Bitcoin. Any experts/owners?

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XRP does look quite interesting as it provides a tangible value behind it. In fact, it seems to have been designed the right way, with the service first and the currency second.

Which exchange do you recommend for buying/selling XRP?

Ive been doing coinbase to binance. Owned XRP since $0.23
I tried to sign up with Coinbase a while back but they constantly have site issues. Even signing up generated a ton of errors for me to the point I gave up.

Ive had zero issues, and everyone I've helped get started hasnt had any issues either.

Sounds like a user error :p

You can try bitstamp too, some of my friends can buy xrp with credit card usd, but none of my cards would work. They use 3d secured and some banks have it enabled and some dont.
I may just skip it now that the world has started talking about it. I heard the banking industry isn't even really considering it. Most likely, banks would more likely create a competing tool that *they* own. I mean, why wouldn't you? You don't give away billions is possible profit for free when you can just clone a simple idea.

BTW: actual answer I found for you on this from David himself:
Here’s my contribution to this thread:

I owned 3.28 bitcoins around Jan ‘17. Sold/converted to cash at ~$800 a piece. It’s fun now to think what could’ve been had I just let it be.

A few years ago, I know Amazon allowed you to pay with bitcoin. I don’t think it’s an option anymore.
Here’s my contribution to this thread:

I owned 3.28 bitcoins around Jan ‘17. Sold/converted to cash at ~$800 a piece. It’s fun now to think what could’ve been had I just let it be.

A few years ago, I know Amazon allowed you to pay with bitcoin. I don’t think it’s an option anymore.

Well, if you made a profit then good for you. It's better to take an $800 profit than lose $2,000+.

Hahah. The pendulum has swung a bit though.

In August when people were calling it a bubble, I laughed. 140$ billion market cap and it's a bubble already? Haha, right.

Now? The market cap has increased to over $800 billion. It'll be a $1 trillion dollar cap by the end of January (I actually won a bet worth a good amount of btc that we would have a trillion cap by Aug of 2018)

Now? At this rate, it may take a substantial hit by then. This is unlike the dot com bubble in the fact that the layman really can $$ in exponentially faster, and has, than that time. Institutions have been in, and even firms who practice risk management heavily are getting in due to client demands.

Nearly every coin has reached a market cap that is already ridiculous. It'll continue, but you have to ask yourself, at what trillion cap does it break? This growth isn't sustainable, and I'm a firm believer in the space as a software engineer.

It'll be interesting to watch.
Anyone heard of refereum?

I don't follow crypto currency and don't completely understand its use and value other than paying for stuff online anonymously.

My understanding is that it's an investment similar to how one would buy gold, specialty coins or similar things.

Am I correct?
I think @Reality is right. I think the big players are manipulating the get rich quick chasers. Notice how every time (no matter the currency) becomes hot, the herd moves boosting the price and right afterwards, the currency plummets? Bitcoin rose quickly, and it pulled back hard. Bitcoin Cash started to rise quickly, it pulled back hard, Ripple started concerted rise, then the herd mentality set it and now it's pulling back harshly.

I think these big players are slowing seeding the price rise by offering a slightly higher and higher price each day (the pump) until the herd mentality takes hold. They let it shoot up real quick and then they DUMP it taking everyone's hard earned (or borrowed) money!

It looks like clear market manipulation occurring here.

It's funny because I also read that over 18% of money being invested into these cryptocurrencies is borrowed monies. That is dangerous for the stability market itself without even accounting for the manipulations / speculation overload that is occurring. It's a recipe for financial destruction.
A Crypto Website Changes Its Data, and $100 Billion in Market Value Vanishes
Bitcoin, Ethereum and XRP fall sharply after removes data from some South Korean exchanges

On a positive note. If you are just investing in a well balanced (and not idiotic) portfolio of stocks, bonds, and short-term assets, you should be doing great! :)

I've been very happy for while now, but I'm definitely expecting a correction to hit soon. We'll just have to grin and bear it.

More Ripple fun. Look at the last paragraph. Everyone is pipping their own horn as if it's truth, yet everyone is yelling different things. THIS is why all these cryptocurrencies are just speculation.

I love how the Ripple guys give away a 0.01 option deal worth 5 billion of their currency units. o_O:omg: Offering a deal like that is only done by a complete and utter moron or a "Nigerian scam artist".

Ripple Countersues in $12 Billion Fight Over XRP Options

Finally, look at Ethereum. It's going up while others flap or fall. Looks like Ethereum is the next pump play waiting for the gold rush to start to begin the dump stage.
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