bh32 said:
are you dense?the original question wasn't about who was about dallas stopping a saunders offense.are you following me yet?
You're the one who clearly doesn't get it. Let me help you.
Your team is averaging only 1/2 of the points it would have needed to win the game you're touting as evidence of a point.
Do you get the irony of that? You're as close to a donut as you are to the promised land.
The Commanders offense and tools is not the Chiefs offense and tools. The 2 are not analogous beyond the name of the OC. Trying to hang your head dress on his resume' in another town is just this side of believing you could be an honest to goodness NFL GM because you won your fantasy football league once.
It doesn't matter one little bit that for 1 game against Saunders and the Cheifs that Dallas allowed 28 points. Want evidence? Oh this is too easy. How many championship has Saunders vaunted offense produced?
Think bagel, and that number won't grow in 2006.