Boy, those Skins fans sure do hate us

CowboysHater said:
Well, now had you read my previous post, you would see that I make it clear that we Commanders fans are fueled by the losses. That's why I mentioned the Eagles & Vikings...ya know, pokin' a little...

You may one of the few then that don't hate the Commanders, I don't know. I was generalizing because I have yet to meet a Cowboys fan that DOESN'T hate the Commanders. But a lot of your comrads do, yet can't own up to it. When confronted with the possibility of being dubbed a "hater", they suddenly change their tune. "I don't hate the Commanders, I barely care about them", yet they wave a "Commanders suck" flag & post pics of Gibbs in the toilet. That's not hate?

My only point was that ya'll make fun of us for hating, but then most of you do the same thing. We have no issue with admitting to our hate. I will always hate the Cowboys, plain & simple. Even if we get a 12 game win streak against them, I will still hate them. All I'm sayin' is that own up to your hate, 'Boys, own up.

Well let me make this clear-- I HATE THE Commanders.... TO THE CORE- IT'S IN MY BLOOD CAN'T STAND'EM NEVER COULD NEVER WILL... GOT IT! I HATE THE Commanders AND I'M PROUD TO SAY that... @ the same time I keep everything in perspective and I'm a realist whereas Skins fans are constantly living in fantasy land.. abused and owned by the Cowboys you still come up with Dumb obnoxious things to say bragging on the accomplishments of teams OTHER THAN YOUR OWN since you don't have $hit to say.. my problem with Skins fans is that there's no even keel.. it's always "Lavar is gonna tear Vinny's Head off etc..." or fire the coach.... ya'll r way too extreme one way or the other.. I just can't wait till D.C. starts questioning the comeback and genius of the Almighty Joe Gibbs!
CowboysHater said:
Well, now had you read my previous post, you would see that I make it clear that we Commanders fans are fueled by the losses. That's why I mentioned the Eagles & Vikings...ya know, pokin' a little...

You may one of the few then that don't hate the Commanders, I don't know. I was generalizing because I have yet to meet a Cowboys fan that DOESN'T hate the Commanders. But a lot of your comrads do, yet can't own up to it. When confronted with the possibility of being dubbed a "hater", they suddenly change their tune. "I don't hate the Commanders, I barely care about them", yet they wave a "Commanders suck" flag & post pics of Gibbs in the toilet. That's not hate?

My only point was that ya'll make fun of us for hating, but then most of you do the same thing. We have no issue with admitting to our hate. I will always hate the Cowboys, plain & simple. Even if we get a 12 game win streak against them, I will still hate them. All I'm sayin' is that own up to your hate, 'Boys, own up.

There is not a true Cowboy fan who doesnt hate the Commanders. And we take this rivarly much more seriously than Redkins do, this is shown by how much more hate we show and the fact that our team holds the better record in the series. Whats great about it is we hate you and we always beat you. We have owned Washington for years, from Staubach and Dorsett to Emmitt and Aikman to now. As for me, I hate the Commanders with an unmatched passion. You will be hard pressed to find someone who hates them more. I love beating them so much more than any other team, and when we lose to them (Ive forgotton what that feels like) nothing makes me more angry. What makes me more angry is that Commander fans have the balls to say that they have the better team, city, and fans even though they have always been Dallas' b*****. Dallas is better than Washington, always has bveen, always will be. Get over it.
I hate every team except for Dallas. I never could cheer for any team, unless of course they play against the Eagles, 'Skins, or 'Niners.
I also hate the Eagles with a passion. I dont really hate the Giants, I just pity that sad little team.
CowboysHater said:
Yeah, there's no hatred for US on this side of the rivalry, now is there? :rolleyes:

I love how Cowboys fans act as though we are the only ones with a hatred in this thing of ours. Ya'll are no different in that we hate each other. I guess the only difference is we (Commanders fans) can be honest about where we stand. We hate the Cowboys...most of us with a vengeance.

So, if ya'll don't hate the Commanders (or the fans), then why would you bother to have "Commanders suck" flags & things of that nature if it didn't matter? That's what I thought. :rolleyes:

Never said I liked the Commanders, tsk tsk, you know about ASSUMING little Skins man. While I'll admit I consider some Skins fans friends, truth is on gameday I wish them nothing but 7 turnovers.

And the only honesty I can see from Skins fans (Especially those with haters) is that they're world beaters before, nowhere to be found afterwards. Those that show up make excuses.

BTW - Here's some more "love" from this Cowboys dude...



We are the best fans in the world, and we sure do hate our rivals. You crackpickles are going down on Monday night, and Gibbs will run up the score.
CowboysHater said:
And as I stated in the last post, obviously that goes both ways, but you guys apparently can't see past your own noses to notice that. I guess that's what happens when you spend your life looking down on people because you're a Cowboys fan, right? You only see what's right in front of you & generally can't see the forest for the trees. Ya'll have just as much hatred for the Commanders over here as we do do for the Cowboys over there. Ya'll are just "too good" to admit it. :cool:
I'm not too good to admit it... I hate the Commanders and I believe you are a little man...

You are spending a lot of time trying to convience us that you are a big team, but we know that you shrivel w/ the cold... the Commanders are old news... very old news around here
in a few hours on my way back east for the game Monday. I guess I'm one of those thin skinned individuals, ( read Staff Member witha coool Avatar), who don't take kindly to some of the name calling and what not that has gotten some here banned from Extreme. Way I see it, that kind of nonsense is something I consider childish and immature in real life and threfore don't consider it to something to be done on the net. Actually, I've been called worse in real life than what I've seen on message boards, and the same still goes. I tend to treat the board as I would something in real life. I treat it as a community where fans, ( especially and obviously Commanders fans), of football can discuss all things football. We can engage in good natured trash talking and in general keep things civil. Or at least try to. Not hardly once have I encountered the kind of nonsense I see on message boards, ( that includes a few Commanders fans), in real life.

I have friends in town and elswhere who are Texans. Diehard Cowboys fans who don't say the things I've seen on the board, ( not singling out Cowboys fans, but being where I'm at right now...) Hell, I've dealt with tourist from the area who didn't even know me who were like this once they found out I was a Commanders fan. Simply put, it's a community over there. A diverse one made up of people from around the world of all kinds of backgrounds. And yes both genders. IMHO, it's best to remember that and show respect for thsoe around you. I have busted Skins fans for this as well. okay, before I step down off this damn soapbox, or jump down since it does appear to be a bit high, one more thing. Tuna, nobody's hiding or running. Certainly not something as trivial as this and not needing my or anyone elses help. The thread closed due to the implication of the name you chose then basically calling as such. Acting like is pretty much the same thing and we're all smart enough to figure that out. Remember what I just said above. Keep that in mind. If not. Oh well.
PCS said:
in a few hours on my way back east for the game Monday. I guess I'm one of those thin skinned individuals, ( read Staff Member witha coool Avatar), who don't take kindly to some of the name calling and what not that has gotten some here banned from Extreme. Way I see it, that kind of nonsense is something I consider childish and immature in real life and threfore don't consider it to something to be done on the net. Actually, I've been called worse in real life than what I've seen on message boards, and the same still goes. I tend to treat the board as I would something in real life. I treat it as a community where fans, ( especially and obviously Commanders fans), of football can discuss all things football. We can engage in good natured trash talking and in general keep things civil. Or at least try to. Not hardly once have I encountered the kind of nonsense I see on message boards, ( that includes a few Commanders fans), in real life.

I have friends in town and elswhere who are Texans. Diehard Cowboys fans who don't say the things I've seen on the board, ( not singling out Cowboys fans, but being where I'm at right now...) Hell, I've dealt with tourist from the area who didn't even know me who were like this once they found out I was a Commanders fan. Simply put, it's a community over there. A diverse one made up of people from around the world of all kinds of backgrounds. And yes both genders. IMHO, it's best to remember that and show respect for thsoe around you. I have busted Skins fans for this as well. okay, before I step down off this damn soapbox, or jump down since it does appear to be a bit high, one more thing. Tuna, nobody's hiding or running. Certainly not something as trivial as this and not needing my or anyone elses help. The thread closed due to the implication of the name you chose then basically calling as such. Acting like is pretty much the same thing and we're all smart enough to figure that out. Remember what I just said above. Keep that in mind. If not. Oh well.
First of all, welcome to the forum. You are coming here as a peacemaker and I respect that. I hope you will stick around.

I apologize, maybe it's too early for me, but I have no idea what point you were trying to make. That thread was not only closed, an intelligent, non threatening poster was banned for the word "bimbo." I can't even fathom that. I'll wager a guess that Chopper Dave, who was much more offensive than "bimbo" was not even warned. His post certainly isn't edited or moderated.

The message that sends..."Hey everyone, say whatever you want. We'll back you up no matter how offensive you become." Looks to me like the message has been received because it was loud and clear.

There is a huge discrepency between the way posters from the opposing teams are treated on these opposing forums. Both sides have their share of troublemakers and we all know that. Each forum has their own methods of dealing with the troublemakers. Excuse me if I consider the treatment of Cowboys fans on extremeskins as Draconian.

Not only do I have personal experience there that was unpleasant and relevant to why I believe this, but I have read the threads relevant to the topics at hand.

How many Cowboys fans have been banned on Extremeskins this week? How many this season?

Not a single Commanders fan has been banned here. This despite veiled threats, offensive posts, troll-like usernames, taunts, trash talk, chest thumping, thug-like behavior, and words much stronger than "bimbo."

All of those things have been governed quietly behind the scenes without chopping anyone's head off.

The treatment of opposing team's fans is anything but equitable. The difference in overall decorum is anything but equitable. Look around, the evidence is on both forums.
PCS said:
in a few hours on my way back east for the game Monday. I guess I'm one of those thin skinned individuals, ( read Staff Member witha coool Avatar), who don't take kindly to some of the name calling and what not that has gotten some here banned from Extreme. Way I see it, that kind of nonsense is something I consider childish and immature in real life and threfore don't consider it to something to be done on the net. Actually, I've been called worse in real life than what I've seen on message boards, and the same still goes. I tend to treat the board as I would something in real life. I treat it as a community where fans, ( especially and obviously Commanders fans), of football can discuss all things football. We can engage in good natured trash talking and in general keep things civil. Or at least try to. Not hardly once have I encountered the kind of nonsense I see on message boards, ( that includes a few Commanders fans), in real life.

I have friends in town and elswhere who are Texans. Diehard Cowboys fans who don't say the things I've seen on the board, ( not singling out Cowboys fans, but being where I'm at right now...) Hell, I've dealt with tourist from the area who didn't even know me who were like this once they found out I was a Commanders fan. Simply put, it's a community over there. A diverse one made up of people from around the world of all kinds of backgrounds. And yes both genders. IMHO, it's best to remember that and show respect for thsoe around you. I have busted Skins fans for this as well. okay, before I step down off this damn soapbox, or jump down since it does appear to be a bit high, one more thing. Tuna, nobody's hiding or running. Certainly not something as trivial as this and not needing my or anyone elses help. The thread closed due to the implication of the name you chose then basically calling as such. Acting like is pretty much the same thing and we're all smart enough to figure that out. Remember what I just said above. Keep that in mind. If not. Oh well.

Explain to me why your "blondie" came over here, registered, started trash talk, ran and hid?

I responded to her in a non threatening manner and a thread was started over on "your board" about my post to her. Your poster was trying to start a "catfight" between the opposing blondes. (btw.. I don't catfight, I graduated up from that 20 yrs ago).. I registered over there as "Princess" (as to not hide) and the thread got locked so I couldn't respond to the thread about me... You wouldn't even let the guest of honor post, why is that? I even sent y'all an email telling you that I was only going to post in a mature and non violent way and you still wouldn't release my username for posting.

If your people are going to be coming over here and starting trash talk, the only fair thing for you to do is be mature enough to understand that we will respond in jest over at your site, if called out by name... which I was.

LTN is a wonderfully articulate "lady" and in no way offended your dear sweet blondie... Her post was about me and on my behalf. You banned her for the word bimbo??? Take a look at what your dear sweet blondie posted over here - which didn't get her banned.. Look at your other peoples post over here for that matter - none of which were banned...Your blondie isn't in the same league as LaTuna and definitely not as classy

Y'all are just sooo sensitive over there.......
PCS said:
The thread closed due to the implication of the name you chose then basically calling as such. Acting like is pretty much the same thing and we're all smart enough to figure that out. Remember what I just said above. Keep that in mind. If not. Oh well.

I see the meaning of the dreaded "B" word, which is a relatively benign term, is unclear to you, and yours. You're all smart enough to get up in arms about what you think you know.

The word "bimbo" is a derivative of the Italian word for baby, bambino. It has been in use in English for over a century, and is a synonym for someone who is not very bright, hence the equating of a less than mature mind with that of a 'baby'. It used to be word a exclusively used for women, but has broadened to both genders. Sometime during the latter 20th century, (I'd have to check the OED)it had a secondary slang use to refer to a 'gold digger'. That usage is now archaic. The word is in the same realm as dumwit, dunce, moron, dumbarse, ditz, and a wealth of other like insults referring to lack of gray matter. All of those terms we see used often on sports boards. BTW, the best known American "bimbo" was the comic strip wife of Dagwood Bumstead, ironically named "Blondie".

That said, the posting of the lady in question here at the Zone has INDEED been of the bimbo variety. She has brought nothing to the table, at all.

So, the word is not a synonym for floozie, tart, harlot, slut, ho or any like term denoting a woman of easy virtue. Warthog's and your extreme over-reaction is typical of your board's double standard, and your lack of the etymology of the word par for the course.

I had roughly 50 posts at Extremeskins, none of them smack, until last night when I dropped the relatively innocuous term. Warthog came back with "I know the lady in question", turning the thread at once into an unneeded defense of her honor, and quite frankly, the "methinks thou doth protest too much" nature of his response was the only thing said that might lead one to respect that virtue, or a lack thereof, was an issue.

BTW, someone named Park City Skins has been spamming my email. If you, PCS, are he, you know darn well a banned person cannot respond to IMs, so continuing to send those IMs is clearly beyond the pale.

As for the "remember what I said above, keep that in mind" that's a message you might want to relay to the posters from your board who have done far far more here than use the word "bimbo".

Yes, smack is "immature", tho unlike Ms Bimbo, I make it a very small percentage of my posting. But it is a part of the message board ethos, and actually often has a bonding effect on a cyber community that is not harmful. Your extreme over-reaction to a term you evidently don't even know the meaning of does nothing but make your entire board culture come across as whiney little losers.
txkid said:
We are the best fans in the world, and we sure do hate our rivals. You crackpickles are going down on Monday night, and Gibbs will run up the score.

To bad Joe Gibbs is to good for that, in fact he is to good for your pathetic little team. He is a very respectable man in a city full of a-holes. I feel sorry that he has to coach a team whos fans are this pathetic. You dont have the best fans, you just have the most obnoxius. We hate you more than you hate us because we are better than you and none of you idiotic "hogs" has the guts to admit it. Now go try on your mother's dress before she gets home and catches you.
This has gotten sooo funny...I love her description of me....LOL Don't think I've ever been described like trailer trash before....LOL And she tried to steal my name...LOL I can't even respond to this... it's just so darn funny....I might have to use that description of me as my sig...LMAO Then maybe some of the guys here might be afraid of me....OMG... my side hurts.....

Now THAT is funny. I realize cowboyprincess called me out over on cowboyzone, but I didn't respond. I had a visual image of some big woman with a cigarette hanging out of her mouth, and Princess tatooed on one forearm and cowboys on the other. Made me shudder. ')
Once I went there and posted, I could not make myself go back. Did y'all take the time to read their drivel? We are a community of intelligent posters, for the most part. They are not so lucky.

Anyway, thanks guys for letting me know. And taking up for your "princess". I would have a football debate anytime with any of those guys and/or gals. But all they do is talk about being big and bad........very little football talk.
I guess it's too late for Skins fans to see this since it has been moved to the hidden Smack Talk Zone :D, but just a reminder for Skins fans out there. We still own you. B*tches.
Where are the silly Skins fans now? Man I wish I could access ExtremeSkins now to hear there cries of mercy. :D

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