Artificial Intelligence is Re-Shaping the World


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Funny thing about people using these A.I.'s is that people are training and creating it

It is the same thing that facebook did when people uploaded pictures as they aged and trained facial recognition a.i. China and Vegas are thankful

The same thing with online gaming, which out of the listed examples, is the only a.i. I have contributed to
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Funny thing about people using these A.I.'s is that people are training and creating it
To some degree people are willingly training it.

But far more so people's data is being used without their knowledge or permission, in training. These bigger AI systems have ingested virtually all the books and articles ever written.


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To some degree people are willingly training it.

But far more so people's data is being used without their knowledge or permission, in training. These bigger AI systems have ingested virtually all the books and articles ever written.
Very true, data is big bucks. Another example in regards to data and a.i. is in the field of biologicals. The leading company in england for testing of the virus a few years ago got busted for selling everyones biological data, and I am sure there were many other companies/countries as well. That along with anecestry and another d.n.a company were selling peoples biological data.

In my opinion, the a.i. everyone should be worried about is in the biological fields, bio sensors, nanotech, dna manipulation, etc


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In my opinion, the a.i. everyone should be worried about is in the biological fields, bio sensors, nanotech, dna manipulation, etc
Eliezer Yudkowsky, one of the earliest and most articulate experts warning people about AI has also expressed:
NanoTech + AI control and errant goals could equal the end of humanity on the planet.


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One ongoing problem with AI systems is "jail-breaking" where users can trick the system to answer things it has been explicitly designed not to answer. Or to function outside of designed guard rails.

It's discussed in the provided video, though I don't believe without anywhere near the seriousness deserved. Jailbreaking an iPhone isn't going to hurt someone. Jailbreaking a Super-Intelligence in the near future?!



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I asked the ChatGPT what today's date is and it gave me the correct date. I asked the ChatGPT how it knows what today's date is, and it basically said sorry, that i am correct, and that it doesn't know the date and just took a guess. I asked how it's guessing could be so accurate and it said the same thing all over again. The ChatGPT knows how to lie, be careful.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
I think all these people freaking out over AI are just Karen’s moving from one topic to another. Media driven hysteria. Markers can be introduced to the AI realm so that the output is easily identifiable as AI created. That’s just 1 example how AI will be regulated.

So instead of freaking out and running to the basement checking supplies, embrace and enjoy the revolution that’s coming.


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I think all these people freaking out over AI are just Karen’s moving from one topic to another. Media driven hysteria. Markers can be introduced to the AI realm so that the output is easily identifiable as AI created. That’s just 1 example how AI will be regulated.

So instead of freaking out and running to the basement checking supplies, embrace and enjoy the revolution that’s coming.
"embrace and enjoy the revolution that's coming"

I think you should cement this into your memory, and see if it holds true


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The only thing bad about AI or automation in general is that it replaces jobs. If people can't find work, that's bad for business too.


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I think all these people freaking out over AI are just Karen’s moving from one topic to another. Media driven hysteria. Markers can be introduced to the AI realm so that the output is easily identifiable as AI created. That’s just 1 example how AI will be regulated.

So instead of freaking out and running to the basement checking supplies, embrace and enjoy the revolution that’s coming.
Don’t worry bros, it’s all under control.



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The only thing bad about AI or automation in general is that it replaces jobs. If people can't find work, that's bad for business too.
It’s not bad for business, business will employ AI to take those workers jobs at a much cheaper rate, no insurance, no vacation, 100hr workweeks and no Karen’ing at all! It’s great for biusiness!


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It’s not bad for business, business will employ AI to take those workers jobs at a much cheaper rate, no insurance, no vacation, 100hr workweeks and no Karen’ing at all! It’s great for biusiness!
Right. If every business did that they'd go broke. That's what I meant. People need money for businesses to make money.


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It’s not bad for business, business will employ AI to take those workers jobs at a much cheaper rate, no insurance, no vacation, 100hr workweeks and no Karen’ing at all! It’s great for biusiness!

Heck, managing people is the only hard part about running a business. You want a break or days off when company is saying its due tomorrow? You want a raise but i don’t have the gumption to tell you I could find anyone able to do your job? I have to deal with your baggage from home? You have some newly discovered disability that has federal guidelines? No more!

But the reality Is will all that extra cash increase livelihoods? Probably not. Corporations were built for one purpose only - make money. But for some genius programmers and robotic engineers, they have a great life to look forward to. Not that there’s anything wrong with being paid for your talent and hard work. Don’t let your kids put on the pads and think they have a career in the NFL. Get them behind those monitors and Star Trek reruns!


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I'm a silly fool...sure don't know much. Do try to consider what the greatest minds are saying, esp. when they aren't pitching for their company/interests.

So here are some big minds and AI experts...and what they say.

“Unless we learn how to prepare for, and avoid, the potential risks, AI could be the worst event in the history of our civilization.”

-Stephen Hawking (near death)

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“The most likely result of building a superhumanly smart AI, under anything remotely like the current circumstances, is that literally everyone on Earth will die. Not as in ‘maybe possibly some remote chance,' but as in ‘that is the obvious thing that would happen.' … If somebody builds a too-powerful AI, under present conditions, I expect that every single member of the human species and all biological life on Earth dies shortly thereafter.”

-Eliezer Yudkowsky, Co-founder and research fellow at the Machine Intelligence Research Institute

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"First of all, I tremendously respect Eliezer Yudkowsky and his thinking. Second, I do share his view that there's a pretty large chance that we're not going to make it as humans. There won't be any humans on the planet in the not-too-distant future. And that makes me very sad. We just had a little baby and I keep asking myself how old is even going to get?"

-Max Tegmark, physicist, cosmologist and machine learning researcher. Professor at MIT

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"Don’t Look Up … but AGI instead of comet”

-Elon Musk

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“The alarm bell I’m ringing has to do with the existential threat of them taking control. I used to think it was a long way off, but I now think it's serious and fairly close.”

-Geoffrey Hinton, widely regarded as “GodFather of AI"


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Ilya Sutskever co-founded and serves as Chief Scientist of OpenAI (creator of ChatGPT). His tweet this week:
