Boomer Sooner !! OU - USC - Orange Bowl

Dallas said:
Im still wishing your WHOREns can somehow win one against OU. Seems forever since you last had one over us.

Until you do. Your silly comments mean jack. Your just trying to rouse OU fans and boost yourself higher.

Takes all kinds I guess.
Sucks to be totally humiliated on national tv don't it?
jimmy40 said:
Sucks to be totally humiliated on national tv don't it?

Yes. Im sure you have much experience on this topic since OU does it to Texas yearly.

Care to try again?
Dallas said:
Yes. Im sure you have much experience on this topic since OU does it to Texas yearly.

Care to try again?
I wasn't being a smart***. Unbelievably defensive aren't you? Had to love that Mack Brown look on Bob's face. I swear I thought he was going to cry.
joseephuss said:
I guess Bob Stoops isn't the great big game coach they made him out to be. His only big wins are against Mack Brown, a known choker and Bobby Bowden, who also has lost many more big games than he has won. Just kiddin.

USC is a great team that just got on a roll. Happens sometimes. I would like Dallas to hire Norm Chow.

The games USC struggled in were their rival games like the ones against Cal and UCLA. Every team struggled against their rival but in big games, USC was dominant.

I'm not taking anything away from OU. They were arguably the second best team in the country and deserved a shot at the national title.

But sometimes, the #1 team is that much better than the #2 ranked team. It does not happen often but USC was significantly better than OU, Auburn and every other team in college. If USC is playing their A game, no one could have beaten them this year. They just had great team chemistry, sound schemes and talent.

I think Bob Stoops is an amazing coach but USC had more talent; it's that simple. You can't fault Stoops for that. Stoops will win another national championship
Dallas said:
Amazes me how much of a freakin ME person you are. You must be a joy to be friends with. To think a grown man would have to come out and toot his own horn. Says much about your self-esteem. :)

Oh cmon dude, give Dallas Cowpoke his much deserved props. He did call it and posted his prediction here. We have all tooted our own horn on some level here. The guy backed it up and deserves his props. Likewise, if OU would have won, you would have probably gloated a little on here too. Be fair about this at least. I know he is a Longhorns fan but you still have to carry yourself with honor and give props whether you like it or not.
Dallas said:
Yep it was that. I feel just fine tho. We have a great coach. Say what you want but look at Stoops record as a HC. Count how many times his team has been to the NC game in the past 6-7 years?

What has Mack done for UT? You people crack me up. I would expect it from the Horns fans.

I tried to take the high road with you pukes and pull for Texas in the Rose because its a Big 12 team but you fans so turn me off trying to be descent about things.

Its cool man. Pile on. I got huge shoulders cuz.

Exactly, we have nothing to feel bad about. OU isn't going anywhere. They will still be at least a top 5 team every year. They will some more national championships. Congrats to USC but OU is the best college program out there.
mr.jameswoods said:
Exactly, we have nothing to feel bad about. OU isn't going anywhere. They will still be at least a top 5 team every year. They will some more national championships. Congrats to USC but OU is the best college program out there.
USC has won two in a row and has 16? starters returning. How can anybody be better than that? I think losing the other Stoops has hurt worse than you guys think. You still own the Big 12 right now(not saying much) but you guys folded like a cheap tent and Bob just stood there whining. I may be wrong but it seems to me since Stoops took over when things started to go bad it was the other Stoops, Mike? that was on the sidelines getting in people's faces. Congrats to OU on another great season but they are not on the same par with USC right now. USC is in a class by themselves. There is no way you could have watched that game and honestly think any different. USC made OU quit.
Avery said:
On the bright side, that's the first time I've ever seen someone booed at a halftime show.

Give it up, Ashlee, you don't have the talent to do this.

God she is freaking horrible, one of the worst ever...

and they ruined New Year's Rocking Eve by having her on so much too

mr.jameswoods said:
Oh cmon dude, give Dallas Cowpoke his much deserved props. He did call it and posted his prediction here. We have all tooted our own horn on some level here. The guy backed it up and deserves his props. Likewise, if OU would have won, you would have probably gloated a little on here too. Be fair about this at least. I know he is a Longhorns fan but you still have to carry yourself with honor and give props whether you like it or not.

Much respect for the props. We've not always seen i-2-i, but I at least have an open mind for your opinion, and scan them w/ interest.

And in response to Dallas... Dude, if you're going to get SO worked-up over my responses to your team's losing, DON'T CALL ME OUT in your initial post. Trust me, I'd of avoided this thread like the plague otherwise.

And again, PLEASE notice that not ONCE, in my "tooting my own horn" posts in this thread, did I feel the need to resort to 5th grade, *******izing of your team's name, nor did I ONCE rub in your face how average your overwhelmingly favorited team looked in the biggest game of the year, AGAIN!
watching that horses-*** Stoops get his *** handed to him back to back was great...I couldn't stop laughing the whole game through..
jimmy40 said:
USC has won two in a row and has 16? starters returning. How can anybody be better than that? I think losing the other Stoops has hurt worse than you guys think. You still own the Big 12 right now(not saying much) but you guys folded like a cheap tent and Bob just stood there whining. I may be wrong but it seems to me since Stoops took over when things started to go bad it was the other Stoops, Mike? that was on the sidelines getting in people's faces. Congrats to OU on another great season but they are not on the same par with USC right now. USC is in a class by themselves. There is no way you could have watched that game and honestly think any different. USC made OU quit.

I think your being a bit hard on OU and Stoops here. SC played a nice game but 4 TOs in the first half didn't hurt either. USC deserves all the credit they are getting and that's fine but to say it's all Mike Stoops is far fetched. To say OU owns the Big12 but that's not much is stupidity. SC is a very good team but the PAC10 didn't do all that well in bowls this year either. That would be like me trying to say USC owns the PAC10 but that's not much. That would be rediculous. Keep in mind, Mike Stoops was not the only vital piece Bob Stoops has lost in recent years. He also Lost Mike Leach to Texas Tech.

I'm a Horns fan and I have no reason to try and defend OU other then the fact that there a pretty good football team. SC is very good these days but it wasn't all that long ago, SC was a disaster. Pete Carrol changed all that. Now Carrol is being mentioned for jobs in the NFL etc. I think it would be a mistake to leave SC but that's something he will have to decide. If that happens, your going to be facing much the same situations OU is facing now. Even more likely is the possability that Norm Chow goes somewhere else. I have liked Chow for years now, going back to his days at BYU. If he want's to jump to the NFL or another program, I'd think he would probably get the chance. You lose that guy and everything will change at SC. There's a reason USC is getting the best QB prospects in the country right now and it's not the LA traffic that's bringing them there. It's Norm Chow.
mr.jameswoods said:
Oh cmon dude, give Dallas Cowpoke his much deserved props. He did call it and posted his prediction here. We have all tooted our own horn on some level here. The guy backed it up and deserves his props. Likewise, if OU would have won, you would have probably gloated a little on here too. Be fair about this at least. I know he is a Longhorns fan but you still have to carry yourself with honor and give props whether you like it or not.

Gloating a little and coming out and being an outright jerkoff about things is a totally different story. Its his colors tho. Thats basically all I was saying.
Dallas said:
Gloating a little and coming out and being an outright jerkoff about things is a totally different story. Its his colors tho. Thats basically all I was saying.

LOL, it's my "colors!?!?"

Boy dude, you are the King of revisionist history!

I defy you to do a search, and find in my post's where I constantly refer to you, or your team, with the repeated sophomoric remarks that you so generously sling my direction.

It's one thing to post one's opinions about a rival team, however invalid or skewed you may deem them to be, and it's entirely another to do that, then when someone posts an alternative opinion, going completely off the deep end.

You obviously have some serious issues with me, that I honestly have no clue what brought them on, other than I'm an alumnus of the rival college.

Again, and this most likely will be the last time I address you on this subject, or in this forum, but if you don't want to see my posts, or are going to get so upset over innocent, indirect comments I make in threads you start concerning OU... DON'T F'ING CALL ME OUT IN THE INITIAL POST!!!!
I think it is fair to say that this thread has pretty much peaked and went down hill.

No need to continue it, no need for anyone to go to far overboard and get themselves in trouble.

However I do see that the OU TX rivalry really runs deep. :cool:

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