Bell Dirty Tackle?

Nothing wrong with the tackle. You get the guy on the ground however you can especially when the ball carrier has about 50# on you. It’s football, S happens.

This is the only place I’ve seen anyone talking about it being dirty. I listen to Philly sports talk for a couple hours a day and literally haven’t heard one caller or host talk about the hit.
That makes sense. Place is mostly Eagles fans
Personally if it were the other way around I'd be feeling a little sketchy about it.
I don't think so. It's tackle football. Enough types of hits and tackles have been banned to complain about a tackle that was made legally. I supposed Bell could have horse-collared him instead or thrown his weight into his legs and drawn a penalty for either.
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Eagles fans complaining about dirty play, now I have seen everything.
Who cares what Eagles fans think. Goedert stiff armed him in the face so he grabbed the arm and used it against Goedert. It is not an ideal tackle but what is Bell supposed to do, let Goedert tiptoe into the endzone like a ballerina?
100% :hammer:
I don't think so. It's tackle football. Enough types of hits and tackles have been banned to complain about a tackle that was made legally. I supposed Bell could have horse-collared him instead or thrown his weight into his legs and drawn a penalty for either.
yeah i’m not saying it was dirty, just that i can see it and id probably feel that way personally
yeah i’m not saying it was dirty, just that i can see it and id probably feel that way personally
Understandable. Fans generally tend to be protective of their team.
Look for the NFL to come out with another "Cowboys rule." IIRC, didn't the horse collar rule come from when Terrell Owens was injured by a Cowboys tackler?
Whatever it takes to get the guy down.
You ban stiff arms and you can ban arm tackles lol can’t allow a stiff arm and defender not allowed to grab the arm. Crazy fans in Philly
If they want to look at a tackle to complain about, this ain’t it. As long as a guy can use a stiff arm you have to be able to tackle by the arm. The tackles from behind, dropping on the legs is one they should look at if any
If I'm an NFL player, and you stiff arm me, then im going to try to grab that arm and pull it completely off your body. The defensive guy is paid solely on his ability to get people on the ground. It isn't dirty, sometimes you are the windshield and sometimes the bug. it is a contact sport.
Eagle fans aren’t human so who cares what they say or think. Plus it’s an asinine take on that play. And on top of that I’m sure we owe them many dirty hits. Anyone remember them pile driving Romo’s shoulder into the ground?
Definitely not a dirty tackle. You stick your arm out there trying to prevent him from tackling and that leaves him with only one option: grab the arm and take you down.

Otherwise, you're on the opposite end of a stiff arm that potentially takes your team out of the game.

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