Brady will be suspended for role in deflategate

Whether or not he really didn't know is not really my point. Goodell himself said in 2012 that ignorance is no excuse. Well, Bill is claiming ignorance and innocence in this. Should not matter if he knew or not. But as hands on as he is, no way he didn't know.
So I'll put you in the category of people cherry picking which parts of the Wells Report to accept and which ones to ignore.
So I'll put you in the category of people cherry picking which parts of the Wells Report to accept and which ones to ignore.

Its cool we put you in the category of people cherry picking which parts of all the various analyses and released information you wanted to accept and which to ignore a long time before the wells report proved much of it to be accurate.

Nice to see you have a similar list now.
Maybe we'll never know. Most likely it all depends on what inhale means . . .

Please keep's deflate, now the Pats are going to try to inhale and get out the reputation that they have.

It sucks to be them.
Please keep's deflate, now the Pats are going to try to inhale and get out the reputation that they have.

It sucks to be them.

They have it pretty good actually. I cant think of another team in any sport that has had the blessing of the commish for cheating and lying and getting a pass slap on the wrist for it and then continue the cheating for years afterward.
Its cool we put you in the category of people cherry picking which parts of all the various analyses and released information you wanted to accept and which to ignore a long time before the wells report proved much of it to be accurate.

Nice to see you have a similar list now.
I said all along I would accept the Wells Report and I have. I think I am the only in here who actually can say that though....
I said all along I would accept the Wells Report and I have. I think I am the only in here who actually can say that though....

You are so delusional. Everybody here who said the cheaters cheated has accepted it. As a matter of fact most if not all of them have posted to tell YOU - "we told you so!" We all knew from jump street. Even Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder could see the cheaters cheated.

And NOW you say you've accepted it, yet have posted page after page explaining how the actual cheating that went on is really nothing at all. Thats not accepting anything. Thats a classic case of being in denial.
You are so delusional. Everybody here who said the cheaters cheated has accepted it.
Not true. Most people in here are only accepting certain parts of the Wells Report.
And NOW you say you've accepted it, yet have posted page after page explaining how the actual cheating that went on is really nothing at all. The Wells Report established guilt but nowhere in that report does it say anything about the severity of the crime or recommend punishment. Thats not accepting anything. Thats a classic case of being in denial.
You obviously don't have the first clue what is in there. The Wells Report established guilt but nowhere in that report does it say anything about the severity of the crime or does it recommend punishment.

So whether someone says they deserve a $5 fine or a lifetime ban has nothing to do with the Wells Report.
So, Brady has directed illegal deflation of footballs, lied to the public and the league, then, laughs it off as NOT tarnishing the Patriots season or the Super Bowl trophy. That trophy is for a Champion, and champions are not cheaters. Much of the team knew that the footballs were under inflated, the center, the WRs, the RBs. And certainly, their low turnover rate reflected that.

A turnover is the most critical stat in a game. It is a momentum changer. Now, maybe the Patiots would still have made it to the Super Bowl with a dozen more fumbles. But the best guess for the 2014 season is that the Patriots probably would maybe probably have still won it all. The team of, "maybe they would have won anyway"... FOREVER.

Back to Brady's smugness, he doesn't think that trophy is tarnished. The only way to teach him is to take that trophy back from the team that benefitted from his cheating. I mean wouldn't most teams trade a Super Bowl trophy for a 4 game suspension of one player??

Now, Little league toook the championship trophy from the Chicago team that didn't have one player caught cheating. It was because their coaches cheated by assembling an all star team. Little League couldn't give a trophy that represented an HONOR for a CHAMPION to that team.

Don't try to tell me that the little league trophy has more Honor than the NFL's Super Bowl trophy.
I will bet next months mortgage payment that any suspension will be reduced on appeal just in time to play us. No way in hell is the league going to let us play the Pats with Brady standing on the sideline.

I am calling it right now.....................whatever suspension is given, it will be reduced to no more than 3 games since the Pat's 4th game of the season is against us.
So I'll put you in the category of people cherry picking which parts of the Wells Report to accept and which ones to ignore.

No you can put me into the category of someone who has better things to do than read some 200+ page report on deflated balls.

What I am saying has nothing to do with any of that. My point is if you are going to suspend Brady, then Bill has to be suspended as well. He's the head coach. It's pretty simple logic and this is what they did to the Saints.
HAAAAAAAAAAA..............the idea that all this was going on and Hoodie didn't have a clue about anything is just comical.

but he's so far removed from ball handling theres going to need to be some smoking gun to implicate him, he's going to be clear unless TMZ unearths an elevator video of him letting air out of the balls
A scream heard round the world will be the Pats getting minimal punishment when the Saints got hammered.
No you can put me into the category of someone who has better things to do than read some 200+ page report on deflated balls.

What I am saying has nothing to do with any of that. My point is if you are going to suspend Brady, then Bill has to be suspended as well. He's the head coach. It's pretty simple logic and this is what they did to the Saints.
Here's the problem with that. I accept the notion that "ignorance is no excuse" (even though you're misrepresenting what happened to the Saints). So you're problem is the following:

You can't punish Belichick personally for Brady refusing to cooperate and/or lying.

You can't punish Belichick personally for the team refusing to cooperate.

You can only punish Belichick for the actual infraction itself. NFL Manual of Game Operations recommends a fine of $25,000 for this infraction.
Here's the problem with that. I accept the notion that "ignorance is no excuse" (even though you're misrepresenting what happened to the Saints). So you're problem is the following:

You can't punish Belichick personally for Brady refusing to cooperate and/or lying.

You can't punish Belichick personally for the team refusing to cooperate.

You can only punish Belichick for the actual infraction itself. NFL Manual of Game Operations recommends a fine of $25,000 for this infraction.

when you are the captain of the ship you get the blame no matter what. And only a true homer like you would try and deny that BB runs that team top to bottom. As anal retentive as he is trying to claim he knew nothing about this is total HC.

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