Blowing up this team is getting closer


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We already know he is going to ask for the max amount. Personally I don't blame him. I mean if you can why wouldn't you? Also 60 million a year is more important than some trophy and ring.
He makes an additional 50M a year in endorsements bc he’s the most visible QB in the league on the most visible team in the league. That endorsement money goes way up if he gets to a Super Bowl and can add “winner”to his resume.

But Dak is a poser and not a winner. He knows it. So if it’s going to be a money grab, we should eat his contract this year and send him packing next year.


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No extending Dak and taking their medicine is the right move. I’m still not convinced they will get it right , but I’m hopeful
He will get extended and 5 years from now Jerry will be gone.


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How do you know an apple tree is an apple tree? The tree can say all it wants it is an orange tree but the EVIDENCE that it is an apple tree is by the fruit the tree produces.
Jerry can spit out all the cliches he wants to continue pulling in the media to give his #1 Sports franchise all the prime time games. The fans will fall for the bait--again--buying the pyrite only to be in the same position again (2025) for the 29th season.

The franchise has holes in many areas, with another opening up at LT. The hopes of this player and that player, who are on the team now, are thrown around.

Unless this team gives Prescott the extension, freeing up salary cap space, the carnival owners will be shopping at Dollar General even more with the lack of draft picks to plug the dyke.

So blowing up this team is getting closer with many coaches on 1yr/lame duck contracts. Players making big money and not getting it done, on the field. The inevitable is coming

--- Mock away, it is what the board does best
A blow-up , or "clean house" option can be necessary for organizations and beneficial but The Joneses, Jerry specifically will never admit defeat.


Until this team is free of the Joneses it will be constant run-it-back culture.
Sorry to hamper your hopes, bro.


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You don't extend Dak if you plan to blow up the roster in 2025. Extending Dak will tell everyone all the BS coming out of the Jones Boys mouths is just that, a load of BS
so just restructure???


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The title of this thread should be Wishful Thinking. But I concur that I'm not feeling it this off-season. I too want to blow up the team and start over starting at the top.


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If this team doesn't extend Dak, then yeah. I think they really are looking at a blowup.


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You aren't alone.
Get a legit playoff level coach and a legit not scared of playoffs level QB and take it from there.
The rest of the team can then follow their lead.
But both of our current position holders suck at playoff football.
And the LAST thing you wanna do is run it back with these same 2 incompetents leading you.

Yet here we are.
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How do you know an apple tree is an apple tree? The tree can say all it wants it is an orange tree but the EVIDENCE that it is an apple tree is by the fruit the tree produces.
Jerry can spit out all the cliches he wants to continue pulling in the media to give his #1 Sports franchise all the prime time games. The fans will fall for the bait--again--buying the pyrite only to be in the same position again (2025) for the 29th season.

The franchise has holes in many areas, with another opening up at LT. The hopes of this player and that player, who are on the team now, are thrown around.

Unless this team gives Prescott the extension, freeing up salary cap space, the carnival owners will be shopping at Dollar General even more with the lack of draft picks to plug the dyke.

So blowing up this team is getting closer with many coaches on 1yr/lame duck contracts. Players making big money and not getting it done, on the field. The inevitable is coming

--- Mock away, it is what the board does best
Everybody important to a football team is on one year deals. It is not blowing up. It has blown up.


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Dak should be playing for another franchise. Period. He is among the few reasons why DAL hasn't sniffed a NFC Championship game over the last three years.


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He makes an additional 50M a year in endorsements bc he’s the most visible QB in the league on the most visible team in the league. That endorsement money goes way up if he gets to a Super Bowl and can add “winner”to his resume.

But Dak is a poser and not a winner. He knows it. So if it’s going to be a money grab, we should eat his contract this year and send him packing next year.
He's winning at the bank.


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How do you know an apple tree is an apple tree? The tree can say all it wants it is an orange tree but the EVIDENCE that it is an apple tree is by the fruit the tree produces.
Jerry can spit out all the cliches he wants to continue pulling in the media to give his #1 Sports franchise all the prime time games. The fans will fall for the bait--again--buying the pyrite only to be in the same position again (2025) for the 29th season.

The franchise has holes in many areas, with another opening up at LT. The hopes of this player and that player, who are on the team now, are thrown around.

Unless this team gives Prescott the extension, freeing up salary cap space, the carnival owners will be shopping at Dollar General even more with the lack of draft picks to plug the dyke.

So blowing up this team is getting closer with many coaches on 1yr/lame duck contracts. Players making big money and not getting it done, on the field. The inevitable is coming

--- Mock away, it is what the board does best
I agree with you 100%.

However, Jerry knows enough of our fans will be intrigued/excited by a new coaching staff. 25% that Dak is gone and plenty of anti-Cowboy fans will watch just see the it burn.

So he knows the rating will be just fine.


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The Cowboys were drafting well, overall, with exception of last year. If that repeats itself this year then you could be right.

A successful team has successful drafts no matter what their draft position is.


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Some fans should be rooting for another franchise. Period.

I'm not defending Dak, but this crap gets old.
Some fans should realize the objective of this forum is to express their opinions. Then, some fans should realize opinions are not facts.