I just got off of the phone with them. I'm trying to exchange my new iPhone 5 which was received 33 days ago and apparently they reduced their 30 return policy--oops excuse me. It's called a "buyers remorse period" to 14 days. I don't feel remorse, I feel scammed. I actually found a part of their site that said 30 days for an exchange and all the women wanted was the url so they could fix it. I said no.
I've been having a massive amount of problems with my wifi on the phone. I actually thought it was Cablevision which always has problems so I've had them here at least 4 times the past month trying to remedy it. Apparently, tons of iPhone 5 users are having wifi issues. Sometimes it takes forever to load a simple website. Sometimes it will constantly lose connection to the network. This happens over and over once you regain the connection. I'm constantly turning wifi off just so I can browse the internet.
I want to switch to the Galaxy S3 and I'm wondering if anyone has any solutions. I've thought about contacting Apple and seeing if they will refund me for the money I've put out but that seems highly unlikely. Still may be worth a shot.
I've also thought about just selling the iPhone on ebay or amazon and then just buying a full priced galaxy s3. I have no idea how that would work though. Anyone have any experience with that?
Any suggestions would be appreciated. I can get a new iPhone 5 easily but why would I want a phone tons of people are having the same problem with even after receiving a new phone.