Boys bully a 68 year old bus monitor

JBond;4605250 said:
Blah, blah ,blah.....Stop being a drama queen and get over yourself already.

When you get some real world experience come back and talk. Go see my thread about the 10 year old and you will find out a little about me.

Yeah, that thread was great. At least you are only patting yourself on the back this time.
ethiostar;4605274 said:
A different research showed a strong link between drinking alcoholic beverages and alcoholism. Researchers concluded that individuals who consume alcohol are more likely to become alcoholic compared to individuals who consume such beverages as water, juice, and soda. Based on these findings, a ban on alcohol is being proposed by the researchers and those who agree with them. Furthermore, they are encouraging concerned citizens to accuse those who they see drinking alcohol as being alcoholics, wife beaters (masochistic, if they happen to be female), and probably those types of people who never edge their lawns.

and the findings for the relationship with aggression as an adult were almost as strong.

Make the same link there please.
ethiostar;4605151 said:
If you don't mind me asking, what was/were the results of your paper?

You can PM me if you don't want to post it here.

I got an A on it. LOL. I really put a lot of thought into the subject as it's something I feel strongly about. We were allowed to pick our own social impact topics, and I chose to talk about the notion that spanking children gets a bad rap in a large segment of society.
AbeBeta;4605243 said:

Even the paper that Ethiostar posted below notes that one of the strongest links found was between spanking and more abusive behaviors.

But hey, you continue to hit those children! That'll teach them great lessons about how people who love you should treat you.

Abe, no disrespect, but you are extremely one sided in your argument. Personally I love a good debate where 2 parties can present their sides respectfully and intelligently, but I can't help look negatively at your posts, because you're seemingly not hearing the rational, well thought out points by those on the other side of the coin from you. If you don't believe in punishment of that nature, no problem, but don't question the parenting skills of those that do. It's very smug, and arrogant in my opinion. I respect 100% your's and anyone else's decision to not lay a hand on their kids. May not agree, but I certainly won't call into question your ability to raise your own. You elaborate your views well, but it's like anyone with a differing point of view should have Social Services called on them immediately. That's not right.
phillycard;4605369 said:
Abe, no disrespect, but you are extremely one sided in your argument. Personally I love a good debate where 2 parties can present their sides respectfully and intelligently, but I can't help look negatively at your posts, because you're seemingly not hearing the rational, well thought out points by those on the other side of the coin from you. If you don't believe in punishment of that nature, no problem, but don't question the parenting skills of those that do. It's very smug, and arrogant in my opinion. I respect 100% your's and anyone else's decision to not lay a hand on their kids. May not agree, but I certainly won't call into question your ability to raise your own. You elaborate your views well, but it's like anyone with a differing point of view should have Social Services called on them immediately. That's not right.

I am "hearing" their points. But many of those points are based on completely inaccurate portrayals of research. We had one poster including articles that he clearly did not read or understand and basing conclusions on single sentences in the articles taken completely out of context. That's not opinion -- that's someone getting it totally wrong.

I will never respect anyone's choice to use physical violence on a child. Most people on this board would flip out if someone suggested using strategies of that nature to train a dog. But hey, a kid, no problem.
I had a stepson that would not do what I asked him to do, and that was take out the trash when he came home from school...that's it, that was his job.

Well, he never would do it, and I could not really punish him like I would have liked to because of his mother. And, my punishment would be something like no TV, no friends over, crap like that.

One day he came home and did not take out the trash. (and it's not a big deal,, but he needed some responsibility). So, I got on him BIG TIME to take out the friggen trash, now!

So, he went upstairs, got the trash from under the sink, took it out. I went outside and brought it back in. Then I got on his butt again to TAKE OUT THE DAMN TRASH! He said he did. I said he didn't. He went to the kitchen and took it out again. I went outside and brought it back in. Then I yelled at him to TAKE OUT THE TRASH, NOW! This went on for about 1 or 2 more times. And, mind you, he was only 12 at the time.

From then on, when he came home from school, everyday he would come get the trash not only from the kitchen, but from all the bathrooms, too!

Later on as we both got older, I though he would end up being a Garbage Collector...j/k. :D

He turned out to be a great man and is very successful and respectful.

I don't advocate violence towards my children, but, I will mind screw them into submission if that's what it takes.
ethiostar;4605274 said:
A different research showed a strong link between drinking alcoholic beverages and alcoholism. Researchers concluded that individuals who consume alcohol are more likely to become alcoholic compared to individuals who consume such beverages as water, juice, and soda. Based on these findings, a ban on alcohol is being proposed by the researchers and those who agree with them. Furthermore, they are encouraging concerned citizens to accuse those who they see drinking alcohol as being alcoholics, wife beaters (masochistic, if they happen to be female), and probably those types of people who never edge their lawns.

Before the scientific community had time to recover from the recent research discovery, the same researchers dropped another bomb, figuratively speaking. Their new finding suggests that children may grow up to be quite like their parents. They were kind enough to point out later that they don't necessarily mean in terms of physical appearance.* What the researchers meant, and this was backed by concrete evidence, was that some children may, as adults, do similar things that they have observed their parents doing. In this case, children who saw their parents drink moderately may, as adults, spank their children mildly and children who were spanked moderately may become parents who drunk a lot and give people one of those really mean looks, sort of like Mr. T when he hears that he has to fly somewhere for a mission, and children who were spanked severely as children are most likely from West Virginia, have facial hair, and frequent a particular Dallas Cowboys forum.

The shock this revelation created was enormous. Some scholars openly admitted being floored** by this finding. Others simply said they're going home to undertake a controlled experiment on their children and promised to present their findings no later than 2045.

*This last bit was received well among most teenagers who had started making plans to open a savings account in the hopes of accumulating enough money for cosmetic surgery the moment they start resembling their parents.

**While down there, some discovered that they hadn't vacuumed the carpet for weeks and realized they have been bad house keepers. Among a few, this realization turned into self-loathing which lead some of them to displace their anger and beat their children. Upon hearing this, their colleagues took a collective oath never to be floored again and promised, from then on, to keep their reactions to a mild surprise. They also intervened in the affairs of their self-hating colleagues. When asked why such an unprecedented intervention was taken by the scientific community, the organizer of the intervention, who is also a very well known scientist, said "Well, we got to keep clean floors don't we. If you don't vacuum or sweep at least twice a week, then,......well, it's just nasty."
AbeBeta;4604256 said:
Any person who thinks of themselves as an outstanding parent is obviously not a parent. Any good parent knows that if you think of yourself as "outstanding" then you are shutting yourself off to any of improvement. Any parent can be better. Thinking that you are great at it is more about ignorance than reality.

The idea that discipline must come in a physical form is just plain misguided. I see how you earned your name.

This response is really too dumb to take seriously, so I won't, but I will note that you're fundamentally misunderstanding my point if you're taking from it that discipline must be physical.

You really don't have any clue what youre talking about when it comes to raising children, though.
I'm going to make my personal assertion on this from the outside looking in, and say that I'm willing to bet that those kids were never ever spanked. I strongly believe that many, not all, of today's kids run roughshod over their parents who are oftentimes trying to be the kid's buddy. If the thought of an *** whupping would have ever crossed any of those kids minds, they would have thought long and hard about what they were doing, and likely have backed out.
I'm an awesome parent and I just drop-kicked my 20 month old across the room for back-talking me. It was sweet. Next time he is getting a forearm shiver.
rocboy22;4605786 said:
I'm an awesome parent and I just drop-kicked my 20 month old across the room for back-talking me. It was sweet. Next time he is getting a forearm shiver.


That'll learn the little *****.
rocboy22;4605786 said:
I'm an awesome parent and I just drop-kicked my 20 month old across the room for back-talking me. It was sweet. Next time he is getting a forearm shiver.

If 3 is too young to spank, .. 20 months is too young to drop-kick.

The forearm should be ok though, .. to the back of the head so nobody will see the mark.
WV Cowboy;4605858 said:
If 3 is too young to spank, .. 20 months is too young to drop-kick.

The forearm should be ok though, .. to the back of the head so nobody will see the mark.

:laugh2: :lmao:
rocboy22;4605786 said:
I'm an awesome parent and I just drop-kicked my 20 month old across the room for back-talking me. It was sweet. Next time he is getting a forearm shiver.

If you had started beating him earlier you wouldn't have had this problem when he is 20 months old.

Where you just too 'lazy' to properly discipline him until now?

I hope you've learned your lesson from this experience in case you plan on having another one.
ethiostar;4605974 said:
If you had started beating him earlier you wouldn't have had this problem when he is 20 months old.

Where you just too 'lazy' to properly discipline him until now?

I hope you've learned your lesson from this experience in case you plan on having another one.


That's why the doctor used to smack them on the *** just after they pulled the kid out. Let them know good and early how it's going to be.
rocboy22;4605786 said:
I'm an awesome parent and I just drop-kicked my 20 month old across the room for back-talking me. It was sweet. Next time he is getting a forearm shiver.

I know you're having fun here, but people really do this stuff to their kids. I know, wet blanket.

The reality is, good parents come in all shapes and sizes. I know a ton of them. I also know a ton of really bad parents, and a bunch who are in between. Discipline can be accomplished a number of ways, and spanking is one perfectly-acceptible way of accomplishing it. Or, if people disagree strongly on that topic, at the very least a ton of really good, well adjusted people have been raised in households that spanked periodically.

At the end of the day, as I said earlier, it's consistency, love, respect, and discipline that leads to good kids. These things can be provided a number of ways but they're pretty much essential to doing it right.
Idgit;4606071 said:
I know you're having fun here, but people really do this stuff to their kids. I know, wet blanket.

The reality is, good parents come in all shapes and sizes. I know a ton of them. I also know a ton of really bad parents, and a bunch who are in between. Discipline can be accomplished a number of ways, and spanking is one perfectly-acceptible way of accomplishing it. Or, if people disagree strongly on that topic, at the very least a ton of really good, well adjusted people have been raised in households that spanked periodically.

At the end of the day, as I said earlier, it's consistency, love, respect, and discipline that leads to good kids. These things can be provided a number of ways but they're pretty much essential to doing it right.

Different time. Heck I got pops (spanking in school, by coaches and by parents) yet have no desire to use violence on other people and very respectful of other people. Always a yes ma'am, yes sir when I talk with people. On the other hand I see many kids who show no respect to people including the parents who are so busy trying to be their child’s friend instead their parent. Clearly I'm not for beating a child, punching a child but a firm spanking on the bottom is not going to damage a child but it sure will catch their attention and make them less likely to continue the behavior they were displaying
Idgit;4606071 said:
I know you're having fun here, but people really do this stuff to their kids. I know, wet blanket.

The reality is, good parents come in all shapes and sizes. I know a ton of them. I also know a ton of really bad parents, and a bunch who are in between. Discipline can be accomplished a number of ways, and spanking is one perfectly-acceptible way of accomplishing it. Or, if people disagree strongly on that topic, at the very least a ton of really good, well adjusted people have been raised in households that spanked periodically.

At the end of the day, as I said earlier, it's consistency, love, respect, and discipline that leads to good kids. These things can be provided a number of ways but they're pretty much essential to doing it right.

Of course, I'm not trying to downplay how wrong and horrendous actually doing this would be, or even comment on either side of the discussion on "to spank or not to spank". Just trying to lighten things up with some outrageous comments that are obvious fabrications. My 20 month old can actually whip my butt, I wouldn't dare lay a finger on him for fear of his retribution!!! ;)
rocboy22;4605786 said:
I'm an awesome parent and I just drop-kicked my 20 month old across the room for back-talking me. It was sweet. Next time he is getting a forearm shiver.


You know we are going to have state agents at our houses any minute now.

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