Belicheat fined 500,000 and draft choices...*Merge*

YoMick;1642990 said:
Wait until Vicks's lawyers figure a way to use this as leverage in ANYTHING they consider TOO steep for Vick.

This guy just flipped up.

Vick is gonna be chillin for the rest of this year in jail, then the commish will give him 2008 off as well and there isn't anything Vick's lawyers can do about it.
LandryFan;1642991 said:
Actually, it's my understanding that the stuff Wilson bought was actually very legal, just not legal for football players because of it's performance enhancing benefits.

It's my understanding, and i could be wrong, it was the nature in which he aquired the drugs. Go to a doctor and it's above board. Go to a dealer and it's not.
LandryFan;1642991 said:
Actually, it's my understanding that the stuff Wilson bought was actually very legal, just not legal for football players because of it's performance enhancing benefits.

lol, never mind that the's not even a player...That's the part that is ridiculous...He's a coach...He could be doing crack, what would it matter?

But, yeah, I've read speculation that it was related to a medical condition...But, pathetic really
AdamJT13;1642979 said:
Here's what Goodell said about suspending Belichick -- "I have determined not to do so, largely because I believe that the discipline I am imposing of a maximum fine and forfeiture of a first-round draft choice, or multiple draft choices, is in fact more significant and long-lasting, and therefore more effective, than a suspension."

It seems to me that he could have done all that AND suspended Belichick.

Here's the phone number to call the NFL and complain -- 212-450-2000.

And here's a page with a lot of NFL staff members' e-mail addresses:
I dropped too many F-bombs in the message I left. How unclassy of me. F Roger Goodell. A hypocrite is worse than anything Tags did.
theogt;1642887 said:
What a joke. The commish is a joke.
The commish knows how many teams were doing it and wants New England to take this punishment, shut up and have it all go away.
rexrobinson;1642992 said:
I wonder if the Commish thinks that taping these defensive signals actually impacted previous games or is he just taking a proactive stance against the advent of cheating via technology.

There were a number of stories today speculating on Patriot performance in past games....two of those came from the Steelers and Eagles. I think Mangini turned in the Patriots because the spying added value. If it didn't, he wouldn't have bothered.
I am actually kind of glad he did not get suspended, now here in a few weeks when BB is moping aournd in his street clothes in the Dallas game we can have Roy running wildly around on the field, way out of place...even more so then usual...and he will just so happen to find his way to Belichecks spot on the sideline and just so happen to knock him back into the stands...Roy should be able to hit that target...then I will be satisfied.
Not enough of fine. Bellicheat should have gotten at least 4-game suspension.
losing picks really hurts -- and I think the message here is that the organization gets hit hard and that the team is responsible for the coaches' actions
I think the commissioners respect throughout the league just went down the tubes.

My thought on this is that it is so widespread that they have to keep punishment low or the first round might be finished in 2 hours.
jimmy40;1643005 said:
The commish knows how many teams were doing it and wants New England to take this punishment, shut up and have it all go away.

That's what i've been saying.
They still have the draft pick that counts: Frisco's. They should have been forced to forfeit whichever pick turned out to be lowest.
03EBZ06;1643011 said:
Not enough of fine. Bellicheat should have gotten at least 4-game suspension.
well i think the fine was significant, 1/5th of his salary right? thats pretty steep...
Big Dakota;1642997 said:
Vick is gonna be chillin for the rest of this year in jail, then the commish will give him 2008 off as well and there isn't anything Vick's lawyers can do about it.

You dont know that.

You dont know what lawyers will try.

Lawyers may put pressure on the commissioner to count the year in jail as suspension served.

If the commissioner goes for more than one year.... they will undoubtedly use this in some way. Its what lawyers do.

Where is peplaw?
utrunner07;1643016 said:
well i think the fine was significant, 1/5th of his salary right? thats pretty steep...

The commish's hands were tied there anyway it was the max allowed.
YoMick;1643018 said:
You dont know that.

You dont know what lawyers will try.

Lawyers may put pressure on the commissioner to count the year in jail as suspension served.

If the commissioner goes for more than one year.... they will undoubtedly use this in some way. Its what lawyers do.

Where is peplaw?

Tell that to Odell Thurman;)
Well, maybe Goodell will come down harder on the Patriots the next time the Patriots are caught.

... because this slap on the wrist isn't going to be enough to touch that arrogant franchise.
superpunk;1642877 said:
500k fine for Bill

250k for Pats

2008 1st rounder IF they make playoffs.

Per ESPN, gamebreak during Terps game.

Pathetic. Fire the commissioner now.

NFL fax number is 212-681-7599.

Send them a fax protesting the slap on the wrist, compared to Wade Wilson's penalty.
lspain1;1643007 said:
There were a number of stories today speculating on Patriot performance in past games....two of those came from the Steelers and Eagles. I think Mangini turned in the Patriots because the spying added value. If it didn't, he wouldn't have bothered.

Well I think that if you know what defense is coming at you its a whole lot easier to make the correct adjustments at the line of scrimmage. The team still has to execute but that was never a problem with the Pats. The problem with me is when all things are even between two teams, something like this could be what turned the tide in a game, its the important games like the AFC championship or the Superbowl where both teams are very good and usually evenly matched. This had to be stopped.

Now my next question is does Tom Brady get a pass here? He was obviuosly involved in this. He is the one who has to make this work otherwise its useless information. Does the player who is knowingly using cheats aquired by his own coaching staff get a pass? I would say no. I understand that very few people would turn their own coach in but the issue still remains. Tom Brady knowingly cheated and he gets off scott free.

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