Boomer Sooner !! OU - USC - Orange Bowl

Ya know that OU is known for it's 2nd half come backs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope springs ETERNAL! Go Adrian!
On the bright side, that's the first time I've ever seen someone booed at a halftime show.

Give it up, Ashlee, you don't have the talent to do this.
OU went SPLAT on their first possession after the half. The Def is gonna have to get one from USC maybe that would JUMP start the OU offense!
with the score
55 to 10 I think my enthusiasm is waining a bit! :-(

OH well, as Adrian said about the Heisman Trophy... "there's always next year!" :)
USC cheerleaders (femme only please) need their own broadcast. Those little ones are the stuff that criminal intentions are made of.

scottsp said:
USC cheerleaders (femme only please) need their own broadcast. Those little ones are the stuff that criminal intentions are made of.

ladies close ur ears...I would suck a turd outta of about 3/4 of them,especially that blonde in the middle.
I have said all year long that USC was the best team in the country and they certainly lived up to that tonight. I was disappointed but not suprised by USC's lopsided victory. People think OU played really bad but I think USC was that much better. If they played this game again, it wouldn't suprise if a similar score occurred. They have been doing this to teams all year. Being a Sooner fan and living out west, I have had the luxury of seeing both teams play and USC was better. Carrol was brilliant in exploiting Jason White's weaknesses. I knew OU's passing attack was overrated because they have a very west coast system in which they turn small little out patterns into big plays whereas USC's pass offense throws the ball downfield more. That's why Carroll's zone blitz scheme worked so well. They wouldn't allow Jason White to get in rhythm by allowing all the small out patterns. They forced OU to pass downfield and OU couldn't match that. They threw a lot of zone blitzes at him and forced White to beat them with his arm which he doesn't really have that strong of arm. It was scary to see how much speed their offense has; they just made OU look silly.

The only aspect that shocked me about this game was seeing USC's defense handle Adrian Petersen. They have so much speed on their defense as well.
choklahoma :toast:

we need to find a self choking smilie
I guess Bob Stoops isn't the great big game coach they made him out to be. His only big wins are against Mack Brown, a known choker and Bobby Bowden, who also has lost many more big games than he has won. Just kiddin.

USC is a great team that just got on a roll. Happens sometimes. I would like Dallas to hire Norm Chow.
Dallas said:
Its getting close folks. I cant wait until game time. Im as giddy as a school girl. The talent we will see tonight is going to be really special. I hope you folks tune in.

Dang this game is huge.

Weigh in with your pedictions. Ill even take Pokes smartiealec comments to. Im in that good of a mood.

Ill take Oklahoma 28 and USC 17

Ill say AD gets 200+ yrds on the ground.

BTW. I was pulling for them Horns this weekend. Good showing in the Rose. Thats 2 for the Big 12 now.

how do you feel today? Man, what an azzwhoopin.
dbair1967 said:
It's not too late to change your prediction Nostradomus...

hey maybe Peterson will break 20 yds by games endelmets

and maybe Jason White will eventually complete one to the team wearing the white jerseys and red helmets


Why single my prediction out from the others? I hate ou. I just thought they would win. This is one time I'm happy to be wrong.
DallasCowpoke said:
38 - 10 SC @ 1/2.....

And I repeat.......

"There's a GAME tonight!!!???"



DallasCowpoke said:
SC - 31

OU - 20

I'd like to go on record here, that I was the ONLY one in this thread, PRE-GAME, who not ONLY picked the winner of this game correctly, but was forward thinking enough to see that it was not going to be a "down to the wire" outcome!!

On a side note, I'll be available for tarot card readings by appointment later today!!

DallasCowpoke said:
I'd like to go on record here, that I was the ONLY one in this thread, PRE-GAME, who not ONLY picked the winner of this game correctly, but was forward thinking enough to see that it was not going to be a "down to the wire" outcome!!

On a side note, I'll be available for tarot card readings by appointment later today!!


Amazes me how much of a freakin ME person you are. You must be a joy to be friends with. To think a grown man would have to come out and toot his own horn. Says much about your self-esteem. :)
p1_ said:
how do you feel today? Man, what an azzwhoopin.

Yep it was that. I feel just fine tho. We have a great coach. Say what you want but look at Stoops record as a HC. Count how many times his team has been to the NC game in the past 6-7 years?

What has Mack done for UT? You people crack me up. I would expect it from the Horns fans.

I tried to take the high road with you pukes and pull for Texas in the Rose because its a Big 12 team but you fans so turn me off trying to be descent about things.

Its cool man. Pile on. I got huge shoulders cuz.
DallasCowpoke said:
I'd like to go on record here, that I was the ONLY one in this thread, PRE-GAME, who not ONLY picked the winner of this game correctly, but was forward thinking enough to see that it was not going to be a "down to the wire" outcome!!

On a side note, I'll be available for tarot card readings by appointment later today!!


Im still wishing your WHOREns can somehow win one against OU. Seems forever since you last had one over us.

Until you do. Your silly comments mean jack. Your just trying to rouse OU fans and boost yourself higher.

Takes all kinds I guess.

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