trickblue;4681714 said:
So how can you be so sure that your beliefs are superior to those of anyone else?
Science has long corrected itself over centuries... what we believe as truth today, my be "flat-earth" theory in 100 years...
Isn't that how knowledge is built?
Consider making a new recipe from scratch:
The first time you make something it's a bit of an experiment. The second time, you respond to the new information (e.g. it was a little dry, a little bland) and make refinements. You change the cooking temperature, you add some spice. After a series of refinements, you come up with a recipe you like and you keep it. Then maybe a friend introduces you to a new spice and you think, "Gee, that could make my dish better". So you add it in, but it doesn't come out quite right. So you make a few more small refinements in the constant pursuit of a better recipe.
It's just that the "recipes" for the various scientific disciplines have been undergoing refinements for the past 3000 years. To keep with the analogy: we're certainly eating a better meal than we were back then.