bledsoe next season?


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Hostile;1251344 said:
5 bucks says this is because you want to pad our sack stats with 2 games a year.

That and our interception stats.

We can always get up their "pat stats" too...


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iceberg;1251341 said:
if bledsoe could take a team to the post season, he'd still be starting for us.

He would have done it last year if it wasn't the same inconsistent kicking that has plagued us for years now.

Also, Bledsoe was 3-3 as a starter and I truly believe we'd be in the same position we are right now with Romo if he stayed the starter.


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StarAmongStars;1251361 said:
He would have done it last year if it wasn't the same inconsistent kicking that has plagued us for years now.

Also, Bledsoe was 3-3 as a starter and I truly believe we'd be in the same position we are right now with Romo if he stayed the starter.

Here's how I think we'd go with Bledsoe...

@ Carolina Panthers - LOSS (i can't see bledsoe winning this one, especially after falling down 14-0)
@ Washington Commanders - LOSS (regardless of QB play, the rest of the team was horrible)
@ Arizona Cardinals - WIN
vs. Indianapolis Colts - LOSS
vs. Tampa Bay Buccaneers - WIN
@ New York Giants - LOSS
vs. New Orleans Saints - LOSS
@ Atlanta Falcons - WIN

We'd have about 6 wins by now with Bledsoe...if that.


The Duke
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StarAmongStars;1251355 said:
I'll never understand the Bledsoe hate.....he's been benched for Romo and we are on our way to the what exactly is the problem with the guy? Just because he feels he's still a starter and doesn't want to be relegated to a back up he's public enemy number one?

We had a great season with him last year, and I'm sure he would have done just fine if he had stayed the starter this year despite the slow start.

Personally, I hope he goes to another team next year and has success and shows he's still a capable starter for a few more years.
As a Cowboys fan of 36 years let me explain it to you. When Cowboys fans have high expectations and the results don't live up to them the QB is generally the guy it is focused on. In his year and a half in Dallas he personally blew some games that Cowboys fans rightly feel we should have won. For example the Eagles game. Going in for a tying TD and he throws a stupid pass for 6 the other way. He compounded that with the last pass he threw being the INT by the Giants that stopped another scoring drive.

He isn't going to be revered for not getting the job done. No one before him has and he is no different.


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StarAmongStars;1251361 said:
He would have done it last year if it wasn't the same inconsistent kicking that has plagued us for years now.

Also, Bledsoe was 3-3 as a starter and I truly believe we'd be in the same position we are right now with Romo if he stayed the starter.

then i truly believe you're crazy. : )

kidding aside, there's no way we'd still be here w/bledsoe as our starter. if bp would have thought it could happen, he'd never have put romo in.


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Hostile;1251370 said:
As a Cowboys fan of 36 years let me explain it to you. When Cowboys fans have high expectations and the results don't live up to them the QB is generally the guy it is focused on. In his year and a half in Dallas he personally blew some games that Cowboys fans rightly feel we should have won. For example the Eagles game. Going in for a tying TD and he throws a stupid pass for 6 the other way. He compounded that with the last pass he threw being the INT by the Giants that stopped another scoring drive.

He isn't going to be revered for not getting the job done. No one before him has and he is no different.

Definitely understand, since you have been a cowboy fan for quite some time....and I can't say I disagree with you knowing the expectations for a succesful franchise like ours. Bledsoe knew the heat was going to be on this year, and even though he staved off the Romo talk with a stellar preseason, he didn't deliver early and it cost him, but like I said we have clinched a playoff and found a new the hate is pointless in my mind.

I'm happy we have a QB of the future and I hope Bledsoe will be able to deliever if called upon during the playoffs if Romo gets hurt or struggles. :starspin


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iceberg;1251378 said:
then i truly believe you're crazy. : )

kidding aside, there's no way we'd still be here w/bledsoe as our starter. if bp would have thought it could happen, he'd never have put romo in.

Obviously he couldn't keep Romo on the bench any longer and knew that he was the real deal all for that I don't blame him one bit.

Parcells may have saved his entire legacy/reputation this season.


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StarAmongStars;1251355 said:
I'll never understand the Bledsoe hate.....he's been benched for Romo and we are on our way to the playoffs, and Romo is on his way to the what exactly is the problem with the guy? Just because he feels he's still a starter and doesn't want to be relegated to a back up he's public enemy number one?

We had a great season with him last year, and I'm sure he would have done just fine if he had stayed the starter this year despite the slow start.

Personally, I hope he goes to another team next year and has success and shows he's still a capable starter for a few more years.

Do not confuse hate with wanting someone better at a particular position. I have no hate for Bledsoe, but I absolutely positively did not want him to be the starting QB for the Dallas Cowboys.

Bledsoe is not the only QB in the league that I would not want starting for the Cowboys, but it just so happens he was starting for the Cowboys.

Bledsoe is a great guy, but specially at this point in his career he is not a great QB. In fact he is not even above average IMO. He was clearly holding this team back.

Enter Romo into the equation and Dallas starts clicking. You can deny it if you want to but all tangible and non tangible evidence back this claim up. Dallas is better with Romo than with Bledsoe.

I wish Bledsoe the best, but I am glad he is no longer the starting QB for the Cowboys.


The Duke
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StarAmongStars;1251384 said:
Definitely understand, since you have been a cowboy fan for quite some time....and I can't say I disagree with you knowing the expectations for a succesful franchise like ours. Bledsoe knew the heat was going to be on this year, and even though he staved off the Romo talk with a stellar preseason, he didn't deliver early and it cost him, but like I said we have clinched a playoff and found a new the hate is pointless in my mind.

I'm happy we have a QB of the future and I hope Bledsoe will be able to deliever if called upon during the playoffs if Romo gets hurt or struggles. :starspin
That's what I'm trying to tell you, the "hate" (as you call it) may be pointless but it won't ever go away. To this day I cannot stand Steve Pelleur. Hell, I don't even like Craig Morton and he took us to a Super Bowl one year and was the QB for part of the next year before Roger Staubach made his legend real.

I don't see the "hate" as pointless at all. It's a way to vent at what drives us crazy. Not living up to expectations is just a fact.


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Maybe he'll become a street performer?



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StarAmongStars;1251391 said:
Obviously he couldn't keep Romo on the bench any longer and knew that he was the real deal all for that I don't blame him one bit.

Parcells may have saved his entire legacy/reputation this season.

by letting go of his "good old boy" qb's he's almost done a 180 on my own opinion of him as well, i won't deny that. maybe it's fair, maybe it's not - but i never felt bledsoe would get us anywhere and i hated the "wasted time" we spent trying.

that spawns the "well he had to give romo time to learn" argument that i just won't get into. i still believe you can either play the position or you can't. a bumpy road or smooth sailing is just another road to success you will get to if you have what it takes anyway.


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iceberg;1251421 said:
by letting go of his "good old boy" qb's he's almost done a 180 on my own opinion of him as well, i won't deny that. maybe it's fair, maybe it's not - but i never felt bledsoe would get us anywhere and i hated the "wasted time" we spent trying.

that spawns the "well he had to give romo time to learn" argument that i just won't get into. i still believe you can either play the position or you can't. a bumpy road or smooth sailing is just another road to success you will get to if you have what it takes anyway.

Ill be honest, even as a fan of bledsoe before he came to play for us, I think Parcells/Peyton wanted Romo to play last year but out of loyalty they gave the job to Bledsoe last year anyways....wouldn't have made much sense to sign a guy to a starting contract and then bench him before he even played a's too bad Drew didn't get a chance at the postseason last year.


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StarAmongStars;1251361 said:
He would have done it last year if it wasn't the same inconsistent kicking that has plagued us for years now.

Also, Bledsoe was 3-3 as a starter and I truly believe we'd be in the same position we are right now with Romo if he stayed the starter.

How quickly everyone seems to forget that even Bill Parcells himself said about last year. "We would have won 3 more games with a consistent kicking game".

12-4 last year and in the playoffs...


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KingTuna;1251507 said:
How quickly everyone seems to forget that even Bill Parcells himself said about last year. "We would have won 3 more games with a consistent kicking game".

12-4 last year and in the playoffs...

at least i'll give you credit for being the only bledsoe homer to stick around after the rest bailed.

fine - now look at us this year - 2 games away from the division title and i'd hardly call our kicking game consistant. so did it come down to a "kicker" because bledsoe sucked?

we can do this all day long.

Da Hammer

The Natural
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getting sacked as a Giant!!! Coughlin will sign him to have him as a mentor for Eli but Eli will get benched for horrible play and Coughlin being an old style coach will want a veteran in there to right the ship but yea we all know how that will turn out...

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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Zaxor;1251164 said:
If he plays anywhere I hope it is for the skins, giants or eagles

That would be perfect justice for making me wait 4 weeks to see Romo this year! Watching our defense tee off on the Thinker would be simply fantasmic.

:lmao2: :lmao:

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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StarAmongStars;1251384 said:
I'm happy we have a QB of the future and I hope Bledsoe will be able to deliever if called upon during the playoffs if Romo gets hurt or struggles. :starspin

Just don't hold your breath on that one or else you might blackout and wake up under the flashing lights.


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I would say if Bledsoe led the team to more TDs in close games, then the Cowboys would not have had to rely on inconsistent kickers. Dallas lost games last year when they were only scoring 13 or fewer points. I think Bledsoe is a big reason for that. Not the only reason, but a big one.

That is not hating on Bledsoe. That is just looking at it realistically. I did not see him as a QB capable of winning big games in Dallas or having success in the playoffs and that opinion of mine turned out to be true. I wasn't the only one that had those beliefs. No hate involved. Just looking at Bledsoe as a player. As a player, he just was not good enough.

Some hate on Danny White for not getting the team to the Superbowl. I don't. Winning it all is very important and if a QB does that for Dallas he will be revered. Danny won't ever be that, but I appreciate the team competing for an NFC championship 3 years in a row. He was part of that success. It isn't setting the bar lower, it is just realizing how hard it is to reach that high level of winning a SB.

Some QBs get hate not for their actual performance, but the way they carried themselves. Peuller and Carter both felt entitled to the position of QBing the Cowboys. Both felt they were better than what they were. They both would have been appreciated more if they would have accepted their limitations and taken on different roles for the team. Peuller could have been a mentor to Aikman and a good back up for a long time with Dallas, but he felt he deserved to be a starter. The Cowboys were able to get him shipped to KC and he lasted two lackluster years as a Chief. We all know the Quincy Carter saga. I am not discounting their poor play as QBs, but if they had different attitudes, they both would be looked at a little differently.

I am way too young to know how people viewed Don Meredith. I hear he was loved and hated. He got the team to compete for NFL championships and just came up short. I would gladly take what Meredith and White gave to the Cowboys over what occurred from 2001 thru 2005. Very bad losing seasons and really know playoff runs are much worse than being on the cusp of winning it all.


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StarAmongStars;1251427 said:
Ill be honest, even as a fan of bledsoe before he came to play for us, I think Parcells/Peyton wanted Romo to play last year but out of loyalty they gave the job to Bledsoe last year anyways....wouldn't have made much sense to sign a guy to a starting contract and then bench him before he even played a's too bad Drew didn't get a chance at the postseason last year.

That's not how Bill rolls. We've seen that time and again.

Romo needed time to mature. Romo played well in the 2005 preseason -- but against 2nd and 3rd team players mostly. The previous year he barely made the team -- he looked to be on the outs and saved his butt with a huge pre-season comeback win. There is no way he was ready to play in 2005. No way at all.