonds has never failed a drug/steroid test. Case closed.

All that proves is that the boys at Balco were ahead of the whole drug testing thing...

He deserves no asterisk, he deserves his place in the hall, he deserves all of the accolades.

Do you REALLY think that he's done nothing against MLB rules?? You might want to reread what I wrote, about how if a player is PROVEN to have taken steroids, he ought to have any records he might set removed from the books...

So, unless you do think that he's totally innocent of the charges, what you seem to be saying is so long as he's able to get away with cheating, he should still be admitted to the HOF...

'Scuse me if I think that's an absurd position to take... I'm a lifelong Orioles fan, and was once upon a time a Rafael Palmeiro fan... that ended the day it became clear that he used the juice...
silverbear said:
All that proves is that the boys at Balco were ahead of the whole drug testing thing...

Or that baseball didnt care whether their players were users. When you think about it baseball pre McGuire/Sosa run was losing steam fast. People tuned in by the truckloads just to see a bit of history. People who had forgotten about the game started watching again. Both Mc and Sammy have been acused of using.

silverbear said:
Do you REALLY think that he's done nothing against MLB rules?? You might want to reread what I wrote, about how if a player is PROVEN to have taken steroids, he ought to have any records he might set removed from the books...

So, unless you do think that he's totally innocent of the charges, what you seem to be saying is so long as he's able to get away with cheating, he should still be admitted to the HOF...

'Scuse me if I think that's an absurd position to take... I'm a lifelong Orioles fan, and was once upon a time a Rafael Palmeiro fan... that ended the day it became clear that he used the juice...

To take a line from A Few Good Men, 'It doesnt matter what I know, only what I can prove'.

Maybe he did maybe he didnt. Honestly I could assume that he has, but truly there is no evidence to prove that he has. Nothing but hearsay and conjecture.

So from that aspect, the man is considered clean in my book. Thus he deserves his place in history as one of the greats.

And I am not a Bonds fan either.

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