Brady will be suspended for role in deflategate

... the rulebook recommends a fine of $25,000...

And yet you are posting that in a thread where the article clearly states sources say Brady is getting suspended. I agree with you on the vacate part, but come on man at some point you have to give this a rest. You went from telling wonderful statistical tales of how pressure only effected the Patriots balls three months ago to merely blabbering "it was only 1 psi" and "recommends a fine of $25,000" ad nauseam over and over again since the report was released. It is embarrassing to witness actually.

Or are the NFL sources just idiots or haters too like the rest of us?
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3 game suspension is ********,its a whole season or nothing.
Let me see if I understand you.... the rulebook recommends a fine of $25,000, but you think they should have to vacate the Super Bowl?

Uh, don't get your hopes up for that one.

The Patriots won the Super Bowl by using deflated footballs for at least this season, probably past seasons, during which they have had a remarkable record of not losing fumbles. They were caught cheating in the AFC Championship game. The game before that was an OT victory.

They were punished once for cheating and it didn't stop them from doing it again.

If they don't take the SB victory away, then it's always going to be worth it to cheat your way to a SB victory and take a two-game suspension the following year.
Lot of speculation anywhere from 2-6 games possible.

How great would it be if we missed Brady and Giants, Philly and Skins all get him. Would be a nice payback for front loading all the NFC East games after the league said they wanted division rivals towards the end of the season. Also remember Pats have a bye week 4 so week five would be his 4th game.

We'll see.

Do you honestly think the league would let us catch a break like that? Don't be that naive. He will play against us. In fact, no surprise if his first game back is against us.

Also, this happened under Bill's watch. I don't care if he knew about it or not. It happened. Payton didn't know either and he was suspended a year with no pay. Happens all the time in the business world. Managers take the fall for stuff that happens under them.

But there are also politics involved. Kraft is one of the most powerful and influential owners. Him and Goodell have a close relationship. Goodell needs him in his corner. This will come into play.
When a team wins the Super Bowl it collectively visits the White House afterwards. Typically, a suspended player and the commissioner meet during the appeal discussion. Will Brady blow off the appeal meeting like he did the former? Perhaps Mommy Brady will write Goodell a note asking that her son be excused so he can attend another "unbreakable" family commitment.
No, he should have known something.

Yup, just as sean Payton got suspended for a year, for not knowing what was going on in his locker room...........why should Belechik be exempt from the same thought process.......
....and what of the penalty some of the Saints players got.......vrs a handful of games maybe for Brady---who got a Ring out of it even..........If I were the Saints I'd start a lawsuit if the penalties are not on par........
I think its BS that Payton did not know. He was just able to make it look like it. Did not do him much good in the end though.
Shocking how this all comes out immediately after the draft, so if they do forfeit picks, they have a whole year to plan around it. Just more suspect behavior from the commissioner's office.

So the league should have rushed the independent investigator in order to take draft picks away from the Patriots this year just to satisfy those who will look for any possible angle to claim preferential treatment?
The Patriots won the Super Bowl by using deflated footballs for at least this season, probably past seasons, during which they have had a remarkable record of not losing fumbles. They were caught cheating in the AFC Championship game. The game before that was an OT victory.
i think this statement illustrates perfectly the overall ignorance that so many in here have on display.
So the league should have rushed the independent investigator in order to take draft picks away from the Patriots this year just to satisfy those who will look for any possible angle to claim preferential treatment?
Agreed. This report was never going to impact the 2015 draft. The Falcons got punished for crowd noise-gate in March - yes I said March - and the draft picks they lost were from the 2016 draft. So even if Wells released his report 5 weeks ago, it was never going to impact 2015's draft.
I've gotta shake my head when I read things like this. The fact that it came out after the draft is "suspect behavior" by the commisioner's office? The Falcon's got penalized for Noisegate back in March, and the draft pick they are losing is in the 2016 draft, not this years draft. Even if this report on Deflategate had come out a month ago it was never going to affect this year's draft.

All the conspiracies in here and you shake you head at that? Pardon me if i don't put much stock into your "head shake."
So the league should have rushed the independent investigator in order to take draft picks away from the Patriots this year just to satisfy those who will look for any possible angle to claim preferential treatment?

It was hyperbole. My god this place is a piss and moan session lately.

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