News: BR: Jerry Jones: I'll Be 'Screaming Into My Pillow' Over Cowboys Missing Super Bowl

Just like 3-4 years ago I seen him with a whistle around his neck at camp. That did happen. He's delusional. He likely thinks his own flatulence is marketable under the Dallas Cowboy name brand/logo. :facepalm:
Does anyone even believe him?

He whines about how his teams fail BUT HE’S THE ONE THAT CONTROLS ALL OF THIS.

He’s the one bringing McCarthy back when it’s obvious he’s not a great coach. He’s the one running back the entire coaching staff from a team he keeps lamenting their failures.

Shut up Jerry.
It’s actually hilarious that he thought they even had a shot. A GM completely out of touch with reality!

The Cowboys needed to win 3 playoff games just to get to the SB and they didn't even win 1. But in Jerry's feebled mind...

He’s just playing to the fans sympathy.

Won’t be long and he’ll be gearing up again to build that SB hype for 2022. Get your half full glasses ready to fill up with kool aide.
Hopefully it’s purplesaurus rex this time
why would he do that it dont bother him its all just talk the old man goes on and on with this stupid crap every year dont know why any body listens any more
But he will remind us he is "Running out of time" like we are the ones in charge of this......
But he will remind us he is "Running out of time" like we are the ones in charge of this......
Has he said that? I missed it.

The case could be made that the next year or two will be a step back as the underperforming contracts catch up to them.

The rest of the NFC has enough bad teams for them to contend, but we all know what will happen come crunch time.

Every former Cowboys great that still cares has ripped the organization lately and still he seems oblivious to it....or what the real problem is.

I can't say it enough.....I don't even need him to step down or give someone else the GM title....

At least make the players believe that the HC has some sort of power....and stop putting a positive spin on everything. I don't expect him to trash his own product....but just SHUT UP and maybe do an interview here and there.

Jerry's mouth and need to be the man in charge is holding back the organization.....and he doesn't see it. He is THAT into himself.

Little rant off your happens lol.
There have been enough references of Jerry Jones' life well-before he purchased the franchise in comprehending, he is mentally the same now as he was back then. Jimmy Johnson's personality simply drown out Jones' while he was head coach. That brief period leads to the assumption that success instilled a greedy, power hungry personality in Jones, when in reality he has been the same person all of his life.

Selfishly, I wish Johnson would talk more publicly about Jones, who he has known since they were both young men. Johnson has revealed bits-and-pieces about how he thinks Jones' mind works. He would provide some solid, nonprofessional insight into his former Arkansas Razorback teammate from the perspective of his psychology major.

I can refer him to a psychiatrist I heard about!

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