Belicheat fined 500,000 and draft choices...*Merge*

Losing a first round draft pick is pretty harsh.

I do think they could have sent a sterner message with a suspension.
Does anybody think for a minute that this will stop Belicheck? Heck no. There's is nothing more then a wrist slap. Had the Cowboys been found guilty of this there would have been demands for Jerry to give up the Cowboys, etc.
This really smells like playing favorites to me. Worst call of his short tenure as commish.

Just plain awful!

Wait a minute! They lose a draft pick only if they make the playoffs?

Wow! Just Wow!
Again, the real punishment takes care of itself.
The crime was disgusting from a sport lovers standpoint but the real punishment will be the public ridicule if they don't do well this year, or if they lose close games.
You know, I thinks this shows how Goodell went way over top with the penalty he gave Wilson....
I can not believe there was no suspension and Wade got 5 games. Unbelievable!

CaptainAmerica;1642927 said:
Sure it will because they will be giving up their own pick and the pick they had from another team was from a team that as I recall probably won't have a great record this year. (I forget the team).

It's from SF who should be 8-8 and picking in the teens, and lets hope the commish takes that pick.
ZeroClub;1642941 said:
You know, I thinks this shows how Goodell went way over top with the penalty he gave Wilson....

I think this is all it REALLY shows.
Big Dakota;1642923 said:
You know what he's gonna say. Wade broke the law, stealing signs isn't breaking the law. I don't really agree, but that's what he'll say.

I agree that its not the same but thats where my agreement ends.

The integrity of the game... the unfair competitive advantage, cheating. This is of Pete Rose proportions. I am not comparing the events... I am merely pointing out there severity to the game.

Bottom line: Games were won via cheating. This cannot be denied.

All the SB losers vs. the Pats have legitimate "hmmm's" about their games...

The Eagles, Panthers and Rams...
what people need to do is send letters expressing their feelings on this or get a petition or something. Its time to raise awareness that this is clearly playing favorites, if a lot of people respond it will be embarassing for the comish, if nothing else.
I am still in shock. This is ridiculous. I hope the Pats go like 9-7 now, to show the rest of the league about how much they are cheaters.
sago1;1642928 said:
I think the Cowboys ought to approach the Commish on behalf of Wade Wilson and ask again if its right for him to get a 5 game suspension and Belicheck gets nothing. Also Wilson got a $100,000 fine which is probably close to half his salary while $500,000 probably isn't 1/4 of what he makes.

Never thought this Commish wouldn't at least suspend him for 1 game.

Well at least now we know who owns the NFL. Maybe we should start calling it as it really is - Kraft's Own.

I agree. Jerry Jones has to have called Goodell already.
Tex;1642943 said:
I can not believe there was no suspension and Wade got 5 games. Unbelievable!

Here's what Goodell said about suspending Belichick -- "I have determined not to do so, largely because I believe that the discipline I am imposing of a maximum fine and forfeiture of a first-round draft choice, or multiple draft choices, is in fact more significant and long-lasting, and therefore more effective, than a suspension.”

Hey Roger, why not all of the above?
I would be fine with all of that. I do believe a suspension was warranted. In fact, I think it was demanded by those actions, especially when you consider who has already gotten suspended and for what.

As a basketball fan, I don't want Goodell to become David Stern. Randomly and selectively doling out punishment is not something fans want. This is borderline.
Well he went max on the fine, so that is OK, nothing more he could do there. They will make the PO's, so they get a 1st rounder taken away and that is what my guess was. But the real uproar is the non-suspension. But as another poster said, They already soiled their name.
IF congress wants to investigate something about sports they need to investigate this.
Wonder what NFLPA says about a #1 Pick being obliterated.
Roger meet David Stern. You guys seem way too similar right now.

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