Boycott the SB


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I know I have the unpopular opinion about this whole play, and argued with my friends right after it happened last night, but here's my thoughts:

I understand why there was no call made. :eek: (and for the record, I was rooting for the Saints)


The ref closest to the play was standing behind the WR/CB, and from that angle, and the ball's arrival and the hit were pretty damn close. No, Robey-Coleman (RC) didn't make a great play on Lewis and the ball, he just got lucky that he arrived "around" the time the ball did. So, from the back ref, it was hard to tell, so no flag.

The refs farther away with better angles likely thought, "Well, since the ref closest to the play didn't throw a flag, and I can't 100% say whether the timing wasn't inadvertently perfect by the DB, I better let it go too." Thus, no flag from anyone else.

The bottom line, I think it was much closer than people are giving credit, in regards to the ball's arrival and the timing of the hit. And certainly for the ref behind the play (closest to the play), it looked even closer, as the trajectory of the ball may almost have been blocked by the players making contact.

And no, I don't think a personal foul because RC "targeted the WR with his helmet" should have been called. It wasn't some egregious hit to the head...RC didn't lead with his head or anything. Their helmets simply made contact because of the hit. Sure, a personal foul could have been called, but that would have been a stupid penalty, IMO. And no, it wasn't a blatant hit to "a defenseless WR" because RC was certainly try to break up the play....and all in all, he didn't exactly blow Lewis up. Sure, they could have called the personal foul for "a hit to a defenseless WR", but I think 80% of these calls are bogus anyway...because "a defenseless WR" is so subjective.

So, ultimately, no call was made, and yes, one COULD have been called, but I totally see why none was made. IMO, it was that means the call simply didn't go the Saints way.

Last, Brees had a chance to take command of the game on 1st down of that drive. They called a pass on 1st down (which I was fine with, even though all the pundits said they should have run on 1st and 2nd downs...and I get it, to use the Rams TOs)...and on that 1st down pass, it was a quick, high percentage throw to Thomas. And he was wide open on a quick slant because of a subtle pick play, and Thomas at worst was going to get 5 yards and keep the clock moving (forcing the Rams to take a timeout like a running play), more likely going to get 10 yards for a 1st down (which would have basically sealed it), or he was going to score, for the Saints to take the lead by more than a FG. But you know what? Brees (who I love, by the way), he blew it. He threw the ball right into the ground at Thomas' feet, no catch. As soon as it happened, I thought, "Oh snap, that's a big play right there, a big miss by Brees."...because the clock stopped too. And that put more pressure on the next 2 plays for the Saints.

Now, if that would have been Dak who missed that easy throw, this forum would have blown up and asked for his head on a platter....PROOF that he can't make the big plays when needed. :confused: Brees didn't execute, and that simple missed throw was it would have never came down to hoping the ref makes the call on 3rd down. When he goes back and looks at that 1st down play, he'll remember that...that was on him, and that could have easily sealed the game.

And of course, no, I ain't boycottin' the Superbowl, because I didn't even boycott the Superbowl when the blew the call against the Cowboys against the Packers when EVERYone knew that Dez caught that ball. :mad: No, it wasn't an egregious decision by the refs that it was no catch, because by the letter of the law, they maybe made the right call, but what a stupid rule in the rule book for what a catch is.

So for me, it was not some OBVIOUS missed call, not by any stretch of the imagination. The hit wasn't even a full second before the ball arrived, it was a bang-bang play, closer than many are giving credit in the heat of the moment.
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I wonder how the NFL would react to a full out boycott effort by fans over their allowing the wrong team to participate through their own incompetent officiating? Do fans really care that much?

I really do wonder because the NFL can pull anything and the sheep still keep showing up for the shearing. Oh, we're sorry, we'll do better.

I do not have a horse in the race and was actually rooting for LA more than NO but this is a tainted SB. This is blatantly wrong, it is an injustice.

So, I will not watch this SB. Not only that but am contacting the sponsors of the NFL and SB to let them know I am not a prospect of theirs now or in the future for their support of this injustice.

It is not enough just to say this is wrong, they must feel it or they could care less. OK, I am not Don Quixote but I am doing the only thing I can by not supporting something that is wrong and I will feel better than watching a team that should not be there. A game that should not actually be taking place.

I am sick of the NFL and them not fixing something until it's broken. A team was more blatantly robbed yesterday than in the history of the NFL and while that is not the fault of the team that is representing the NFC, I will not be a witness to their misrepresentation.

It is not enough to just complain when we actually could affect them, if there were enough of us. So, won't you be my neighbor?
I won't be watching but it's not the issue of the referees.

I didn't watch it last year because the idea of watching an Eagles/Patriots Super Bowl was truly vomit inducing. Couldn't stomach it.

While Rams/Patriots is somewhat better, I'm sick of Brady, sick of Belichek, sick of Kraft. Sick of anything to do with the Patriots. Listening to 2 weeks of Patriots love to promote the game makes me want to jump off a bridge.

I went skiing with the family last year and had a great time. Conditions are good again this year. So another skiing trip is in order for Super Bowl Sunday. I'm looking forward to it.


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Come on.

These teams and games are so close that every little bit matters.

It's not as simple as just play better. Both teams went to OT.

I agree with you, but it is a story all too familiar to Dallas, settle for FGs early, sustain a comeback, play a super close game and get a bad call. Not dismissing the call, but yesterdays game was coached more like old school football aside from the early fake punt than the Rams and COwboys the prior week. NE went on 4th down a couple of times when they saw KC getting back in. I think you are rewarded more than not by being aggressive. Bellicheck took crap on going 4th and 2 years back in an effort to keep manning off the field. People are not conditioned to see football that way, but the failures are less than the successes on those situations, just not highlighted because the drive continues and it is forgotten


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In the grand scheme of things, does any of this matter? I was pissed about he Dez catch in 14 for about 30 minutes and then was over it. I really couldn't care less that the Rams made it in by beating the Saints on a blown PI call. I really couldn't care less that NE got a bogus roughing the passer call that extended a drive. Officials are human and they make mistakes. Threatening the NFL with a boycott won't do a bit of good because there is no way you can gather enough support to make them feel it. I suggest watching the game for what it is...entertainment. In 100 years, when football is extinct, nobody will care that the Rams beat the Saints on a missed PI call.


NFL history is full of blown calls. The Immaculate Reception should never have occurred under the rules at the time. Golden Tate's blatant OPI in the end zone against GB, Dez catch, overturned and the league eventually admitted was wrong come to mind. It's simply part of the game and people will still tune in and watch.


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Too much money tied up in super bowl pool squares. I suspect many are in the same boat.


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I’ve been fed up with the officiating for years but would you be saying the same thing had we been the ones going to the Super Bowl? I recall a several page thread mocking the Saints fans for “crying” about the officiating after we beat them. The Philly fumble recovery very well could have cost them the game and there was no outrage from Cowboys fans after that.

I’ve just about had it with the NFL, the games have become practically unwatchable but at least I acknowledge it’s not just us that are effected. I understand last night had SB implications but how many teamsmissed the playoffs due to losing a regular season game because of bad officiating or how many teams made the playoff from benefiting from bad officiating?

If you want to ban the NFL, great, but keep it going and don’t watch regular season games next year either. People who don’t even care about football will still watch the SB because it’s the SB. If you really want to make a difference dstop going to games, stop watching regular season games, don’t buy merchandise, etc. Not that any of that will matter anyways...


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There is a rule that allows for the commissioner to have the result thrown out and the game started over at the point of the missed call. It would be 20 to 20 with just under 2 minutes to go. Clearly they should do this. The rule is there for a reason. Now is the time to use it.


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If you look at the play from the sideline view it is as blatant a PI as you'll ever see. Maybe an official in NY that can call to the field and tell the referees the play must be reviewed. I'm going to boycott all the pre-game but most likely watch the game to see how my fantasy lineup is doing.


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NFL history is full of blown calls. The Immaculate Reception should never have occurred under the rules at the time.

Hogwash. You've been listening to too many Raider conspiracy theorists. No chance Tatum didn't make contact with that ball. 2 officials and the Referee saw it that way, John Madden saw it that way - and nobody saw it as only hitting Fuqua. Even Tatum, who claimed he never touched it, later retracted that statement and said he has no clue if it hit him or not.
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In the grand scheme of things, does any of this matter? I was pissed about he Dez catch in 14 for about 30 minutes and then was over it. I really couldn't care less that the Rams made it in by beating the Saints on a blown PI call. I really couldn't care less that NE got a bogus roughing the passer call that extended a drive. Officials are human and they make mistakes. Threatening the NFL with a boycott won't do a bit of good because there is no way you can gather enough support to make them feel it. I suggest watching the game for what it is...entertainment. In 100 years, when football is extinct, nobody will care that the Rams beat the Saints on a missed PI call.

All viable points, but I believe THOUSANDS of people will actually not watch. It won’t HURT them, but I can see some of them being unhappy about not making as much as they envisioned. Of course, they’ll probably respond by passing it along to the common man anyway—increased prices, layoffs, and lowering the quantity and quality of the product...


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There is a rule that allows for the commissioner to have the result thrown out and the game started over at the point of the missed call. It would be 20 to 20 with just under 2 minutes to go. Clearly they should do this. The rule is there for a reason. Now is the time to use it.
If there's a questionable catch and the QB gets everyone lined up and runs a play before the challenge then there can be no challenge. Since the rest of the game was played in regulation and OT then I'm sure they won't go back now. The Saints still got a 3 point lead after the play and evidently they just quit.


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I wasn't planning to watch this Super Bowl anyway. Watching the Patriots win literally makes me angry (the only other team that can do that to me is Philly), and I'm just not invested in the Rams in any way. They have a great team. Good for them.

I agree that the Saints got absolutely screwed but that's not the reason I'm turning off the game. I just don't care about the game. To be honest, I am less and less invested in the NFL as a whole if the Cowboys aren't playing.

Didn't watch the Philly-NE Super Bowl last year and didn't feel like I was missing anything. I doubt this year will be any different.


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I wonder how the NFL would react to a full out boycott effort by fans over their allowing the wrong team to participate through their own incompetent officiating? Do fans really care that much?

I really do wonder because the NFL can pull anything and the sheep still keep showing up for the shearing. Oh, we're sorry, we'll do better.

I do not have a horse in the race and was actually rooting for LA more than NO but this is a tainted SB. This is blatantly wrong, it is an injustice.

So, I will not watch this SB. Not only that but am contacting the sponsors of the NFL and SB to let them know I am not a prospect of theirs now or in the future for their support of this injustice.

It is not enough just to say this is wrong, they must feel it or they could care less. OK, I am not Don Quixote but I am doing the only thing I can by not supporting something that is wrong and I will feel better than watching a team that should not be there. A game that should not actually be taking place.

I am sick of the NFL and them not fixing something until it's broken. A team was more blatantly robbed yesterday than in the history of the NFL and while that is not the fault of the team that is representing the NFC, I will not be a witness to their misrepresentation.

It is not enough to just complain when we actually could affect them, if there were enough of us. So, won't you be my neighbor?
Boycott the SB?