Brandon Gorin may be the one

BigDFan5 said:
W4ell if you saw it then you definately know you are wrong, because I watched it on TV as well and understood exactly what he was saying as did so many other poeple without an agenda to further.

At % healthy YOU misundNO POINT did Jerry say that TO needs to learn to practice when he is 75erstood not us

Make up your mind did you read it or see it. You understood what you wanted if you feel like I'm doing the same then fine
Doomsday101 said:
Make up your mind did you read it or see it. You understood what you wanted if you feel like I'm doing the same then fine

I saw it on TV, read it in the paper and heard Parcell explain in in a press conference.

No I didn't understand "what I wanted" I understood what was actually SAID
BigDFan5 said:
I saw it on TV, read it in the paper and heard Parcell explain in in a press conference.

No I didn't understand "what I wanted" I understood what was actually SAID

As well as I did. So go sell that to someone else. I expect these guys on the field doing their job not playing to the media. I'll make a deal I'll drop all of this now if you do me one favor, should things not go smooth and Bledsoe and TO are not in sink don't bother with the it takes time to gel, because if there is some lost time it is due to TO and his sore little hammy that he can't seem to practice on when others are expected to go out and do their job.
Doomsday101 said:
As well as I did. So go sell that to someone else. I expect these guys on the field doing their job not playing to the media. I'll make a deal I'll drop all of this now if you do me one favor, should things not go smooth and Bledsoe and TO are not in sink don't bother with the it takes time to gel, because if there is some lost time it is due to TO and his sore little hammy that he can't seem to practice on when others are expected to go out and do their job.

So then you saw parcells press conference explaination and you STILL didnt get it?

You seem real hung up on an injured player not practicing. How would you feel if he went out there and tore his hammy because he came back to early? Be honest you wouldnt really mind would you?
BigDFan5 said:
So then you saw parcells press conference explaination and you STILL didnt get it?

You seem real hung up on an injured player not practicing. How would you feel if he went out there and tore his hammy because he came ck to early? Be honest you wouldnt really mind would you?

I have a problem with a guy who has some soreness who has missed 2 weeks of camp. Evidently many don't understand the difference from soreness and an injury to the hamstring which test showed as negative and if it where any other player I'm not so sure you guys would not be coming down on them. Do I want to see him hurt no but I also know if your hammy is injured he would not being doing wind sprints he has some soreness. Heck Flo has soreness and he is out there, Spears is not 100% and he is out there I expect nothing more or less from TO or any player on this team.
Will you guys take this to one of the 800 FREAKING TO THREADS ALREADY ON THE BOARD??
Doomsday101 said:
Evidently many don't understand the difference from soreness and an injury to the hamstring which test showed as negative and if it where any other player I'm not so sure you guys would not be coming down on them.

And evidently, you don't understand how a hamstring doesn't have to be popped to bear a potentially frightening thing, especially for a player who relies on speed. This isn't some lineman. This is a receiver. There is a distinct difference. And try that last argument you made on yourself. Were another player (say Terence Newman, everyone loves him) were doing this. Would you blast him every opportunity you received? No.

Do I want to see him hurt no but I also know if your hammy is injured he would not being doing wind sprints he has some soreness. Heck Flo has soreness and he is out there, Spears is not 100% and he is out there I expect nothing more or less from TO or any player on this team.

Case in point, both are linemen who don't do the same things a receiver does. They are also knee injuries, not a hamstring. Players are used to bad knees. Go find me a player with a similar job description and injury who is practicing, and you have me converted.
abersonc said:
Will you guys take this to one of the 800 FREAKING TO THREADS ALREADY ON THE BOARD??


I will say this, WRs need to cut, kind of hard to do when you're not feeling 100% about your leg, running sprints isn't the same thing as cutting and trying to get off your man, it's probably more mental than anything else for TO

as far as the comment Jerry made, he suggested that TO practice, even if at only 75 to 80%, which only means that he should get out there just because, but TO just doesn't want to because he only practices 100%, that it's not in his nature to give anything less, so he will wait till he's 100% so he can go 100%
Alexander said:
And evidently, you don't understand how a hamstring doesn't have to be popped to bear a potentially frightening thing, especially for a player who relies on speed. This isn't some lineman. This is a receiver. There is a distinct difference. And try that last argument you made on yourself. Were another player (say Terence Newman, everyone loves him) were doing this. Would you blast him every opportunity you received? No.

Case in point, both are linemen who don't do the same things a receiver does. They are also knee injuries, not a hamstring. Players are used to bad knees. Go find me a player with a similar job description and injury who is practicing, and you have me converted.

You know how I would feel if it were newman or some other player? damn mrs cleo your good. You also don't know what your talking about so stop pretending you know how I would react to other players. As for the lineman these are knee injuries that are enduring the stress of 280 pound men pushing and hammering on them but there out there. As for finding you another Prima donna with a sore hamstring there hard to find in a game where most will play through sorness. Hell we already has some who say if this was the reg season he could play but he can't manage to go out and give an effort. Save it for one of your other TO butt kissers
Doomsday101 said:
I have a problem with a guy who has some soreness who has missed 2 weeks of camp. Evidently many don't understand the difference from soreness and an injury to the hamstring which test showed as negative and if it where any other player I'm not so sure you guys would not be coming down on them. Do I want to see him hurt no but I also know if your hammy is injured he would not being doing wind sprints he has some soreness. Heck Flo has soreness and he is out there, Spears is not 100% and he is out there I expect nothing more or less from TO or any player on this team.

The test shown it wasnt torn that is what the test was for.

Steve Smith missed what 16 days with a sore hammy? Was he faking? Is anyone hammering him?

On the wind sprints he JUST started doing that. Its not like he has been doing it for 2 weeks LOL he is rehabbing one of the final steps of rehabbing a sore hammy is running full speed and cutting.

Flo's injury happened 8 months ago. He had soreness and was knocked down to third team to get rest

Spears had a very minor injury thats apples and oranges.

TO will be back in practice within a day or 2 when he is healthy. No need for him to rish ending his season because the media is mad at him lol
abersonc said:
Will you guys take this to one of the 800 FREAKING TO THREADS ALREADY ON THE BOARD??

Your right, none of us are going to change our minds on this subject and not worth continuing.
BigDFan5 said:
The test shown it wasnt torn that is what the test was for.

Steve Smith missed what 16 days with a sore hammy? Was he faking? Is anyone hammering him?

On the wind sprints he JUST started doing that. Its not like he has been doing it for 2 weeks LOL he is rehabbing one of the final steps of rehabbing a sore hammy is running full speed and cutting.

Flo's injury happened 8 months ago. He had soreness and was knocked down to third team to get rest

Spears had a very minor injury thats apples and oranges.

TO will be back in practice within a day or 2 when he is healthy. No need for him to rish ending his season because the media is mad at him lol

I don't care about the media; I want to see TO on the field getting a feel for the offense and Bledsoe. He and Bledsoe were not on the same page at the start of training camp and this delay can't be helping that situation. Lastly I don't care for players dictating when they will practice and when the won't. I’ll leave it at that this conversation has gone on to long and in the end we are not going to agree
Doomsday101 said:
You know how I would feel if it were newman or some other player? damn mrs cleo your good.

Am I wrong? If not, address me as Miss Cleo from now on.

You also don't know what your talking about so stop pretending you know how I would react to other players.

Then answer the question. How would you feel?

(This is where you can lie and say you would really feel the same about any player --it is okay).

Save it for one of your other TO butt kissers

Thin-skins. You have got to love them.
Doomsday101 said:
I don't care about the media; I want to see TO on the field getting a feel for the offense and Bledsoe. He and Bledsoe were not on the same page at the start of training camp and this delay can't be helping that situation. Lastly I don't care for players dictating when they will practice and when the won't. I’ll leave it at that this conversation has gone on to long and in the end we are not going to agree

So your position is TO should practice no matter what who cares if he is hurt, and who cares if he could get hurt worse and ruin the season. Ok gotcha
Doomsday101 said:
Your right, none of us are going to change our minds on this subject and not worth continuing.

So stop bringing it up in Brandon Gorin trade threads. That would be a great start.
BigDFan5 said:
So your position is TO should practice no matter what who cares if he is hurt, and who cares if he could get hurt worse and ruin the season. Ok gotcha

Not what I said but it is also not worth going on with this. TO can do what ever TO wants. Feel better
Alexander said:
So stop bringing it up in Brandon Gorin trade threads. That would be a great start.

Thanks for throwing your 2 cents in. Always welcomed. :laugh2:
Doomsday101 said:
As well as I did. So go sell that to someone else. I expect these guys on the field doing their job not playing to the media. I'll make a deal I'll drop all of this now if you do me one favor, should things not go smooth and Bledsoe and TO are not in sink don't bother with the it takes time to gel, because if there is some lost time it is due to TO and his sore little hammy that he can't seem to practice on when others are expected to go out and do their job.

Seriously, you really have another agenda going on and are trying to cover it up, but nobody here is fooled. You hate TO, plain and simple, and jumped at the first sign of a "problem." Now you are in so deep that it is becoming embarrasing to read. Please just stop now and admit you hate Owens and you might save some dignity.
jdub2k4 said:
Seriously, you really have another agenda going on and are trying to cover it up, but nobody here is fooled. You hate TO, plain and simple, and jumped at the first sign of a "problem." Now you are in so deep that it is becoming embarrasing to read. Please just stop now and admit you hate Owens and you might save some dignity.

Wow another self proclaimed mind reader!!! No agenda here but thanks for your concern. You can think what you like I really don't care because to care would indicated I give a rats ars of what you think and frankly I don't care what you think. You have an opinion I have mine now we can continue this but what is the point?

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