Brady will be suspended for role in deflategate

I think its BS that Payton did not know. He was just able to make it look like it. Did not do him much good in the end though.

The issue with Payton is that the NFL could not:

a) Prove that any players were hurt purposely and illegally.

b) That any Saints players picked up money.

What they had was audio of Gregg Williams instructing the players to hurt opposing players illegally like Frank Gore. But, that could be interpreted as pre-game amping up the players.

I think the issue with the Saints was that the NFL had warned them not to do it before and Williams was still 'coaching' it and with how the concussion suit was going, they wanted to take care of it. But they should have just suspended Williams for 1-year, not the players that weren't doing anything or Payton who wasn't doing anyhting.

But now the precedent has been made by Goodell and it's hard to take him seriously if he doesn't suspend Belichick for 1-season and at least match the suspensions that the Saints got.

Yes, the Saints 'accusation' was more serious than deflating the ball in the grand scheme of things. But, hurting the integrity of the game is humongous and since the NFL could never even come close to proving that the Saints were purposely and illegally hurting players...that should be sought in comparison to the slightly lighter offenses by the Patriots (SpyGate and DeflateGate) and the Patriots getting caught, 100% red-handed.

Part of punishment is to 'fit the crime', but the other part of punishment is to deter people from committing that 'crime.' A judge that sees the same person back in the courtroom again after they recently gave them punishment for a crime they committed earlier now *has* to look at the previous punishment as not deterring that person from committing a crime, again.

Furthermore, in this case the rest of society could perceive that it would be beneficial to risk breaking the law in a similar fashion because the rewards outweigh the punishment...kinda like a factory that can save millions of dollars by illegally dumping toxic waste in a river and only be fined a far smaller amount if they get caught.

In other words, I would suggest to Goodell that if he really wants the fans, players and critics to get off his back, he's probably going to have to shoot for the moon in punishment against the Patriots. Otherwise he's going to continue to get the criticism, lawsuits, and general distrust for years to come. I'm sure it's nice to have Kraft in your corner, but you've already made tens of millions of dollars and I honestly don't see Kraft having a leg to stand on because the other 31 owners want Goodell to remain their sock puppet.

The issue with Payton is that the NFL could not:

a) Prove that any players were hurt purposely and illegally.

b) That any Saints players picked up money.

What they had was audio of Gregg Williams instructing the players to hurt opposing players illegally like Frank Gore. But, that could be interpreted as pre-game amping up the players.
What about the Sean Payton e-mail where he wrote:
"PS Greg Williams put me down for $5000 on (Aaron) Rogers [sic].”

And then later denied having any knowledge of a bounty program on his own team?
Do you honestly think the league would let us catch a break like that? Don't be that naive. He will play against us. In fact, no surprise if his first game back is against us.

Also, this happened under Bill's watch. I don't care if he knew about it or not. It happened. Payton didn't know either and he was suspended a year with no pay. Happens all the time in the business world. Managers take the fall for stuff that happens under them.
Why do so many people believe Payton didn't know about bountygate? The guy wrote e-mails talking about the whole thing - kinda like those 2 twits for New England wrote texts talking about deflation.

Goodell really has a very tough decision to make. Ignoring the fact that the recommended guideline penalty for this offense is a $25,000 fine, he really can't overplay his hand. If he suspends Brady for too long, he stands to lose on appeal and I guarantee you that Goodell does not want this whole mess ever to appear in Judge Doty's courtroom.
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How would anyone on the Saints sidelines during games not know about bountygate? You know players were talking money with big hits.
And yet you are posting that in a thread where the article clearly states sources say Brady is getting suspended. I agree with you on the vacate part, but come on man at some point you have to give this a rest. You went from telling wonderful statistical tales of how pressure only effected the Patriots balls three months ago to merely blabbering "it was only 1 psi" and "recommends a fine of $25,000" ad nauseam over and over again since the report was released. It is embarrassing to witness actually.

Or are the NFL sources just idiots or haters too like the rest of us?

When a team wins the Super Bowl it collectively visits the White House afterwards. Typically, a suspended player and the commissioner meet during the appeal discussion. Will Brady blow off the appeal meeting like he did the former? Perhaps Mommy Brady will write Goodell a note asking that her son be excused so he can attend another "unbreakable" family commitment.

I hate Tom Cry Brady. I think he is a POS. Arrogant. Smug. Goofy grin all the time. Throws tantrums. Cheater. Liar. But I respect him for ONE thing, and only ONE thing, and that is for not going to the White House. That is the only thing I can think of that he has ever done that is commendable!
How would anyone on the Saints sidelines during games not know about bountygate? You know players were talking money with big hits.
Excellent question. Somehow or another, the bounty-gate narrative has become "Payton got suspended because ignorance is no excuse so we should apply the same standard to Belichick."

Payton was not found to have been "ignorant" of bountygate. His own e-mail proves he knew about it. Payton suspension came from him saying he didn't know anything about it then they showed him his own e-mails.
I hate Tom Cry Brady. I think he is a POS. Arrogant. Smug. Goofy grin all the time. Throws tantrums. Cheater. Liar. But I respect him for ONE thing, and only ONE thing, and that is for not going to the White House. That is the only thing I can think of that he has ever done that is commendable!
So, no player or team should be honored at the White House after winning a championship?
So, no player or team the should be honored at the White House after winning a championship?

Oh, that doesnt bother me. Im just glad Brady didnt go and showed how much he valued the opportunity to go meet the top moron. Twas a beautiful thang.
Oh, that doesnt bother me. Im just glad Brady didnt go and showed how much he valued the opportunity to go meet the top moron. Twas a beautiful thang.
oh. It's a political thing for you. Forget I asked.
So, no player or team should be honored at the White House after winning a championship?

True story...when Willie Nelson visited the White House, an aide took him to the roof of the White House where they both smoked a joint. I think he said that was when Clinton was in office.
Seems clear at this point that if the patriots as an organization don't care for playing on even footing with the rest of the league.
You have to wonder what else they have gotten away with
Seems clear at this point that if the patriots as an organization don't care for playing on even footing with the rest of the league.
You have to wonder what else they have gotten away with

No doubt. We only KNOW what they have been caught doing. Only a homer or completely naive person would think they have only cheated doing spygate and deflategate.
True story...when Willie Nelson visited the White House, an aide took him to the roof of the White House where they both smoked a joint. I think he said that was when Clinton was in office.

Did the aide inhale?
Why do so many people believe Payton didn't know about bountygate? The guy wrote e-mails talking about the whole thing - kinda like those 2 twits for New England wrote texts talking about deflation.

Goodell really has a very tough decision to make. Ignoring the fact that the recommended guideline penalty for this offense is a $25,000 fine, he really can't overplay his hand. If he suspends Brady for too long, he stands to lose on appeal and I guarantee you that Goodell does not want this whole mess ever to appear in Judge Doty's courtroom.

Whether or not he really didn't know is not really my point. Goodell himself said in 2012 that ignorance is no excuse. Well, Bill is claiming ignorance and innocence in this. Should not matter if he knew or not. But as hands on as he is, no way he didn't know.
Whether or not he really didn't know is not really my point. Goodell himself said in 2012 that ignorance is no excuse. Well, Bill is claiming ignorance and innocence in this. Should not matter if he knew or not. But as hands on as he is, no way he didn't know.

Well, according to Rogah the whole thing is no big deal, basically equivalent to a parking ticket so nothing should happen to the persecuted victims in NE. Belicheat is innocent.

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