Big fan of Kellen Moore, but


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I'm not so sure he will have the type of success he had at Boise State. In Boise, Kellen's genius was never questioned or doubted. There was no jealousy or envy to deal with. Every Boise State Bronco knew all they had to do is follow and support Kellen's lead. Even the coaches wised up very early and started checking with Kellen on play designs, game plans and daily practice routines.

But things are different in Dallas. The team, players and coaches, even the fans down in Texas, always seem to be a step slower. Now I will give the Cowboys brass credit for promoting Kellen to OC as fast as they did. There's definitely more optimism this season. But still there's a stubborn rugged mindset out there. These die-hard haters who were the same people clutching onto flip phones, VCRs and Sanka instant coffee.

What is it about local Texan Cowboys fans anyway? The Cowboys are a global franchise with a much needed dose of Boise State invasion. The Cowboys should play a couple of games a season right here in Boise, where the blue turf and the blue skies are much more fitting of a team of such stature.

Just my opinion anyway.
Moore is going to introduce some new wrinkles. pre snap motions. different personnel settings, etc. I expect initially, because there is lack of familiarity that defenses will have to deal with somethigns they haven't seen from dallas and that's going to make offense look good and make us all happy and call Moore a genius. and there will be a few, as there always is, would want moore to be the head coach and fire garret.. but this is the NFL. give any coach, or lets say any good coach enough tape and they will figure things the key is how does his offense look from games 10-16. once there is almost enough tape on his play calling and game and schemes.

I have argued this before, all the route trees, all the routes, all the schemes are now blended and everyone uses a little bit of everything...its game day play calling that's important. its the route combinations you call that are important. what tendencies will he show during the season. defensive coordinators and good defensive coordinators will pick up on his tendencies and set him up. how will he respond. how will he adjust. he is a first year OC, with ZERO coaching experience in the NFL..yeah yeah yeah, he was Dak's QB coach for ONE year..

so I am not so worried about first 8 games as I expect us to see some success. but how he will adjust and how he learns to adjust his play calling during the season. he will be taken to school during the season. 100% guaranteed. in the NFL games are decided in the 4th quarter most often than not. that's parity. that's what NFL wanted. so how you adjust in the 4th quarter. how you call plays in the 4th quarter. is going to make the difference between wins and losses. Moore has to take his lumps. this is the NFL and it has a way of humbling everyone including the GOAT bilicheck. lets not forget Bilicheck failed in Cleveland before he learned. so lets temper our expectations of moore. he is a first year OC...… he will have a learning curve, whether we like or not.


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You have not been listening and not been reading up obviously. And I don't hear anyone saying Moore is a sure thing. I think most people are just excited that Garrett is further away from the offense.

As a hater, you haven't factored in the coaching and scheme aspect of Dak's maturation. It will be huge.
garrett is not further away from the offense. its still going to be his offense. his scheme, etc. its play calling on game day that's going to be slightly different. and lets not make Moore into Jesus of offense in NFL, since he has no record of ever having accomplished anything as a coach.


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Two things give me optimism about KM:

1) The praise and intrigue about KM as an OC is not just coming from Dallas. I've seen so many tweets by coaches and players recapping discussions with KM about football in a very positive light.

2) I genuinely do not understand how he could be worse than Linehan was last year.
wait until December....that will be the tell tale sign....


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I absolutely adore Kellen. Why? Because he's not Linehan!!!!!! I have no idea how good of an OC he'll be!!!!
that's called grass is greener on the otherside.

btw, Garrett wanted to let Linehan go last year...but Jerry didn't want it...hmmm


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If the offense becomes a problem this year, the next big war will be...was it Moores fault or Daks. Bring your popcorn.
it will neber be Dak's fault. its always somebody else...the coach, the OC, the line, the RB, the WR, the TE, section 405 row 22, the sun, the moon, the alignment of the planets...not Dak. never.


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...To tell 'you alls" the truth...I don't believe that Kellen can do anything to hurt this offense much...only improve it....especially in the Red Zone...


The Labeled One
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You honestly think he HAD a playbook a week after becoming OC? NEXT!

Yeah....he did actually. He's been working towards this just about his entire life. His dad was a coach....and has been preparing him his entire life...let that sink in.o_O


The Labeled One
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Kellen Moore was 53-0 as a college QB. As a pro with two teams (DET, DAL) he played in parts of two 2015 season-ending losing games. Nothing about his record-setting college career suggests his meaningless NFL playing career directly relates to success as an OC in the NFL.

KM, without any previous coaching experience at any level, was given the 2018 QB coach job, where he oversaw a group of 3 players.

Now that he has — once again — been GIVEN the OC job for DC, there is no proven indication that he will succeed.

It’s puzzling that so many self-proclaimed knowledgeable fans are banking on him to be the overriding difference in the Cowboys’ 2019 fortunes — one way or the other.

What are you talking about? In the guys 2nd home start as a pro...he threw for 435yrds and 3TDs for a team that had mailed in the rest of the year. If it wasn't for a bonehead rookie free agent O-lineman that got him injured...he might be your starting QB right now. Sadly...that injury was career ending.


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Yeah....he did actually. He's been working towards this just about his entire life. His dad was a coach....and has been preparing him his entire life...let that sink in.o_O
Well that playbook didn't do so well in the pro-bowl. His father, a high school football coach prepared him to be a NFL guru? Like I said, wait and see! I am pulling for him but I wont be running around bragging that we have the next Belechick on our coaching staff.


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I am an oasis of good will and optimism!
My step slow would be towards my neighbors thinking I should turn my music down...

Which I will happily take a step slower... just for them!

Mas Musica!

I just opened my windows... about to hit play on Bat Out Of Hell...

Nice! Have fun with that! Great song!


Well-Known Member
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Stop it boy! What do you think you're doing?
And I said G-D daddy! You know I love you... But you have a lot to learn about Rock and Roll!!!!

That's one of the greatest lines in rock history. I think that was Jim Steinman that "sang" that. It's hilarious and feeds perfectly into "Everything Louder Than Anything Else".


Original Zone Member
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Here is what I’m thinking about:

Would we rather have JG as our head coach? Or Kellen Moore? Lol

I’m more than ready to end the JG era - and I’d be willing to sacrifice a season or two to end it. I’d go with unproven, yet potentially good Kellen Moore.


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Yeah, 'cause Boise State has been such a juggernaut in college football, winning national championships every year. :facepalm:

C'mon, man .. you know the politics and greed of college football blue-bloods WILL NEVER allow someone not seated at the table to even challenge for a national title. The corruption in college ball is about the only thing that keeps me watching the watered-down NFL of today.