Belicheat fined 500,000 and draft choices...*Merge*

I've never seen NFL fans this united. Almost every board I've seen has a thread wishing well for Everett and a thread condemning this punishment as a slap on the wrist.

The Chargers will be the most popular team on the planet come Sunday.
Bob Sacamano;1643190 said:
I've seen that the line's been drawn, Goodell pops up and the three-headed monster of superpunk, theo and peplaw come down w/ the hammer
And at the same time, Goodell shill Summer throws his hat into the ring.
Bob Sacamano;1643186 said:
btw, what happens to the 1st round pick? do they just skip the selection, or give it back to the original team?

They skip it. Didn't Denver lose a pick in 05? I know someone did in the last 3 years.
Big Dakota;1643194 said:
OBTW, i didn't hear anything about the Pats not having to give a draft pick if Belichick isn't around. Plase provide a link.
That's not what I said. If he leaves, it's not a punishment for HIM. read it again.
peplaw06;1643197 said:
And at the same time, Goodell shill Summer throws his hat into the ring.

stealing bbgun's material? c'mon, you're better than that, but then again...

and notice I have yet to say one thing either way? I'm just observing here
peplaw06;1643201 said:
That's not what I said. If he leaves, it's not a punishment for HIM. read it again.

I'm not concerned as long as it hurts the Pats.
CowboyWay;1642883 said:
Love the fine, love the loss of the draft pick.............BUT NO SUSPENSION for Belicheck???? GETTHEHELLOUTTAHERE

Wade Wilson gets 4 games for trying to get a woodie, and belicheck flat out CHEATS???? And no suspension????? Bush League.

Exactly as I suspected. Goodell has no stones, can't do the right thing in the presence of "the genius".

Can't say I'm surprised at all.
peplaw06;1643189 said:
True, but it has to be a bit of a Catch 22. The fact that a team gets caught cheating in the regular season, and in the same season, after being "punished," STILL makes it to the SB? Yeah, that punishment sounds really stiff, don't ya think?

It'd be like Pete Rose still managing, or Tim Donaghy still reffing.

Or Belichick still coaching........
Big Dakota;1643185 said:
Read the thread then your head won't itch.
I would rather not sidetrack this thread, but what do you think was a bigger black eye ON THE LEAGUE...? Vick dogfighting or Belichick cheating?

Bob Sacamano;1643206 said:
stealing bbgun's material? c'mon, you're better than that, but then again...
I wasn't aware that use of one word = stealing material.... Does he have the word "shill" copyrighted?

and notice I have yet to say one thing either way? I'm just observing here
of course not... I know you WANT to defend your hero, but it's not easy to do.
My email was strikingly similar to yours:

Mr. Goodell,

I have supported your crackdown on league infractions up to this point. You have now sent the message that cheating on the field in ways that can alter the outcome of games is a lesser infraction than off-field issues.

You fined Wade Wilson $100K (roughly a third of his salary) AND suspended him for 5 games because coaches must be held to a higher standard. Don't forget that Wilson's infraction had absolutely no impact on the game or what was happening on the field. Apparently, you feel that head coaches should not be held to as high a standard as QB coaches though.

How can Bill BelliCheat not be suspended??? He's a coach; a HEAD coach at that, and all he gets is a fine??? That fine doesn't approach 1/3 of his salary either.

I consider losing draft picks part of the punishment of the organization, not of Bellicheat personally.

You have held the Cowboys QB coach to a higher standard than the Head Coach of the Cheatriots. Especially in light of the rumors that concerns of their cheating was previously communicated to your office, including turning off their radio communications at critical times during the game. You have let this blow to the integrity of the game to go by with a slap on the wrist.

Suspend Bellicheat for more than the 5 games you suspended Wade Wilson. Your double standard in favor of the Patriots organization is astounding!


Leon Dixson,
Papaikou, Hawaii
Big Dakota;1643208 said:
I'm not concerned as long as it hurts the Pats.
Well that response was directly attributable to an argument over which coach got the worse punishment, Wilson or Belichick. Loss of a future draft pick isn't guaranteed to be a punishment on any coach.
Bob Sacamano;1643190 said:
I've seen that the line's been drawn, Goodell pops up and the three-headed monster of superpunk, theo and peplaw come down w/ the hammer

Quite the triumvirate
Whats to stop mediocre-good teams from cheating? If a draft pick late in the first round is similar to early second round talent. Whats to stop a team which is mediocre (15-28th pick) from sacrificing their draft picks next year to get a competitive advantage. So what? There is not enough risk to getting this potential benefit.

Prisco's thoughts on the fine

You call that a punishment? It's a love tap for Belichick, Pats
NFL commissioner Roger Goodell fined Patriots coach Bill Belichick $500,000, the maximum fine possible by league rules, for violating league policy last Sunday on the use of equipment to videotape an opposing team's offensive or defensive signals.

Big deal. Belichick reportedly spent more than that on a condo for a New York woman who's involved in a divorce in which Belichick was named as the other man.

Belichick should have been suspended.

In addition to his fine, the team was fined $250,000 and will lose a first-round pick next spring if they make the playoffs. If they don't, they will lose second- and third-round picks.

That will sting, but the disappointment with the ruling is that Belichick isn't facing a four-game suspension.

This is the integrity of the game we're talking about. Goodell should have come down harder on the coach.

Maybe his relationship with Patriots owner Bob Kraft impacted the decision since Kraft is in the group of owners who pushed for Goodell as commissioner. Kraft is tight with the commissioner and suspending New England's coach certainly can't be what the owner wants.

Goodell has done a lot of good things so far in his tenure, but this warranted a suspension of Belichick, not just a fine -- even a hefty one.
So if everyone decides to cheat and then lose a first round pick, then technically no one gets punished? Right?
peplaw06;1643214 said:
I would rather not sidetrack this thread, but what do you think was a bigger black eye ON THE LEAGUE...? Vick dogfighting or Belichick cheating?

both are pretty major, but from what we know, Belichick is an isolated incident, while players getting into trouble off the field is staggeringly common, I'd say the magnitude of each are equally damning

illegal gambling and cheating

peplaw06 said:
I wasn't aware that use of one word = stealing material.... Does he have the word "shill" copyrighted?

the problem isn't that you used a word that bbgun uses regularly, AFTER he used it, just it's lame, but so are you and bbgun

peplaw06 said:
of course not... I know you WANT to defend your hero, but it's not easy to do.

I don't have to do anything, Goodell made his ruling and all the whining in the world and the agenda pushing off your soapbox isn't going to change a thing

although I will say Belichick should have gotten 5 games just like Wade
dallasfan;1643232 said:
So if everyone decides to cheat and then lose a first round pick, then technically no one gets punished? Right?

No, I'm sure the next team to get caught gets the real Punishment, especially if their owner is not a Kraft.:bang2:

I will never eact Macaroni and cheese again!!!!!:D
One thing that I haven't seen mentioned is NFL security searching the Patriots' team offices and confiscating anything that may have be the fruits of this illegal activity.

Belicheat reportedly has detailed reports on every team/coach he's ever faced as the HC of the Patriots. How many of these contain information that were obtained illegally? Shouldn't they all be forfeited?

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