Blind Homers

Ohh yah? Well I can't understand how anyone can go around constantly spewing hate, like we get it ... And It didn't take your 10,001th post to show us that you're miserable and not happy, though some will still post, after post, and after post, about how much we suck, how much we're the laughing stock, and how much they're ashamed ... It really get olds. And no I'm not saying don't look at it from a different angle, because that's what makes these Forum Boards (different views/opinions/backgrounds). But what I am saying is there's no reason to be overly negative like some are here, hell you can't even have a normal discussion half the time because someone immediately starts off on a tangent about how we suck, did I mention it gets old?

TLDR - Nothing wrong with being "real", but when you're being negative on just about every post ... it gets old. Balance is the key :)
But wait, you cannot see into the future. You're not Madame Cleo.

Cynicism is cowardice.

You must be a miserable fan. Why don't you find another team?

You're just a hater. Hater gonna hate.

You have no football knowledge.

After reviewing tape, I have determined you are wrong.

Garrett hasn't been given full rein. He will not be solely responsible for the offense this year. You'll see, he'll have plenty of time to get these guys on the right page.

I just put you on ignore.

Jerry is the greatest owner in sports.

They finally got rid of the bad attitudes. You'll see the team take off now.

They are giving Romo a defense this year. That is all it will take for him to get into the Super Bowl.

If just three plays had different outcomes, we'd have been in the play-offs. This is a play-off team.

Three years we have come down to the last game. You cannot say we aren't contenders.

I have stats that show Dallas actually was the best team since the GB Packers in 1965 when they play an early game, in October, when the wind is coming from the southwest, and the temperature is above 68 degrees, during a leap year, when the other team has their star defensive end out, when running the 4-3, if they take an 8 point lead into the six minute mark of the third quarter, when they received the ball at the beginning of the second half, if the head coach wears blue. Those stats prove everything.

I don't believe I missed anything.

Oh wait....

It's posters like you that have ruined this site and run off the great posters.

I just wanted to avoid the Christmas rush by getting these in.

Bravo!!!! Where is the hammer hitting the nail smiley when you need it?
The reality fairy is gonna be handing out some beat downs this season, but not before the usual suspects amuse us all with their 13-3 and 12-4 season predictions.

The sad thing is once the reality fairy hands the beat downs to some posters this up coming season, by next offseason you will start seeing silly comments again about how good this team will be.
I just noticed that when you type s-u-n-s-h-i-n-e p-u-m-p
I just don't understand how so many on here can be such blind homers when it comes to the Cowboys. I am constantly shaking my head while reading through threads filled with happy fan post. These blind homers are Jerry's wet dream who buy all the crap he is selling. If the blind homers would step into reality for a while and take off their rose colored glasses, they would see that this organization has managed to screw up the best rosters this team has had since the mid 90's with piss poor coaching. Since 2007, we had a team that was stacked and pissed it away on Wade "Powder Puff" Phillips and Jerry's Red Headed Trainee. We wasted the prime years of Romo, Ware, Witten, etc... on idiot coaches. I will never understand how so many can be so blind. They can't see the forest due to all the trees being in the way. People need to wake up and step into reality.

I just noticed that when you type s-u-n-s-h-i-n-e p-u-m-p-e-r-s without the dashes, it auto-corrects to " happy fans ". I wonder why???
(But dang it if the sob doesn't posts them anyway, dumb son of a HEY FAMILY FORUM!)
Today's topic: Word definitions

many noun
1: a large but indefinite number <a good many of them>
2: the great majority of people <the many>

The antonym of many is...

few noun
1: a small number of units or individuals <a few of them>
2: a special limited number <the discriminating few>

Let's try the antonym of many in a sentence!

I just don't understand how a few on here can be such blind homers when it comes to the Cowboys.
Eureka! It works!

This has been DallasEast's POSTS-NO-ONE-EVER-CARES-ABOUT-but-dang-it-if-the-sob-doesn't-post-them-anyway-dumb-son-of-a-HEY-FAMILY-FORUM!
I just noticed that when you type s-u-n-s-h-i-n-e p-u-m-p

I just noticed that when you type s-u-n-s-h-i-n-e p-u-m-p-e-r-s without the dashes, it auto-corrects to " happy fans ". I wonder why???

Thank you for the laugh.
Not sure it's so much "blind homer" as much as looking at things with a half full glass perspective as opposed to the half empty....some thrive on negativity and some don't

Jerry's counting on your "glass half full" along with his and while on his way to the bank to get your money.
The reality is that the Cowboys are 136-136. Some fans seem to be perfectly happy with that. I'm not.

I do not believe anyone is happy with hovering around .500. Some deal with it differently. Some do not live and die with the Cowboys like some proclaim they do.

The reality of it is there are many levels with being a fan and people need to get over thinking their perspective is the "right one".
I do not believe anyone is happy with hovering around .500. Some deal with it differently. Some do not live and die with the Cowboys like some proclaim they do.

The reality of it is there are many levels with being a fan and people need to get over thinking their perspective is the "right one".

There's many who are happy with it. Anyone who pays to go to the games and or buy the merchandise. They are endorsing how Jerry runs the team not to mention Jerry-tron pole dancing Victoria Secrets joke of a stadium.
There's many who are happy with it. Anyone who pays to go to the games and or buy the merchandise. They are endorsing how Jerry runs the team not to mention Jerry-tron pole dancing Victoria Secrets joke of a stadium.

That is just your perspective in a vacuum. Just because someone buys anything Cowboys related does not mean they support Jerry's decisions. You can be a fan of the Cowboys and not Jerry Jones.
If we could only get the constant blind homers and the constant negative nancies to move to another board and constantly battle each other in an epic all in who can pee the greatest distance would be...epic.
If we could only get the constant blind homers and the constant negative nancies to move to another board and constantly battle each other in an epic all in who can pee the greatest distance would be...epic.
My crystall ball foresees the blind homers peeing on the negative nancies because, well, they're blind. And the negative nancies reacting with a "It's all Jerruh's fault!"

It's a vicious circle.
You guys are depressing me and amusing me all in one fell swoop.

But the truth is that no team is going to win more than half its games (and usually only 2-4 games) with the 32nd ranked defense. It just ain't happenin'.

The annual prediction thread should be amusing this year.

Just hoping for a good draft at this point.
That is just your perspective in a vacuum. Just because someone buys anything Cowboys related does not mean they support Jerry's decisions. You can be a fan of the Cowboys and not Jerry Jones.

It does mean you endorse Jerry Jones whether you believe it or not. And he's a happy man because of it. You people happy with a .500 team are the ones living in a vacumn.
If we could only get the constant blind homers and the constant negative nancies to move to another board and constantly battle each other in an epic all in who can pee the greatest distance would be...epic.

Nobody wanted to listen to me...

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