Audio: Hugh Douglas 'Never knew which T.O. you were gonna get'

DuaneThomas71;2594857 said:
So to summarize:

Hugh Douglas started a fight with Terrell Owens, then went on the radio and complained about him being mentally unstable?

What a great man.

dcfanatic;2594861 said:
Now that summary is an 'agenda' if I ever saw one.

You left out the parts where he defends Owens.

Why? Because he also said some negative stuff too.

That's why.

I was referring to the article you posted pertaining to the incident. His actions were bush league.

At any rate, I don't particularly care for his take on the situation given that he is obviously biased.
dcfanatic;2594847 said:
Just guessing, but I think Hugh Douglas would take you and throw you out into space if you ever stepped to him.

Wow, you think a 6'2" 280 lb. ex-defensive end might take me in a fight? You're a real gambler, aren't you?

He probably would but that doesn't change what went on in that locker room...
DuaneThomas71;2594867 said:
I was referring to the article you posted pertaining to the incident. His actions were bush league.

At any rate, I don't particularly care for his take on the situation given that he is obviously biased.

Umm, that's why I called him a buffoon.

But he did share a locker room with Terrell Owens.

So he somewhat has a voice about what may be going on in Dallas right now.
dcfanatic;2594834 said:

You didn't even listen to the interview.

Douglas says they never came to blows and he actually sticks up for Terrell Owens quite a bit in here.

But you just do what you do which is blab on without any knowledge.

No offense bro but whats he going to say on the radio? Oh yeah TO kicked my butt but that doesn't, in anyway, cloud my judgement on the man.

Come on now.
Hugh Douglas said TO does not think or process information like the rest of us and you have to treat him different. He even said something like "Some people think TO may be a Cancer in the locker room and that may be true to a certain extent"
About the fight he said it never came to blows but they did have words. Much of it is because TO does not communicate with you when he gets mad. he just quits talking to you. Then one of the other guys said TO will still talk to the media about who he is mad at. Hugh said yes but he will not talk to you.

Pretty obvious TO is a psychopath and a legend in his own mind.
The Curly One;2594885 said:
Hugh Douglas said TO does not think or process information like the rest of us and you have to treat him different. He even said something like "Some people think TO may be a Cancer in the locker room and that may be true to a certain extent"
About the fight he said it never came to blows but they did have words. Much of it is because TO does not communicate with you when he gets mad. he just quits talking to you. Then one of the other guys said TO will still talk to the media about who he is mad at. Hugh said yes but he will not talk to you.

Pretty obvious TO is a psychopath and a legend in his own mind.

I'm not sure in any of the stuff you posted there where Douglas was supposed to have stood up for TO but nothing you posted there sounds much like him standing up for him. lol
BraveHeartFan;2594888 said:
I'm not sure in any of the stuff you posted there where Douglas was supposed to have stood up for TO but nothing you posted there sounds much like him standing up for him. lol

Yeah, but Curly is right. He did pretty much stick up for him the entire interview. He said what Witten did -- and like someone said, he seems positive it was Witten -- was worse than what TO did in Philly.

And he said the whole reason TO had it out for McNabb is that TO though McNabb didn't stand for him enough as far as getting a new contract. Boom, that was it -- TO had made up his mind McNabb was stabbing him in the back and that was it.

Then Huge would say, "I'm not defending TO"... But he pretty much was, on almost every issue.

The whole thing is really weird. Like several people have said, this thing seems to have some kind of racial undertone to it somehow. You almost can't discuss that kind of thing without getting in trouble, so I won't do it. :) But that's the feeling I get.

And that's a real shame.
The Curly One;2594885 said:
Hugh Douglas said TO does not think or process information like the rest of us and you have to treat him different. He even said something like "Some people think TO may be a Cancer in the locker room and that may be true to a certain extent"
About the fight he said it never came to blows but they did have words. Much of it is because TO does not communicate with you when he gets mad. he just quits talking to you. Then one of the other guys said TO will still talk to the media about who he is mad at. Hugh said yes but he will not talk to you.

Pretty obvious TO is a psychopath and a legend in his own mind.

I don't know, personally I would think it would have more to do with Douglas accusing him of faking injuries than anything else.
Who's Hugh Douglas???

Oh yeah.................another Eagle without a ring.
Thanks for the audio DCFanatic.

And who said Hugh Douglas got his butt whooped by Terrell Owens? Multiple sources said there was only about 2-3 punches thrown by both men and then it was promptly broken up. Afterwards, both Hugh Douglas and Terrell Owens said it wasn't a big fight.

Interesting, Hugh Douglas says that Terrell Owens believed Donovan McNabb stabbed him in the back because Donovan McNabb didn't publicly lobby for Terrell Owens to get a new contract.

So it wasn't a lack of leadership on the field on Donovan McNabb's part.

So it wasn't Donovan McNabb being jealous of Terrell Owens.

"You gotta deal with Terrell Owens like you deal with a 5 year old." - Hugh Douglas. That's almost sig worthy material right there.
lewpac;2594927 said:
Who's Hugh Douglas???

Oh yeah.................another Eagle without a ring.

Just like Terrell Owens and just about every Dallas Cowboy on the roster.
dcfanatic;2594817 said:
Hugh Douglas on with Mosley and Estridge

Like I said a millon times already.

Terrell Owens is a 9 year old in a 35 year old body.

Give him a permanent timeout Jerry Jones!!!

I love how Hugh Douglas has already pegged Jason Witten as Werder's source, lol.

Douglas is a buffoon.

I dont get it. You accept what he says about TO but he is a buffoon for saying something about witten, while witten says TO is a good team member that wants to win.
Unluckily for me i live right outside of philadelphia and took great pleasure in the suffering TO put the eagles fans through.

I feel the TO eagles issue was not entirely the fault of Owens. How he handled it and how it ended was though. The eagles gave him a suckers contract and Drew Rosenhaus exposed it as one. The eagles organization took advantage of the situation owens had with his old agent in SF that made him no longer a free agent so he really lost most of the bargaining power free agents had.

The shame is that TO is a very charismatic person that people would easily love if he would learn to handle his emotions in a more mature way. He seems like as soon as a situation can become emotional he goes over the top. His past will always haunt him. He has become paranoid.

I dont dislike Owens at all. I remember when he got punked by Ashton Kutcher on MTV and even then he seemed like a caring person. He is a competitor. Almost to a fault. I worry that when TO can no longer play football he may one day do something harmful to himself. When he is no longer getting the spotlight. When no one cares about what he says or thinks. I do not know him so i can only have an opinion like we all have. But i really hope he gets mental help if he needs it. I am still not sure his accidental overdose was really and accident a few years back. I think he could really be troubled and when the celebrity sports star is removed from him title he may not be able to handle just being Terrell Owens the man.
superonyx;2595001 said:
Unluckily for me i live right outside of philadelphia and took great pleasure in the suffering TO put the eagles fans through.

I feel the TO eagles issue was not entirely the fault of Owens. How he handled it and how it ended was though. The eagles gave him a suckers contract and Drew Rosenhaus exposed it as one. The eagles organization took advantage of the situation owens had with his old agent in SF that made him no longer a free agent so he really lost most of the bargaining power free agents had.

The shame is that TO is a very charismatic person that people would easily love if he would learn to handle his emotions in a more mature way. He seems like as soon as a situation can become emotional he goes over the top. His past will always haunt him. He has become paranoid.

I dont dislike Owens at all. I remember when he got punked by Ashton Kutcher on MTV and even then he seemed like a caring person. He is a competitor. Almost to a fault. I worry that when TO can no longer play football he may one day do something harmful to himself. When he is no longer getting the spotlight. When no one cares about what he says or thinks. I do not know him so i can only have an opinion like we all have. But i really hope he gets mental help if he needs it. I am still not sure his accidental overdose was really and accident a few years back. I think he could really be troubled and when the celebrity sports star is removed from him title he may not be able to handle just being Terrell Owens the man.

Not that I follow it closely enough for my opinion to mean anything but I actually wonder just the opposite because he seems from reports to be a gracious and caring guy to the average joe like the guy he helped who'd been hit by a car recently.

I actually feel sorry for the guy almost anyway you slice this.

If its all fabricated, his name is really being drug through the mud.

If he's guilty as charged I think its most likely a dysfunction he has yet to be able to subdue and yet the consequences extract a very heavy price. I'm not saying he's a victim, just apparently unable to this point to help himself.

If he gets released in Dallas I truly think his NFL days may be over.
Maikeru-sama;2594931 said:
"You gotta deal with Terrell Owens like you deal with a 5 year old." - Hugh Douglas. That's almost sig worthy material right there.

Sig worthy material, and true, but it's coming from a guy who got his butt kicked in front of everyone by BO.
CoCo;2595018 said:
If he gets released in Dallas I truly think his NFL days may be over.

Agreed CoCo. I just can't see a team taking a chance on the guy.

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