Bout Time "Tank Johnson" Gets 120 Days in Jail

DCBoysfan;1423118 said:
The fact is a Police Officer is never off duty, I have made arrest at work and off of work and I have made arrest on my way to work. I 'm not going to go back and forth here in the cowboyszone about law enforcement pratices. If this upsets you so much contact the U.S. Attorney's office since they were the ones who prosecuted all my cases.

Let me ask -- do you feel that pertains to all law-breaking situations or just ones where there is danger to others?

For example, if you go to a party and someone is smoking a doob are you going to look the other way or bust them?
stealth;1423162 said:
The problem I have with the whole foley thing is he shot a guy three times when he got out of his non marked car, in front of foley's house. That's all shades of messed up.

Foley had previous issues with the police in that area. That might have nothing to do with this -- or it might have everything to do with this.
abersonc;1423169 said:
Let me ask -- do you feel that pertains to all law-breaking situations or just ones where there is danger to others?

For example, if you go to a party and someone is smoking a doob are you going to look the other way or bust them?

from the way he talks I would bet you he would bust them
abersonc;1423174 said:
Foley had previous issues with the police in that area. That might have nothing to do with this -- or it might have everything to do with this.
He did have issues with the police in that area, but not with the police department of that particular officer.

I'd like to say that that's an irrelevant point, because I do understand the thinking of the officer. But I'm sure it will be a point brought up during the civil trial. I just think the officer made some mistakes...
WoodysGirl;1423177 said:
He did have issues with the police in that area, but not with the police department of that particular officer.

I'd like to say that that's an irrelevant point, because I do understand the thinking of the officer. But I'm sure it will be a point brought up during the civil trial. I just think the officer made some mistakes...

I'd think it is likely a series of coincidences -- but whenever an off-duty office makes a "mistake" like this then every angle needs to be explored in-depth -- so just based on no beefs with that specific department, I'm not willing to call it irrelevant.
meh unless he had ever pulled a weapon on an officer the off duty guy shouldn't have even pulled his gun. That's the part that bugs me the most in all this.
abersonc;1423191 said:
I'd think it is likely a series of coincidences -- but whenever an off-duty office makes a "mistake" like this then every angle needs to be explored in-depth -- so just based on no beefs with that specific department, I'm not willing to call it irrelevant.
I totally agree.

Like I said, I'd like to say that point is irrelevant, but nothing is irrelevant when you're dealing with a set of circumstances such as this.

stealth;1423197 said:
meh unless he had ever pulled a weapon on an officer the off duty guy shouldn't have even pulled his gun. That's the part that bugs me the most in all this.
Part of the circumstances surrounding the shooting was that it was late at night, limited lighting, suspicious hand movements, and a disregard for police commands to stop. I don't know that many officers wouldn't have handled it any differently. Too many officers are killed or injured when not erring on the side of caution.
stealth;1423197 said:
meh unless he had ever pulled a weapon on an officer the off duty guy shouldn't have even pulled his gun. That's the part that bugs me the most in all this.

I believe the officer contends that Foley reached to his waist....or something.

I think, if anyone has really read the articles, you can't help but think that something stinks there. In any case, I have a feeling Foley's got alot of money coming his way, for this cop stealing his livelihood, based on how fishy this is. Shot three times?
Cops are always on duty when my father owned a jewelry store we hired off duty HPD officer for security. If he saw someone breaking the law he is well within his rights as a police officer to intervene. Working at Harris County now almost every officer works other jobs after they are off the clock and they are well within their rights to make arrest. Sorry if that is an inconvenience for law breakers. :laugh2:
Doomsday101;1423219 said:
Cops are always on duty when my father owned a jewelry store we hired off duty HPD officer for security. If he saw someone breaking the law he is well within his rights as a police officer to intervene. Working at Harris County now almost every officer works other jobs after they are off the clock and they are well within their rights to make arrest. Sorry if that is an inconvenience for law breakers. :laugh2:
Even Ronald McDonald

WoodysGirl;1423230 said:
Even Ronald McDonald


Especially a perv like Ronald who is always hanging out with little kids. :laugh2:
I don't think anyone thinks the police officer wasn't trying to do the right thing, in getting a drunk driver off the road.

It's just the idiotic way he went about it, that suggests a serious screw-up in judgment, and a loss of control. Just wearing a badge doesn't give you free rein to do whatever the heck you want, act on whims and shoot people up. Maybe it was a simple error, maybe that guy needs taken off the street. From what I've read, it certainly sounds like the latter.
abersonc;1423169 said:
Let me ask -- do you feel that pertains to all law-breaking situations or just ones where there is danger to others?

For example, if you go to a party and someone is smoking a doob are you going to look the other way or bust them?

You can be arrested for any voilation reguardless if it poses a threat to others. If you are smoking something illegal yes you can be arrested, if an off duty police officer sees you, just like you can be arrested if I'm in a store and you attempt to shoplift. Same thing. Now if you ask me would I make a misdormeanor arrest like that no, I have only made arrests were there is a danger to others. It's not worth the paper work/time for arresting someone for smoking weed at a party.
superpunk;1423245 said:
I don't think anyone thinks the police officer wasn't trying to do the right thing, in getting a drunk driver off the road.

It's just the idiotic way he went about it, that suggests a serious screw-up in judgment, and a loss of control. Just wearing a badge doesn't give you free rein to do whatever the heck you want, act on whims and shoot people up. Maybe it was a simple error, maybe that guy needs taken off the street. From what I've read, it certainly sounds like the latter.

I agree. Police still have to abide by police standards regardless if they are on duty or off duty. I will also agree there are police officers who should not be wearing the uniform at all. It is too bad that a few have given the many a bad reputation in the eyes of some.
WoodysGirl;1423208 said:
Part of the circumstances surrounding the shooting was that it was late at night, limited lighting, suspicious hand movements, and a disregard for police commands to stop. I don't know that many officers wouldn't have handled it any differently. Too many officers are killed or injured when not erring on the side of caution.

But here's my issue -- disregard for police commands to stop. I think that most recommendations (e.g., from AAA, driving safety course) would be to NEVER stop for someone claiming to be a police officer unless you can verify that it is actually an officer.

Would you stop if someone who wasn't in a police car told you to?
stealth;1423176 said:
from the way he talks I would bet you he would bust them

No I would leave, not worth the paperwork or the time.
DCBoysfan;1423254 said:
You can be arrested for any voilation reguardless if it poses a threat to others. If you are smoking something illegal yes you can be arrested, if an off duty police officer sees you, just like you can be arrested if I'm in a store and you attempt to shoplift. Same thing. Now if you ask me would I make a misdormeanor arrest like that no, I have only made arrests were there is a danger to others. It's not worth the paper work/time for arresting someone for smoking weed at a party.

Glad to see you make the distinction between intervening when there is a danger vs. being a busybody!
abersonc;1423266 said:
But here's my issue -- disregard for police commands to stop. I think that most recommendations (e.g., from AAA, driving safety course) would be to NEVER stop for someone claiming to be a police officer unless you can verify that it is actually an officer.

Would you stop if someone who wasn't in a police car told you to?

Now that is true, unless someone is in a marked police car then you should'nt stop. If a unmarked car attempts to stop you. Drive to a public well lit place then stop, and ask for Identification not a badge. A badge is not ID ask to see his ID with his name and picture on it before proceeding giving him your ID. Just some advice
abersonc;1423266 said:
But here's my issue -- disregard for police commands to stop. I think that most recommendations (e.g., from AAA, driving safety course) would be to NEVER stop for someone claiming to be a police officer unless you can verify that it is actually an officer.

Would you stop if someone who wasn't in a police car told you to?
I wouldn't stop if I was in my car...and the guy was in his car. I'm talking about what happened after Foley had arrived at his residence.

Foley was crazy for continuing to walk towards someone...anyone...with a gun pointed towards him. Common sense should've told him to stop. Common sense should've told the woman in the car to call the police herself and tell them that there was some guy outside their car with a gun pointed toward her friend.

Unfortunately common sense mixed with alcohol and a scared rookie cop equals bad judgement and a mess of trouble.
WoodysGirl;1423284 said:
I wouldn't stop if I was in my car...and the guy was in his car. I'm talking about what happened after Foley had arrived at his residence.

Foley was crazy for continuing to walk towards someone...anyone...with a gun pointed towards him. Common sense should've told him to stop. Common sense should've told the woman in the car to call the police herself and tell them that there was some guy outside their car with a gun pointed toward her friend.

Unfortunately common sense mixed with alcohol and a scared rookie cop equals bad judgement and a mess of trouble.

So if it was poorly lit, how can we be sure Foley saw the gun?

If I'm Foley's size and someone has been following me, I'm drunk and likely, since it is the off-season, in a semi-roid rage, then I'm going out there to challenge the guy.

To me, the cop following Foley home was one thing -- but at that point, he's home, he won't be driving any more. Just freaking leave -- he may not even be drunk enough to make a DUI charge stick.

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