Belicheat fined 500,000 and draft choices...*Merge*

Cajuncowboy;1642936 said:
Wait a minute! They lose a draft pick only if they make the playoffs?

No, if they don't make the playoffs, they lose their second- and third-round picks.
dogunwo;1642951 said:
I am still in shock. This is ridiculous. I hope the Pats go like 9-7 now, to show the rest of the league about how much they are cheaters.

I hope they make the POs, lose the 1st and get beat in round 1.
This is BS the Pats should have give up both picks and Goodell could of suspended BB atleast 1 game, the new commisioner is a joke.
And you know something, guys?

All of the details aren't going to be public. We aren't ever going to know the extent of the Patriots cheating. The NFL isn't going to let us know what they know.

It's bad PR for the league....
How much is Belichick being paid?

******Edit - quick internet check came up with $2.6 mil
ZeroClub;1642970 said:
And you know something, guys?

All of the details aren't going to be public. We aren't ever going to know the extent of the Patriots cheating. The NFL isn't going to let us know what they know.

It's bad PR for the league....

As i've said before, brushing it under the rug.
Pretty disappointing but altogether predictable, I suppose...Media darlings don't get raked over the coals.

And what it also says is that players and individuals are more heavily scrutizined whereas franchises are treated with kid gloves...You see the heavy handed way Goodell and the league comes down on players for off the field things but a franchise and their media darling coach are given a slap on the proverbial wrist for corrupt actions on the field of play...Egregious acts of poor sportsmanship that brings the game into disrepute like Bill's and the Pats should never take a back seat to those of players and individuals for off the field acts.

Crazy double standard but, again, it doesn't surprise
Here's what Goodell said about suspending Belichick -- "I have determined not to do so, largely because I believe that the discipline I am imposing of a maximum fine and forfeiture of a first-round draft choice, or multiple draft choices, is in fact more significant and long-lasting, and therefore more effective, than a suspension."

It seems to me that he could have done all that AND suspended Belichick.

Here's the phone number to call the NFL and complain -- 212-450-2000.

And here's a page with a lot of NFL staff members' e-mail addresses:
jackrussell;1642904 said:
Obviously found guilty of cheating...yet noone was suspended.

This looks like a job for The Draconian Vigilante Squad.

We'd get it right.

D*mn straight...

We'd see to it that the Pats' first round pick went to the Cowboys, and that Billy B was castrated, preferably with a dull knife...

Do that just once, and I have a hunch you'd see this video cheating come to a screeching halt...

Draconian is what we do...
AdamJT13;1642979 said:
Here's what Goodell said about suspending Belichick -- "I have determined not to do so, largely because I believe that the discipline I am imposing of a maximum fine and forfeiture of a first-round draft choice, or multiple draft choices, is in fact more significant and long-lasting, and therefore more effective, than a suspension."

It seems to me that he could have done all that AND suspended Belichick.

Here's the phone number to call the NFL and complain -- 212-450-2000.

And here's a page with a lot of NFL staff members' e-mail addresses:

What about the little dweeb with the camera? No mention of him at all. He should get banned from the games at least.
AdamJT13;1642979 said:
Here's what Goodell said about suspending Belichick -- "I have determined not to do so, largely because I believe that the discipline I am imposing of a maximum fine and forfeiture of a first-round draft choice, or multiple draft choices, is in fact more significant and long-lasting, and therefore more effective, than a suspension."

It seems to me that he could have done all that AND suspended Belichick.

Here's the phone number to call the NFL and complain -- 212-450-2000.

And here's a page with a lot of NFL staff members' e-mail addresses:

that is a New York area code, and I will not even waste my free minutes of long distance from the Cell, on calling anything that resembles anything New York or the Giants

let them pay with my not spending money for their Product....
sago1;1642935 said:
Does anybody think for a minute that this will stop Belicheck? Heck no. There's is nothing more then a wrist slap. Had the Cowboys been found guilty of this there would have been demands for Jerry to give up the Cowboys, etc.

Had he been suspended, he would have used a wireless device to communicate with his team in any event.
No suspension.... ah... reminds me of a Celine Dion song.... "... and thats they way it is"
Pacman does bad things off the field, 1 year
TAnk has too many guns.. 8 games
Henry drinks too much... 8 games
Harrision takes the wrong drug... 4 games
Wade Wilson takes the wrong drug..... 5 games

Bill captures teams defensive calls and uses it to call plays.... 500K fine

You are a freaking SAINT commish
dargonking999;1642988 said:
Pacman does bad things off the field, 1 year
TAnk has too many guns.. 8 games
Henry drinks too much... 8 games
Harrision takes the wrong drug... 4 games
Wade Wilson takes the wrong drug..... 5 games

Bill captures teams defensive calls and uses it to call plays.... 500K fine

You are a freaking SAINT commish

Wait until Vicks's lawyers figure a way to use this as leverage in ANYTHING they consider TOO steep for Vick.

This guy just flipped up.
Mattinus;1642926 said:
Its also a valid point as much as I hate it.

Actually, it's my understanding that the stuff Wilson bought was actually very legal, just not legal for football players because of it's performance enhancing benefits.
So now I hope the Pats make the first round of the playoffs and lose the first game.

Then not only do they lose a first round pick but it would at least be an early 20ish pick and the loss would be even greater.

I wonder if the Commish thinks that taping these defensive signals actually impacted previous games or is he just taking a proactive stance against the advent of cheating via technology.
ZeroClub;1642970 said:
And you know something, guys?

All of the details aren't going to be public. We aren't ever going to know the extent of the Patriots cheating. The NFL isn't going to let us know what they know.

It's bad PR for the league....

And as I mentioned in a different thread, there's still questions about the radio frequency issues at Foxboro that haven't been illuminated to this point...Some issues remain about the extent to which the Pats were trying to sabotage communications of their opponents...That, too, I am sure will be brushed under the rug.

500k sure sounds like a lot of money until you factor in the fact that we're talking about a billion dollar industry and the fact that the coach makes multiple millions a season...Yeah, I'm sure he's really affected by that hit.

The 1st rounder loss...Which would matter more to you, beating opponents in close games with an illegal edge or losing a 1st rounder?...Pretty pathetic really.

Even more than the lame lame lame actions of the NFL on this in terms of punishment, how do they intend to prevent further acts from the Pats or anyone else?
The Commish has basically stated that:

"If you make us look bad off the field, you will be heavily punished. BUT if you cheat on the field, and ruin the intergity of the game, you will be fined, and given a stern talking too."

Don't you just love the new commish

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