Boy, those Skins fans sure do hate us

Tass said:
The thing that tickles me the most about the Skins fans is that they always say junk like 'Ask Aikman how it feels to play against Arrington' or 'The Skins ended Aikman's career'. Dude, that's ancient history. Pretty sad when they have to reach back 4+ seasons to find a bright spot!

That's the same reasoning where Arizona Cardinal fans need to reach back to 98 where they beat us in the playoff game as the highlight of their history.

It's hilarious. Carolina's biggest highlight was beating us in 97 (until they got to the Super Bowl last year).
SoTex said:
Holy crap. That is funny DW. I was 12 and my mom made me go to bed at halftime too.

Why did your mom make you go to bed at like 4:30 on a Sunday afternoon!!??

What'd you do, go spy on your older sister while she took a bath, or something naughty like that??

TruBlue: Thanks for that article about the '79 game. I was 10 at the time and had only been a fan for about 2 years and it's amazing that even 25 years later that game still my favorite and most memorable.
DallasCowpoke said:
Why did your mom make you go to bed at like 4:30 on a Sunday afternoon!!??

What'd you do, go spy on your older sister while she took a bath, or something naughty like that??


It was a Monday night game Einstein. :p
BrAinPaiNt said:



this thread is great!
SoTex said:
It was a Monday night game Einstein. :p

Oh, sorry "Norman," I thought you and DW were referring to the 79 game. I overlooked the post about that Mon-nighter.

Carry on Private!
DallasCowpoke said:
Oh, sorry "Norman," I thought you and DW were referring to the 79 game. I overlooked the post about that Mon-nighter.

Carry on Private!

Aye, aye Captain. :D

Jeff George taking offense to being dragged down the field by Ekuban.

Does anyone have a picture of the dragging...that was priceless.
I would love to see a pic of Danny having a temper tantrum in the owners box after Aikman threw that TD to Rocket in OT.

If I remember correctly when it happened one of the cameras showed Danny in his owners box getting ready to blow a gasket. :)
I think the reason you can say we still have a rivalry is because Schneider wants to beat us so bad. I'll bet that the fact that he hasn't been able to do it spoils his breakfast every day of the week both before and the week after after we play them each year. This guys needs Rolaids for a month out of his year just because of the Cowboys. I think that constitutes a rivalry regardless of the fact the Skins have had some tough years lately. :D
I saw that this thread was linked to extremeskins. They took offense to the Gibbs pic which is funny because all they have done is trash Dallas this whole week.

You guys sure can dish it out but cannot take it back.
calico said:
I saw that this thread was linked to extremeskins. They took offense to the Gibbs pic which is funny because all they have done is trash Dallas this whole week.

You guys sure can dish it out but cannot take it back.

that would have been a good laugh to see how they reacted
lspain1 said:
I think the reason you can say we still have a rivalry is because Schneider wants to beat us so bad. I'll bet that the fact that he hasn't been able to do it spoils his breakfast every day of the week both before and the week after after we play them each year. This guys needs Rolaids for a month out of his year just because of the Cowboys. I think that constitutes a rivalry regardless of the fact the Skins have had some tough years lately. :D

I love it that you call him "Schneider" :D
It reminds me of the handyman on One Day at a Time.

Seems about right, although I think Schneider was a little more useful than Snyder.
calico said:
I saw that this thread was linked to extremeskins. They took offense to the Gibbs pic which is funny because all they have done is trash Dallas this whole week.

You guys sure can dish it out but cannot take it back.

I found their thread talking about this one. Unfortunately, this thread has had so much traffic from Cowboys Zone and ExtremeSkins that Trickblue's brilliant Joe Gibbs pic can no longer be seen. :( (It's a red X on my screen.) I guess he surpassed his bandwidth limits.

Check out this arrogant post by an ExtremeSkins member:

Art said:
I don't even read links to threads like this on other boards, especially Cowboy fan boards, because the level of discussion is so far beneath me it is of no value. I can probably tick off a list of conversation points available in that thread sight unseen, such is the dull, predictable nature of a Cowboy fan.

Such is the cross they must bear.

Is this guy an art critic or a football fan? LOL

I can just imagine him watching a football game with a glass of red wine, wearing his Commanders cardigan, muttering to himself, "How dreadfully boring. Such incompetent play."

LMAO. Someone sure thinks highly of themselves with that one.
TruBlueCowboy said:
I can just imagine him watching a football game with a glass of red wine, wearing his Commanders cardigan, muttering to himself, "How dreadfully boring. Such incompetent play."

Art: "I say old bean, what time are the Commanders on this fine day?"​


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