Blue White Scrimmage

You can't convince me that Romo is throwing with any Zip. His passes look real flat IMO. He seems to be moving good which is encouraging, but I would say this guy is closer to 75% healthy rather than 100%. IMO
You guys arguing about the Wilcox hit misunderstood why Dez got ticked off.
He nailed Dez to the ground, but when Dez was on the ground, he lifted his leg up like he was stomping him in the face. Not sure if it was intentional.
That's what sent Dez a bit over the edge. He jumped up a d went for the head but and Wilcox threw a punch.

Wilcox would have been ejected, of course.
I like the nads of that guy tho.
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You can't convince me that Romo is throwing with any Zip. His passes look real flat IMO. He seems to be moving good which is encouraging, but I would say this guy is closer to 75% healthy rather than 100%. IMO

Can't say I agree with this at all. I've seen a ton of zip aside from the one wounded duck pass.
You guys arguing about the Wilcox hit misunderstood why Dez got ticked off.
He nailed Dez to the ground, but when Dez was on the ground, he lifted his leg up like he was stomping him in the face. That's what sent Dez a bit over the defense. He jumped up and Wilcox threw a punch.


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