Bandwagon Fans

Wait for the Pigeon English.. then he will tell you to "eat, crap and die".. its his fav comeback.
Hello, buddy, I talk more than two sentences...I leave you ground to talk more than tummy bumps you like. Want to discuss the secondary going into this off season? Can you as well.? Or do you apply to the well fare counter for liars as well?

All NCO's know the phrase of bite off the head and pee down the nub as familiar as well, curb side? But you would yearn to be told: roll over, eat crap, and die' That makes you on the level of a slug. Bald head rook...with no time in grade.

Maybe you can talk some intelligence about linebackers now. and beat the labels of liar and coward now.

Your turnsie, curb side.
Hello, buddy, I talk more than two sentences...I leave you ground to talk more than tummy bumps you like. Want to discuss the secondary going into this off season? Can you as well.? Or do you apply to the well fare counter for liars as well?

All NCO's know the phrase of bite off the head and pee down the nub as familiar as well, curb side? But you would yearn to be told: roll over, eat crap, and die' That makes you on the level of a slug. Bald head rook...with no time in grade.

Maybe you can talk some intelligence about linebackers now. and beat the labels of liar and coward now.

Your turnsie, curb side.
lol.. you are absolutely priceless.. as annoyed as I am with the Cowboys.. its nice that your posts make me laugh.. well.. some.. some others I just go huh?

I would never block you, you are too much fun :)
Those who say, ”I’ll believe they can go all they way when/if I see it.”
Come on. Respectfully, that's just not accurate. A fan wants his team to win, and sticks with his team, but there's no requirement to be delusional. Were fans of this team obligated to believe we'll win a championship in 1989? We were coming off a 3 and 13 season, and were starting all over with a new coach. Anyone capable of evaluating evidence would have concluded that a championship, and even a playoff run, was extremely unlikely. This current team is a lot better than that '89 team of course, but the point is that a fan can evaluate how a team is performing and have an opinion on whether or not a championship is in reach. Judging from our mess of a disorganized loss to Green Bay in the playoffs, my belief is that a championship next season is unlikely. It doesn't mean I'm not for my team. I would be thrilled and delighted to be proven wrong. However, I've been disappointed for 28 years now. I don't want to get my hopes up, and I was saying that before the Green Bay game. I did believe we had a really good chance to win, but I also recognized that Green Bay would come to play and would have a chance to win. I kept saying that the Green Bay game was the only one I was concerned with. I correctly pointed out that there would be no other playoff games if we didn't win that one. That doesn't mean that's what I wanted to happen. To me it made no sense to be planning for an NFC Championship against San Francisco when we didn't even know if that would even happen. "One game at a time" may be a cliché, but it's a cliché because it's true. Whether or not a fan honestly believes his team can win a game or not has nothing to do with how much he's for his team or how much he wants them to win. If we had somehow advanced to play San Fran, I would have been honest that we're underdogs. That doesn't mean I wouldn't passionately wanted the Cowboys to win. We've won as underdogs before, though that seems like a long time ago.

Two of the Zone members will always believe at least.
Explain the humor here, ' I am Don Quixote, man of La Mancha.' and why a hispanic child would be saying, ewwwwwwww.'

Go ahead and explain...

Mancha in Spanish means the appearance of drooling as a bear...

in Classical Spanish of la Mancha means a man from the city of Mancha.

Now run back and try to at least explain football correctly.

But the humor here is that Don Quixote was used to symbolize the fighting of dragons as representing that age ruling elements fighting dragons of their own.

Kind of like the people only talking insults on site...they have their own dragons now.

It really doesn't take a Miguel de Cervantes to point out similar bias in insulters only, here on site.
It's not my fault you buy into the snake oil every year. Someday you will get fed up enough too. I was in your shoes once.
Keep on pounding your own chest and do your own chest are the one who gave up and quit, not me. Run along now Pinnochio.
Keep on pounding your own chest and do your own chest are the one who gave up and quit, not me. Run along now Pinnochio.
Lol you think you have some high ground sticking by Jerry and loving how he runs the show. You can still be a fan and be critical of the organization. It's ok to be frustrated it doesn't mean you aren't a fan anymore.
28 yrs and counting... There aren't any band wagon fans, only suckers and loyal true fans at this point.
Naw, some enjoy buying into lies and insults instead figure what the real affecting actions and techniques are beyond accusing levels of position of leadership using frustration points instead of real analysis with projected techniques. Not whipping boy emotions. Archie Bunkers....All in the Family!

Yaw call every one else Meat Heads. No, there were four shooters in the Dallas assassination!

The Mafia was angry from being kicked out of Cuba with their casinos and cash flows and Kennedy didn't follow through on the Bay of Pigs....but that is another story.
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Explain the humor here, ' I am Don Quixote, man of La Mancha.' and why a hispanic child would be saying, ewwwwwwww.'

Go ahead and explain...

Mancha in Spanish means the appearance of drooling as a bear...

in Classical Spanish of la Mancha means a man from the city of Mancha.

Now run back and try to at least explain football correctly.

But the humor here is that Don Quixote was used to symbolize the fighting of dragons as representing that age ruling elements fighting dragons of their own.

Kind of like the people only talking insults on site...they have their own dragons now.

It really doesn't take a Miguel de Cervantes to point out similar bias in insulters only, here on site.
Why choose a gimmick to speak with. I mean you are obviously intelligent and the point of communication is to get your message across. But instead of being interested in communicating with someone else, you have the gimmick, and for what? To boost your own ego? It certainly, isn't to teach or show someone the error of their ways, seems more like something for ones own amusement. But the gimmick itself is far from perfected, because some obvious fallacies come through. For instance an earlier claim that the OP was posting about football and someone else wasn't, and then the bit about insulters when you mean to insult yourself. Certainly, the above post isn't in posted in good faith.
Lol you think you have some high ground sticking by Jerry and loving how he runs the show. You can still be a fan and be critical of the organization. It's ok to be frustrated it doesn't mean you aren't a fan anymore.
Not at all, buddy, those are your thought process. Liar.
Why choose a gimmick to speak with. I mean you are obviously intelligent and the point of communication is to get your message across. But instead of being interested in communicating with someone else, you have the gimmick, and for what? To boost your own ego? It certainly, isn't to teach or show someone the error of their ways, seems more like something for ones own amusement. But the gimmick itself is far from perfected, because some obvious fallacies come through. For instance an earlier claim that the OP was posting about football and someone else wasn't, and then the bit about insulters when you mean to insult yourself. Certainly, the above post isn't in posted in good faith.
No, that is your process. Why do you all run from talking about real play level considerations beyond specific positional responses and real solutions in technique and resourced evaluations of talent as well as cash flow strengths developed.

I, myself, have two National Defense ribbons, no thumb on my right hand and a plate in my 'good' hand, curbside. You call that not posted in good faith. I to your face all you did was not football related, and disrespectful.

Truth is truth, and it really doesn't matter where applied. There is no good way to do the wrong thing...and now that hits home. You really don't care for full truth as well as shown you would prefer to call stupid and ungenuine really showing more than a coward's road. Hiding behind emotion instead of the full truth.

You guys won't even talk fully about the whole picture...only on a personal venting route.

No gimmick is implied here.

You are a coward and liar concerning what has been said and objected too. Get lost or talk football, not a non stop round of blaming some one for not winning all in sport.

I've seen it all in Dallas...but I respect the sport and my team. Not in my own bragging instead of at least respecting sacrifices of those actually involved. Now, you want to move past a sporting basis, Let's get to the unrestrained to it! :popcorn: :hammer:

Maybe YOU can explain the value of this current group of cornerbacks and how and why they should be re-uped. Show more than just your own butt. Or is that now too much for you to carry in a sporting vein.

What you miss is ethical respect. I'll talk principals and football with you any to what you present, you are being a coward in discussion for your own sense of fullfillment. That belongs to a coward and liar. If that is what you claim now as your stance...sorry, buddy, that's on you. I didn't take you to raise and don't intend to. I paid my dues before you felt important enough to insult me for having done my real parts. I don't care if you like that an ounce.
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