BP gave us Testaverde & Bledsoe

Mash;1083414 said:
I would of drafted Leftwich....

I would of traded a pick for someones backup....

I would of done something with a younger player ....instead of getting older retreads that have been in the league to long and continue to make the same stupid mistakes year after year.

All because.....it makes you a 8-8 team...

I enjoyed watching younger players play that were drafted by the cowboys and finished 5-11 then continue down this road of Big Bill's conservative...bus rider...mentality to achieve a 500 record.
so you enjoy the cowboys going 5-11 instead of being better and on the verge. What has bill done....given us 2 winning season. that's a .666 record and not .500. that's another way to cut statistics. what did we get out of the 5-11 years batting 0.0000.

and as you said....you are what your record says and if you are 5-11 for three straight years then you suck....I don't want those type of youngsters on my team. the type that gave up in the first quarter and got smashed every game. at least now we are fighting to the end in every game. we are close in every game and hardly get blown out. we can compete with the best instead of getting crushed by them. sorry, that's just me. I like a team that has chance, compared to a team that has no chance. again. that's just me
Mash;1083422 said:
Yet the same coach.....

as it sounds....will have Coleman back and playing...so I guess Character doesnt count with Bill .........eh?
is he back yet or are you making assumptions? plus there is a difference. coleman plays the least important position on defense. Carter played the most important position on the team.

reality says there are differences. a QB must lead his team. a FS just follows the rest. there is a big difference and a football team is not the church.
iceberg;1083447 said:
are you a freaking moron or do you just enjoy emulating one so very well?

drop off your panic wagon and i'll explain. make it sound like i'm a carter lover and i'll just ignore you cause - you're acting like a moron. if you want clarification - ask for it w/o your stupid assumptions thrown in the mix.

ok, you idiot. here is your freaking post

and there are those of us who feel that it's possible that he brought in vinnie and went ahead and let carter go to vinnie could play. "best chance to win" ring a bell? 3 games at the end of that season where we were out of the playoffs and no other QB could even sniff the field?

Thats' your freakign quote. you moron. idiot. he didn't bring in VT to let carter go. he brought him in to back him up and show him how to be an NFL qb. he invested time and effort into carter. he knew that carter is one violation away from being suspended. and guess WHAT...he did smoke it up. he did get suspended. HE WAS UNRELIABLE as a leader. yeah...BP was privy to that type of information and yet he still gave him a chance and he still gave him time and he still let him play. Carter back stabbed every cowboy fan by doing what he did.​
he knew that carter would give us the best chance to win. if you believe or say otherwise then you are a freaking idiot that you show you are. and guess what he didn't let the other QBs sniff the field because they weren't ready...and guess what you Mr. Arm Chair GM, here is a bud light for you. he was right....or did you see romo play...and guess what Henson is still looking for a job.....​
but if you want to bash him, then just say so. but don't right false statements, not be able to back them up and make assumptions and make stuff up to prove your point.​
has BP been perfect....HECK NO. but he has been the best thing for this franchise since Jimmy left.​
and show me one coach in the league that has been perfect? not even the great bilicheck who plays a conservative ball game, asks his team to play tough defense. likes to run the ball and play 4 quarters. but he got lucky with one 6th round pick that took an injury for him to figure out he should be the QB of the team. guess who else does the same thing....Pittsburgh. run the ball. play tough defense and play conservative.​
geezz....what's with you people....you are a freaking idiot. :lmao:
CowboyfaninDC - if possible, you should just stop acting like a 14 year old scorned lover. It's not getting it done.
superpunk;1083750 said:
CowboyfaninDC - if possible, you should just stop acting like a 14 year old scorned lover. It's not getting it done.

i told him to quit making assumptions and what did he go out and do? go figure some people. : )
iceberg;1083824 said:
i told him to quit making assumptions and what did he go out and do? go figure some people. : )

Geez, you should have left it alone, but instead you just lowered the standard to about that of an 8 year old.

This is like running to mommy and saying "I told Little Timmy to stop but he did it anyway!".
Stautner;1083832 said:
Geez, you should have left it alone, but instead you just lowered the standard to about that of an 8 year old.

This is like running to mommy and saying "I told Little Timmy to stop but he did it anyway!".

send me a guide on "how to live up to the ever changing standards of people you meet for the 1st time on the internet and you want to make sure you make a good impression to as many people as possible" and maybe next time i won't screw it up.
iceberg;1084061 said:
send me a guide on "how to live up to the ever changing standards of people you meet for the 1st time on the internet and you want to make sure you make a good impression to as many people as possible" and maybe next time i won't screw it up.

LOL - quite a mouthful.
iceberg;1083824 said:
i told him to quit making assumptions and what did he go out and do? go figure some people. : )
I made assumptions? or did you make up stories? you should write a fantasy book.
superpunk;1083750 said:
CowboyfaninDC - if possible, you should just stop acting like a 14 year old scorned lover. It's not getting it done.
?? icebox started to call me names and I acted just like. Thought I treat him just like himself and he may understand. He needed to be put in his place and spanked over the internet. some children never learn.
BigD_95;1082828 said:
yea and Jerry gave us Q. Carter, Henson, Hutch, Leaf.

We need to draft a real QB in the early rounds. You can have all the talent you want but without a QB it means nothing. The QB doesnt have to be throwing for 300+ yds but smart.

Since Troy Aikman the QB's in Dallas have been a joke and the laughing stock of the NFL. I dont understand how America's Team can settle for bums at the most important spot on the field.

I agree. I think the last 10 seasons including this one have been very disappointing, doing just enough to keep themselves drafting between 8th and 20th, never higher or lower. One playoff win if Im not mistaken in that time (98 Vikings was it or 97). No playoff wins under Parcells. This is probably his last year. Our future may be in the hands of an undrafted qb who has still yet to throw an nfl pass. I am more down on them then the late 80's at this point. I think it all stems back to Jones refusal to start grooming Aikmans replacement. Aikmans skills began dropping alot by 97. Instead of seeing this and getting prepared Jones thinks getting Galloway will do the job? Then he reaches for Quincy, then Leaf and Stoerner and Wright and Banks and Hutchinson and Henson. Then parcells geriatric qb's. Its a shame really.
CowboysFaninDC;1083697 said:
so you enjoy the cowboys going 5-11 instead of being better and on the verge. What has bill done....given us 2 winning season. that's a .666 record and not .500. that's another way to cut statistics. what did we get out of the 5-11 years batting 0.0000.

and as you said....you are what your record says and if you are 5-11 for three straight years then you suck....I don't want those type of youngsters on my team. the type that gave up in the first quarter and got smashed every game. at least now we are fighting to the end in every game. we are close in every game and hardly get blown out. we can compete with the best instead of getting crushed by them. sorry, that's just me. I like a team that has chance, compared to a team that has no chance. again. that's just me

Id prefer
12-4 sb champs

thats what Id prefer rather than 10 years of mediocrity
iceberg;1084061 said:
send me a guide on "how to live up to the ever changing standards of people you meet for the 1st time on the internet and you want to make sure you make a good impression to as many people as possible" and maybe next time i won't screw it up.

Here ya go!
CowboysFaninDC;1084738 said:
?? icebox started to call me names and I acted just like. Thought I treat him just like himself and he may understand. He needed to be put in his place and spanked over the internet. some children never learn.

you wanna "spank me" msg me and i'll give you some forums where we can just go at it. it's not YOUR job to spank ANYONE in here - got it?
fiveandcounting;1085319 said:
Id prefer
12-4 sb champs

thats what Id prefer rather than 10 years of mediocrity

I would prefer that too...so lets see


looks eerily like the old times. except with salary cap we can't hoard talent and store them up like we use to.
iceberg;1085343 said:
you wanna "spank me" msg me and i'll give you some forums where we can just go at it. it's not YOUR job to spank ANYONE in here - got it?

well, when some young kids such as yourself get out of line, then some spanking may be in order. learn to control yourself and spanking will stop.

learn not to lie and make things up and you won't get things thrown back in your face. that's all. its not complicated really if you try and apply yourself.
CowboysFaninDC;1085388 said:
well, when some young kids such as yourself get out of line, then some spanking may be in order. learn to control yourself and spanking will stop.

learn not to lie and make things up and you won't get things thrown back in your face. that's all. its not complicated really if you try and apply yourself.

it's also not complicated to ask for clarification on what someone said either, is it? your arseanine ways just assume what was said and you tear into people and make stupid statements like "do you just love carter???" instead of taking the adult road and asking "can you clarify this point?"

as for now calling me a liar, FO. you don't know me, you've not understood what i've said and you've not bothered to clarify my point of view so you could bother to understand it - so now YOU make crap up and call me a liar?

no, it's not complicated. not at all. to anyone over 16. see you when you get there.

FYI (edit time)
here's my reply to stautner and your ARE YOU SERIOUS??? crap you lob in after that - how come you didn't go back to the beginning to tell your story, BOY?
Originally Posted by iceberg
and there are those of us who feel that it's possible that he brought in vinnie and went ahead and let carter go to vinnie could play. "best chance to win" ring a bell? 3 games at the end of that season where we were out of the playoffs and no other QB could even sniff the field?
are you freaking serious? he let carter go? the same carter who smoked it up? the same carter who got a 4 game suspension from the NFL the same carter that now can't get a job polishing footballs in canada!!! are you freaking serious or are you in love with carter?

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