Belicheat fined 500,000 and draft choices...*Merge*

i stick by my penalties....

250 kraft
100 bb
50 oc
50 dc

4 game suspension for bb, oc, dc (without pay)

forfeit entire 2008 draft

i think this would have been a steep penalty....and would have caused others to avoid cheating in the future.
Bob Sacamano;1643235 said:
both are pretty major, but from what we know, Belicheat is an isolated incident, while players getting into trouble off the field is staggeringly common, I'd say the magnitude of each are equally damning

illegal gambling and cheating

the problem isn't that you used a word that bbgun uses regularly, just it's lame, but so are you and bbgun

I don't have to do anything,

Alot of people think otherwise, the Dr. Z article is one and I'm sure their will be others.

And ....nothing on this forum has or will ever make a diference in the NFL-- no matter what anyone post even you ,my friend, even you.
cleverusername;1643245 said:
Alot of people think otherwise, the Dr. Z article is one and I'm sure their will be others.

I'm talking about league-wide

cleverusername said:
And ....nothing on this forum has or will ever make a diference in the NFL-- no matter what anyone post even you ,my friend, even you.

just explaining why I'm not giving an opinion about Goodell either way

btw, I've been in plenty of debates about Goodell, too many in fact, and I'm simply choosing not to get into them again, they just get rehashed
Bob Sacamano;1643235 said:
the problem isn't that you used a word that bbgun uses regularly, AFTER he used it, just it's lame, but so are you and bbgun

The waiter's obsession with me continues. Didja have a bad shift at IHOP? Get stiffed on a tip? Try not taking it out on your betters, such as me and Pep. Sweet dreams, sheep boy.
So Wade Wilson is suspended for 5 games and gets fined half his paycheck, and all Belicheck has to do is fess up $500,000?

bbgun;1643248 said:
The waiter's obsession with me continues. Didja have a bad shift at IHOP? Get stiffed on a tip? Try not taking it out on your betters, such as me and Pep. Sweet dreams, sheep boy.

here comes the masochists/martyr

ready for another beatdown? you're a punchline, Art
I thought the commissioner works for the league and for all 32 owners, not just one of them.

It looks like Goodell should remove the Good from his name and replace it with "Dumb" because what he did was totally inconsistent and unjustified.

He should be fired immediately.
Bob Sacamano;1643235 said:
both are pretty major, but from what we know, Belichick is an isolated incident, while players getting into trouble off the field is staggeringly common, I'd say the magnitude of each are equally damning

illegal gambling and cheating
Well if you want to believe that Belichick's was a first time violation, then go ahead. But this is Vick's first off the field conviction. And he wasn't illegally gambling on NFL games.

Vick's actions were damning on himself, but on the league? Do you really think that fans are suspicious that all other NFL players are involved in dogfighting? Can you say the same thing about other NFL teams and suspicions of cheating?

the problem isn't that you used a word that bbgun uses regularly, AFTER he used it, just it's lame, but so are you and bbgun
that word is actually in the dictionary. I know it's hard to believe, but it's true. Whoops I said "dictionary." I'm probably stealing that word from someone else.

I don't have to do anything, Goodell made his ruling and all the whining in the world and the agenda pushing off your soapbox isn't going to change a thing
Great argument... We all know people only post ideas on message boards if they feel it can change the way things are done.

although I will say Belichick should have gotten 5 games just like Wade
So what do you think about your boy?
peplaw06;1643214 said:
I would rather not sidetrack this thread, but what do you think was a bigger black eye ON THE LEAGUE...? Vick dogfighting or Belichick cheating?

I wasn't aware that use of one word = stealing material.... Does he have the word "shill" copyrighted?

of course not... I know you WANT to defend your hero, but it's not easy to do.

What Belichick did was a black eye for the league and ethically wrong.

What Vick did was morally reprehensible, a black eye for the NFL and the human race.

I don't live in a world where wrongs in the NFL are more important than wrongs in society. Then again i come from a culture that killed animals for sustenance for thousands of years yet we revere those animals. Many of our ceremonies revolve around giving thanks to those animals for giving their lives so we may live. I respect all animal life a lot more than some stolen signals, but that's me.
Bob Sacamano;1643247 said:
I'm talking about league-wide

just explaining why I'm not giving an opinion about Goodell either way

btw, I've been in plenty of debates about Goodell, too many in fact, and I'm simply choosing not to get into them again, they just get rehashed

oh, ... well nevermind then.:D
StanleySpadowski;1643243 said:
One thing that I haven't seen mentioned is NFL security searching the Patriots' team offices and confiscating anything that may have be the fruits of this illegal activity.

Belicheat reportedly has detailed reports on every team/coach he's ever faced as the HC of the Patriots. How many of these contain information that were obtained illegally? Shouldn't they all be forfeited?

This is stuff that should be considered, of course. But the NFL isn't likely to let us know any of this.

Or anything about those extra radio frequencies that were reported earlier (if there is anything to it). Or anything about microphones under shoulder pads (if there is anything to it).

There is a great chance that the ugly naked truth is judged too ugly for public consumption.
StanleySpadowski;1643243 said:
One thing that I haven't seen mentioned is NFL security searching the Patriots' team offices and confiscating anything that may have be the fruits of this illegal activity.

Belicheat reportedly has detailed reports on every team/coach he's ever faced as the HC of the Patriots. How many of these contain information that were obtained illegally? Shouldn't they all be forfeited?

Exactly. They need to raid that place and make sure they give up whatever they have.

At least we can be sure now that EVERY team who plays them will change up their signals the week before. Sure will be interesting if they start losing some games...
peplaw06;1643253 said:
Well if you want to believe that Belichick's was a first time violation, then go ahead. But this is Vick's first off the field conviction. And he wasn't illegally gambling on NFL games.

consorting w/ gamblers is enough to violate the player conduct policy

as well as breaking the law

peplaw06 said:
Vick's actions were damning on himself, but on the league? Do you really think that fans are suspicious that all other NFL players are involved in dogfighting? Can you say the same thing about other NFL teams and suspicions of cheating?

I didn't say dog-fighting, I said players getting into trouble off the field, there have been more examples of that than coaches cheating

you don't comprehend very well, do you?

peplaw06 said:
that word is actually in the dictionary. I know it's hard to believe, but it's true. Whoops I said "dictionary." I'm probably stealing that word from someone else.

LOL, bbgun introduced shill to the board, and you ran w/ it

you're ripping from the resident punch-line, how do you feel?

peplaw06 said:
Great argument... We all know people only post ideas on message boards if they feel it can change the way things are done.

So what do you think about your boy?

just explaining why I'm not throwing my hat into the ring, nothing I can do about it

again, Goodell should have suspended Belichick 5 games, but he's getting fined and the Pats lose a 1st round pick
Big Dakota;1643254 said:
What Belichick did was a black eye for the league and ethically wrong.

What Vick did was morally reprehensible, a black eye for the NFL and the human race.

I don't live in a world where wrongs in the NFL are more important than wrongs in society.
Oh so the argument that "It's the NFL and they are sovereign," works for you when you choose for it to?

If Belichick cheats in the NFL, well wrongs in the NFL are not more important than the wrongs in society. Yet when Vick does something completely outside of the NFL, and gets punishment handed down from the NFL, the NFL can do what they want because they are not subject to the rules of our society. Brilliant!!
Then again i come from a culture that killed animals for sustenance for thousands of years yet we revere those animals. Many of our ceremonies revolve around giving thanks to those animals for giving their lives so we may live. I respect all animal life a lot more than some stolen signals, but that's me.
We're NOT talking about criminal punishment here. We're talking about punishment for "conduct detrimental to the league" (whatever that means). You do agree that both were punished for conduct detrimental to the league? Which was MORE detrimental to the league?
I don't care what anybody says. I am GLAD the commish did this. He could have been more strict but what came down is about what I thought would happen.

Think on this.

The Pats are now on record as being cheaters. The head coach who helped guide them through those SB's is now on record as being a cheater.

That is HUGE.

Public opinion is HORRIBLE for this team now. Just watch ove the next few weeks how the Patriot PR machine will handle this.

The shining Patriot organization has *** by those SB's now. Everyone will think of them as the cheating SB winners.

Everytime a Patriot fan says we won all those SB's the Jets fan will be saying "Yah...but you all cheated to get there".

How would you answer if you were the Pats fan? You can't say no. The NFL just popped the main coach and the entire organization for cheating.

peplaw06;1643253 said:
that word is actually in the dictionary. I know it's hard to believe, but it's true. Whoops I said "dictionary." I'm probably stealing that word from someone else.

The waiter thinks you owe me royalties or something. Pay up.
where is Pats Fan? He was here yesterday whining and claiming it was all being exagerated and so on.

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