Hostile said:
I love jabronis who jump into the middle of a discussion like they got all the answers and miss the boat, then come back with "what are you talking about?" Here's a tip, read both sides of the discussion and you won't miss the boat while waiting at the airport for it to arrive at the bus terminal.
That makes no sense. 1st of all you are full of yourself and need to chill out. 2nd of all, i can make any comment i want as long as it is relevant, which it was. I read what you guys had to say (which was pretty childish, looked like it was a "look what i can do" kind of thing), and i came from another side, then you try to jump down my throat.
Congratulations. Now can you tell your cohort the score? He doesn't get it. Tried all kinds of limp wristed smack talk and spin control and got slapped around.
Got slapped around? Dont be so modest.
The big difference there Biggsy, is that I didn't spout off about how good Bledsoe is. Your cohort on the other hand, whose discussion you stuck your nose into is all over Saunders as a reason why doom is in the box.[QUO
I stuck my nose all over this?? Read what i said. And if fact to show you how minimal my comment was, i said "That is all". I had nothing else i wanted to say about it. Their Defense sucks. Anyone can score 30 points on them. As for what my "cohort" argues, this is an open forum, i put my own side into the argument, it had nothing to do with saunders and it had nothing to do with what what my "cohort" said, thats why i quoted YOU. If i had to add to something he said, i would have mentioned it.
Ask me if I give a crap about your blood pressure or your head. I pity that wall.
Dang you so funny, i was just trying to be a little bit light hearted by using these stupid icons, and you come down from mount olympus and try to make a mountain out of a molehill. Attack the arguement not the person.
This is how I chill out, by stomping a mud hole in stupid arguments then walking the mud hole dry.
Stomping my argument? Exactly how did you do that?
I really think you did not understand my point (typical i guess). It had nothing to do with KC offense as you seem to have thought.
"Doesn't matter one little bit. An offensive explosion of 28 points is worth squat if the game is lost. Period. End of story. Deny that if you can. Drizzle can't and neither can you. But by all means good luck."
In fact, i agreed with you, and of course, to make yourself look like one of the great minds in the world, you deal with the "argument" childishly by saying "period, end of story" like you are some 7th grade 'baller'.