Belichick could be your head coach in 2025


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Will never happen. It's like expecting Bill Walsh or Joe Gibbs to be someone's Offensive Coordinator. For several reasons..

To the OP, Bellicheck does not fit the profile of HCs the Joneses seek to hire. It's not happening until they hit rock bottom or are desperate enough to get them out of their comfort zone. We're probably many seasons, if not decade(s) away from that even being a consideration.
Yea. I know.


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Define play well...

They are likely to win 10 to 12 regular season games and get curb stomped in the playoffs yet again. Will Jerry still think this team is close?
0i was thinking of it as well enough to retain McCarthy, but it's a fair point that we don't know what that level will be


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What many here fail to understand is that Belechek isn’t just a coach. He’s an entire football organization and philosophy. He will not take a job if there is someone he does not consider a peer between him and the owner. Any organization that hires him will have to understand that he’s the football boss. He wants full autonomy over football operations. So why would any GM hire him? That’s what is happening here. None of these GMs want to cede power or take a back seat.

Belechek needs a Robert Kraft situation where the owner is the only guy he has to answer to. That’s how he built NE. Why would he change? It’s for this reason , he would fit in Dallas. He respects Jerry as an owner and Jerry likes a direct line to the coach.
Excellent post. And don’t think for one minute he couldn’t work with Will. In fact I think they would become besties just like he and DQ. Big Bill made it work and BB could make it work as well. My only question would be is who is the OC? McDaniels?


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As Broaddus clearly explained in his rant , Jones not wanting to share operations with
a HC, they wan to run things, not a HC.

If Belly not gonna get along with Brady, Kraft, he's not gonna come even close to getting along with
Jones management.

Keep up the pipe dream.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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As Broaddus clearly explained in his rant , Jones not wanting to share operations with
a HC, they wan to run things, not a HC.

If Belly not gonna get along with Brady, Kraft, he's not gonna come even close to getting along with
Jones management.

Keep up the pipe dream.
^ This.

The entire Belichick-to-Dallas discussion is akin to beating a wooden square peg through a round solid titanium steel hole with a 20 lb sledgehammer. Yeah. That peg will go through but gosh darn it, that sucker will not be square anymore, lol.

Canadian BoyzFan

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He would need to change his outlook. He also needs a year to network and find a young creative offensive mind to join him.


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Excellent post. And don’t think for one minute he couldn’t work with Will. In fact I think they would become besties just like he and DQ. Big Bill made it work and BB could make it work as well. My only question would be is who is the OC? McDaniels?
Well, that’s the rub. His offensive staff has proven to be not up to the job without Brady. All of his offensive coaches that left could do nothing anywhere else. This might be where the Dallas front office gets more involved.


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The problem with Bellichek was not Brady leaving, it was Ernie Adams and Dante Scarnecchia retiring at basically the same time as Brady leaving the Pats.. Bellichek when 10-6 sign Cassell and had the Patriots like at 4-1 led by JG.. He also improved the Browns every year he was there to 10-6 and the year after, in the older era of free agency and they started off like 3- 1 the last year he was there, but the rumors started the Browns were bouncing to Baltimore and the state of the whole franchise was up in the air and eveybody checked outs


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If I'm an owner, I clean house and tell him to get after it. If anyone in the current staff protests, I ask them how many super bowls they have won me.
I agree mostly bc I’m a cowboy fan and I’d love to see what Belechek could do with a talented but thin roster.


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I agree mostly bc I’m a cowboy fan and I’d love to see what Belechek could do with a talented but thin roster.
As I said elsewhere, I could live with not winning with Bill but I couldn't live with not giving it a shot. Especially not for some of the guys who have gotten hired.


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I doubt very much BB will ever get a chance to be a HC again. He might as well retire. Teams have caught on he is too old for rebuilding a team and those are the ones in need of a coach. Besides the TB thing. And no way he and Jerry would get along working together, i am sure neither would approve of the other.


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If there's ever a Time Jerry should put away his pride and take advantage of an opportunity this is it.
Jerry should do whatever is necessary to get belichick on the coaching staff the guy's knowledge would be the most valuable thing we would have on the team.
He would be the only proven winner we have on the squad everyone else is a proven underachiever


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BB is half-checked out, he is after the wins record(1-2 years) then will retire. Harbaugh was the play, the only play if Jerry is serious about postseason success.


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To those saying that because he interviewed in Atlanta and didn't get the job, it means that the game has passed him by simply do not know anything about Bill Belichick. The man is a walking encyclopedia of football. The issue in Atlanta is that Bill Belichick wants 100% control of the football side of the franchise. In Atlanta, that means ousting Rich McKay. That ain't happening. If I were to venture a guess, I would say that the second interview was to find out if the 100% control was a deal breaker or not. It was. If it remains so next year, there is a 0% chance that Jerry Jones gives Bill Belichick full control of football operations. Jerry's goal is to win a Super Bowl on his own terms to prove that he is a "football guy" and that the 3 championships were not ALL Jimmy Johnson. In that light, I see no chance of Jerry allowing Bill to usurp that "credit".

Now, if Bill softens his stance over the next year and agrees to "just" be the Head Coach in 2025, yeah; I could see Jerry doing it.

Oh, and I can't stand Bill Belichick. I'd rather bring back Jason Garrett as Head Coach, and I do NOT want to do that. Ever.