Bout Time "Tank Johnson" Gets 120 Days in Jail

abersonc;1423300 said:
So if it was poorly lit, how can we be sure Foley saw the gun?

If I'm Foley's size and someone has been following me, I'm drunk and likely, since it is the off-season, in a semi-roid rage, then I'm going out there to challenge the guy.
We don't know that he saw the gun originally. But once he was shot the first time, that should've been his first clue. Apparently he continued to walk towards him after the first shot, according to some of the original reports.
To me, the cop following Foley home was one thing -- but at that point, he's home, he won't be driving any more. Just freaking leave -- he may not even be drunk enough to make a DUI charge stick.
Not disagreeing with this take, at all.
For info purposes, this was the story coming out of San Diego at first. I've seen some additional stories, but this was the first one came up after a basic search.

Shot linebacker to sit out season
By Leslie Wolf Branscomb
September 5, 2006

Chargers players and coaches visited wounded linebacker Steve Foley in the hospital yesterday as details of the bizarre shooting Sunday morning came slowly from tight-lipped authorities.

The Chargers announced that Foley, who was shot by an off-duty Coronado police officer at 3:41 a.m. Sunday near his Poway home, will not play this season. Team officials placed Foley on injured reserve and said that because his injuries weren't related to playing football, he will forfeit his $775,000 salary for this season.

Officer ID'd
Authorities on Tuesday released the name of the off-duty Coronado police officer who shot and wounded Charger Steve Foley on Sunday. The officer was identified as Aaron Mansker, who has been with the department since August 2005.

Foley, 30, was recovering yesterday in the surgical intensive care unit at Sharp Memorial Hospital, protected by two private security officers. He declined to be interviewed, but one visitor, former teammate Akbar Gbaja-Biamilla, said upon leaving that Foley was “doing good.”

Also visiting Foley yesterday were coach Marty Schottenheimer, Chargers Director of Security Dick Lewis, head trainer James Collins and a team doctor.

Police officials and Foley's neighbors spent the day recounting details of events that began when an off-duty police officer said he saw Foley's Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme weaving in traffic just north of downtown San Diego at Washington Street on state Route 163.

Sheriff's homicide Lt. Dennis Brugos said the officer, who has not been identified, was on his way home from work when he spotted Foley's car. The officer was not wearing a uniform and was driving an unmarked black Mazda sedan.

After seeing the Oldsmobile nearly sideswipe other cars, Brugos said the officer called for backup as he followed Foley on state Route 163 near Route 52.

On Saturday night, Foley had attended a players dinner at Morton's Steakhouse in the downtown Gaslamp Quarter. The dinner, which was not a team-sanctioned event, was a traditional fete where new players treat veteran players to a lavish meal. The bill for last year's dinner, held at Pamplemousse Grille, was $32,000. Players said most people left Saturday's dinner around 10:30 p.m.

Brugos said the Coronado officer tried to pull Foley over twice en route to Poway. A Sheriff's Department news release said the officer pulled up alongside Foley at a stoplight and identified himself. Foley acknowledged the officer but drove on, according to the Sheriff's Department.

At the second stop, Foley got out of his car and approached the officer, but upon seeing his gun said, “That's a BB gun,” according to the news release. Foley's female companion, Lisa Maree Gaut, reportedly stepped out of the car, and yelled an unintelligible comment at the officer before the couple drove off.

The third stop took place on a cul-de-sac near Foley's home on Travertine Court. The officer got out of the car, said his gun was real, and fired a warning shot into some bushes against an embankment at the end of the cul-de-sac, according to the Sheriff's Department.

Gaut, now behind the wheel, reportedly drove straight at the officer, who fired two shots. One hit the Oldsmobile's windshield on the passenger side and the other hit the car's radiator, according to neighbors who saw the car afterward. Gaut was uninjured.

Foley then came toward the officer and “made a reaching move toward his pants or waistband,” Brugos said. The officer fired at Foley several times before he fell.

Brugos said yesterday he couldn't disclose how many shots were fired while the investigation was ongoing.

Kent Goldman, who lives two doors from Foley, said he heard Foley's car “revving, revving, revving and a pop, pop.” He said he recognized the distinctive sound of Foley's Oldsmobile with its high-performance engine.

“A few seconds later, I heard it revving again and I heard more rapid pops, five or six,” Goldman said.

Within seconds, it seemed, the street was flooded with a dozen or more police cars, Goldman said.

Rick Jennings, Foley's next-door neighbor, said he ran outside after hearing shots. Jennings said he heard a woman in Foley's car screaming, “No, oh my God, stop!”

“Then I heard four more shots,” Jennings said.

When more police arrived, Jennings said he heard them firmly but deliberately tell the woman several times: “Put your foot on the brake and shut off the car.”

Brugos said yesterday he didn't know whether Foley had any kind of a weapon.

Foley has not been charged, but that could change, Brugos said.

Gaut, 25, was booked into the Las Colinas women's jail in Santee on suspicion of driving under the influence and assault with a deadly weapon. Her bail was set at $17,500 and a court hearing scheduled for Thursday in El Cajon.

A jail booking clerk said there is a warrant for Gaut's arrest issued by the Solano County Superior Court in Northern California, with bail set at $25,000. The charges Gaut faces there were unknown yesterday.

A relative of Gaut's, reached at home in Linda Vista, said the family was trying to raise bail to free Gaut.

The woman, who wouldn't identify herself, said they learned of Gaut's arrest via news accounts. “We really don't know what happened,” she said.

She said the family did not know Foley and didn't know what Gaut's relationship was to the football player.

Some of Foley's neighbors were skeptical of versions of the shooting they heard and read in news reports.

“I want to hear his side,” Jennings said. “All we've heard so far is the police side.”

Jennings said Foley was a model neighbor who lived quietly. “I think late for him was 8 o'clock,” he said.

Goldman said the football star is a hit with neighborhood children. He said Foley told his son that he eats chocolate the night before every game, so his son started making brownies for Foley.

Neighbor Karen Lammers said Foley's house was a popular stop for Halloween trick-or-treaters because he gave out jumbo candy bars. “He's always smiling,” Lammers said.

Foley had been arrested in April for allegedly resisting arrest, battery on a police officer and being drunk in public after an altercation on a University City street. The District Attorney announced last week that Foley will not be prosecuted for that altercation.

Responding to rumors that Foley might have believed he was being carjacked, Foley's agent, David Levine, said, “It sure sounds like it. . . . The circumstances would seem to coincide with somebody not thinking he was dealing with a police officer.”

Foley's Oldsmobile, purple inside and out, had recently been restored and was one of two vintage cars he owned, neighbors said. The other is an orange Chevrolet Impala Super Sport.

Brugos said he didn't know whether the officer showed his badge when identifying himself to Foley.

Everett Bobbitt, the attorney who will be representing the officer, said, “There's no legal requirement” that a badge be shown when an off-duty officer is pulling over a motorist.

Bobbitt would not comment on the badge, but he said an officer who feels the need to use his weapon can't show his badge at the same time.

“If you're holding your gun, you're not going to do that, because the proper way to hold a gun is with two hands,” Bobbitt said.

As for firing a warning shot, Bobbitt and Brugos said they didn't think it was specifically prohibited.

“Generally, you're not going to (fire a warning shot), but you've got to be in the officer's shoes,” Bobbitt said. The investigators “will look at the whole procedure in context,” he said.

Coronado Mayor Tom Smisek said the officer who shot Foley has been put on administrative leave, “which is the normal procedure.”

A.J. Smith, the Chargers' general manager, said nothing has been decided regarding Foley's vacant roster position. The Chargers do not have to replace Foley with a linebacker, because they are carrying an extra linebacker. Shaun Phillips will replace Foley as the starting weak-side linebacker.

After several incidents in Cincinnati in 1999 and 2000, where he played for the Bengals, Foley was enrolled in an NFL alcohol-treatment program.

“I am not happy about the off-the-field incidents,” Smith said. “Steve and I have had discussions in the past. I am confident in the future we will have a discussion. But right now, at this point in time, Steve's health is the most important thing.”

Staff writers Ray Huard, Kevin Acee, Jim Trotter and Tanya Sierra contributed to this report.
abersonc;1423300 said:
So if it was poorly lit, how can we be sure Foley saw the gun?

If I'm Foley's size and someone has been following me, I'm drunk and likely, since it is the off-season, in a semi-roid rage, then I'm going out there to challenge the guy.

To me, the cop following Foley home was one thing -- but at that point, he's home, he won't be driving any more. Just freaking leave -- he may not even be drunk enough to make a DUI charge stick.

Of course, as a devil's advocate, the cop had no way of knowing that was Foley's home.

Still, he wasn't driving any longer. No reason to initiate conflict in plainclothes, when the perp has no idea you're a police officer.
after reading that story again it further re-inforces my position that that cop was\is an idiot
bigbadroy;1422482 said:
:lmao: he only got 4 months, yet if it was you or me, we woulda gotten 4 or 5 years. maybe more
He violated probation, he didn't violate parole. A normal person probably wouldn't have even got 4 months. Tank Johnson is a scumbag but the laws the law. I just wish the sentence would have started the first day of next season.
DCBoysfan;1423118 said:
The fact is a Police Officer is never off duty, I have made arrest at work and off of work and I have made arrest on my way to work. I 'm not going to go back and forth here in the cowboyszone about law enforcement pratices. If this upsets you so much contact the U.S. Attorney's office since they were the ones who prosecuted all my cases.
You didn't try to stop an '82 light blue and silver Silverado going about a 110 on Interstate 45 in Houston at about 2 am one night in '83 did ya? I'm just asking.
WoodysGirl;1422842 said:
That may well be your opinion, but if I'm at the bank and a guy sticks up the bank and shooting breaks out. I'll be pretty pissed if there was an off-duty officer on site and his response after everything was over was "I wasn't on the clock."

Officers live a different type of life and I applaud any officer who believes his job doesn't end, just because his shift did.

:hammer: here, here
stealth;1423341 said:
after reading that story again it further re-inforces my position that that cop was\is an idiot

yeah, he almost got purposely ran over by Foley's girlfriend, and then Foley approached him

what an idiot for defending himself :rolleyes:
Bob Sacamano;1423523 said:
yeah, he almost got purposely ran over by Foley's girlfriend, and then Foley approached him

what an idiot for defending himself :rolleyes:

he fired a friggin warning shot?
who does that? he aint dirty harry

pick and choose the parts of the story that make sense while you ignore the stupid things the cop did. Some dude pulls a gun on me and I am in my car you bet your butt ima try to run him over rather than get shot.
stealth;1423607 said:
he fired a friggin warning shot?
who does that? he aint dirty harry

pick and choose the parts of the story that make sense while you ignore the stupid things the cop did. Some dude pulls a gun on me and I am in my car you bet your butt ima try to run him over rather than get shot.

dude, the police officer acknowledged himself to Foley, Foley and his girlfriend knew who he was, if they stopped when he 1st tried to pull them over, no warning shot would have been fired, and this never would have happened, it was just 2 people liquored up and who thought they were above the law

I'm sorry your client's playing career is basically screwed, but it happens
Bob Sacamano;1423617 said:
dude, the police officer acknowledged himself to Foley, Foley and his girlfriend knew who he was, if they stopped when he 1st tried to pull them over, no warning shot would have been fired, and this never would have happened, it was just 2 people liquored up and who thought they were above the law

I'm sorry your client's playing career is basically screwed, but it happens

the cop wasn't in uniform and was waving his gun around, I am sorry but that would freak me out. and you never pull over for some dude in a mazda anyways.
Law enforcement officers are always on duty, just like people have pointed out here. I have three family members in law enforcement, one in the FBI, one is a LT of Homicide, and one is a SGT...they are always on duty. This officer may have made some mistakes, but to say he isn't supposed to do anything because he is "not on the clock" is stupid. If the loser wouldn't have been drinking and driving, none of this would have happened. Foley was not the victim here, he WAS the problem.
stealth;1423708 said:
the cop wasn't in uniform and was waving his gun around, I am sorry but that would freak me out. and you never pull over for some dude in a mazda anyways.

again, sorry about your client, hope his wounds heal

New details revealed in Foley shooting

By: TERI FIGUEROA - Staff Writer

SAN DIEGO ---- The off-duty police officer who shot Chargers linebacker Steve Foley had given up his pursuit of Foley as a suspected drunken driver when he inadvertently turned down a cul-de-sac and found himself trapped without backup, a prosecutor said Thursday.

Deputy District Attorney Jim Koerber's comments came when Koerber was in court to arraign Foley's companion, Lisa Maree Gaut, 25. She pleaded not guilty to charges that she tried to run over the officer with Foley's car during the early Sunday morning confrontation that left Foley shot once in the hand and twice in the thigh ---- and off the field for the rest of the season.

Foley, 30, was unarmed and has not been charged with any crime. His injuries are said to be not life-threatening.

Koerber alleged during Gaut's arraignment that off-duty Coronado police officer Aaron Mansker ---- who was not in uniform and not in a police car ---- spotted Foley and suspected he was driving drunk once he saw Foley weaving and reaching speeds up to 90 mph as he headed north on Route 163 near Route 52.

Mansker was heading home from work when he came across Foley driving his restored 1971 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme just after 3 a.m. Sunday. Foley allegedly rebuffed Mansker's repeated attempts to get him to pull over on suspicion of drunken driving, Koerber said, adding that Mansker called for police assistance for a possible drunken driver.

The prosecutor said what followed was a series of stops and verbal confrontations among Foley, his companion and the off-duty officer that ended with the officer shooting Foley and at Gaut.

Gaut's attorney, Raymond Vecchio, said the couple did not know that Mansker was actually a police officer, and thought he might be a "carjacker" or "an over-exuberant fan."

The prosecutor said Mansker first contacted Foley off the freeway when both cars were stopped at a red light. Foley's windows were rolled down, Koerber said, and Mansker told Foley he was an officer and to pull over.

Foley responded with "Aw, (expletive)!" and then drove off, according to Koerber.

The second contact came when Foley stopped his car and got out, Koerber said, but then ignored Mansker's commands, jumped back in his car and drove away.

Koerber said that when Foley stopped his car a third time, Gaut jumped out of the passenger seat. But she, too, ignored Mansker's commands. She got back into the passenger seat and the couple again drove away.

The San Diego Sheriff's Department is investigating the shooting, and Sheriff's Lt. Dennis Brugos said this week that Foley made his final stop of the incident at Treadwell Drive and Travertine Court, near his Poway home. Brugos said Foley got out of his car and Mansker backed his car up and drove around Foley, up Travertine Court. Brugos said Mansker then got out of his car to find Foley approaching him on foot with Gaut driving the vehicle beside him.

In court, Koerber said that without uniformed backup, Mansker decided to give up the chase.

"Unfortunately, he drove down a cul-de-sac," Koerber said. "Foley started on foot, walking past his own house. ... At this point, the officer was trapped."

Mankser fired a warning shot, but Foley kept coming, Koerber said.

The prosecutor alleged that Gaut got behind the wheel of Foley's car, revved the engine and drove around Foley "and ---- in the officer's words ---- tried to ram the officer. She drove past the officer, up onto the curb and into the grass," Koerber said.

During the confrontation, Mansker shot at the car twice.

Gaut, 25, winced in court as if in disagreement as prosecutor Koeber laid out his version of the events that landed Foley in the hospital and ultimately ended his football season before it began.

During the court hearing, Gaut's attorney said she was not trying to ram the officer, but was trying to reach Foley to help him after the shooting.

"I really think it will be shown that Miss Gaut acted heroically, not criminally in any way, shape or form," defense attorney Raymond Vecchio told Judge David Szumowski.

Gaut also pleaded not guilty to misdemeanor charges that she was drunk when she took the wheel.

After the hearing, defense attorney Vecchio said he met with Gaut in jail, where she told him Mansker "never identified himself sufficiently" ---- that he didn't flash his badge.

He also said Gaut told him she had "coasted" next to Foley as he walked toward Mansker, and that she never endangered the officer. Any engine revving, he said, came because Gaut was unfamiliar with the souped-up car. Vecchio also said Mansker shot at Gaut after he shot Foley.

"She's scared to death," Vecchio said of Gaut. "She knows these are all trumped-up charges."

The attorney said Gaut and Foley have known each other for a while. He said did not know whether they were romantically involved. He did say that Gaut and Foley met up on Saturday evening after Foley attended a dinner with fellow players. He said the two ended up at a bar.

Gaut faces up to five years in state prison if convicted on two charges of assault with a deadly weapon, including one charge that the intended victim was a police officer. She also faces two misdemeanor counts of driving under the influence.

Vecchio said his client Gaut is unemployed, lives with her parents in San Diego, and will not likely be able to make her $35,000 bail. She is also being held on a $25,000 warrant out of Solano County in Northern California on charges that include knowingly buying a stolen car.

Mansker, 23, is an Escondido resident who worked as a Palomar College campus police officer for less than a year before joining the Coronado Police Department in August 2005.

The Chargers signed Foley as a free agent in 2004.

The linebacker ran into legal troubles this spring, arrested on charges of resisting arrest after fighting with police outside the University City Hyatt on April 21. He also was booked on charges of battery on a police officer and public drunkenness. The district attorney's office declined to pursue charges against Foley.

On Monday, one day after Foley was shot, the Chargers placed him on the Reserve: Non-Football Injury list, making him inactive for 2006. Foley will forfeit an estimated $1.6 million in base salary and a roster bonus.
jksmith269;1422445 said:
SKOKIE, Ill. -- Chicago Bears defensive lineman Tank Johnson was sentenced Thursday to four months in jail for violating probation in a 2005 gun case.


Johnson immediately was taken into custody. He could have been sentenced to up to a year behind bars.

Johnson, who pleaded guilty to violating his probation, also must pay a $2,500 fine.

Johnson was arrested on misdemeanor weapons charges Dec. 14 after police raided his home in the Lake County town of Gurnee, about 40 miles northwest of Chicago, and found six unregistered firearms.

At the time, he was on probation in a November 2005 Cook County case. In that case, he'd pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge stemming from an arrest in which a nightclub valet reported seeing Johnson with a handgun in his sport utility vehicle.

Johnson's bodyguard, Willie B. Posey, was arrested on felony drug charges after the raid on Johnson's home. Posey was shot and killed two days later during an early morning fight while he and Johnson were at a nightclub in Chicago.

The Bears suspended Johnson for one game for being out at the club.

He has been under house arrest since the raid, but was permitted to attend practice and travel to Miami for the Super Bowl, where the Indianapolis Colts beat the Chicago Bears 29-17.

Just days after returning from Miami, Johnson pleaded guilty to violating his probation in the 2005 case. He has pleaded not guilty to the Lake County charges in the latest arrest.

I'm glad to see these thugs starting to get Time behind bars.. Foley should be next Little should rott in Jail...

Who here among us has not had at one time six unregistered weapons in our homes while on probation, huh?
Yeah, that's what I thought.
Besides Tank is in mourning for his bodyguard and he needed to have that weapon in his SUV because of all the autograph seekers and stuff.
I find it funny Tank Johnson has less guns and ammo then half the rednecks in Texas.

Not that i can talk I have a 9mm in my house; I had a .22 pistol my dad gave me but I gave it back to him to use (he has 13 acres and he takes it with him on the tractor for vermonts). I grew up with Shotguns and rifles in my house
maybe Foley can sign a record deal, getting shot helped 50cent :)

I got shot 3 times, yo yo yo, I feel fine, yo yo yo, you can't stop me, I'm on the grind, got shot 3 times yo yo yo
Kangaroo;1423836 said:
I find it funny Tank Johnson has less guns and ammo then half the rednecks in Texas.

Not that i can talk I have a 9mm in my house; I had a .22 pistol my dad gave me but I gave it back to him to use (he has 13 acres and he takes it with him on the tractor for vermonts). I grew up with Shotguns and rifles in my house

We would welcome you in Farmers Branch, brother!

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