Bravo! Best commentary I've seen about Vick

I guess I'm one of the very few who also thinks "it's just dogs". I don't feel one ounce of the outrage that the rest of the country apparently feels. Compared to the other atrocities that go on every day, it's just not that big of a deal. I mean don't we slaughter thousands of animals every day to eat? What makes dogs any difference, other than the wastefulness?
Doomsday101;1592058 said:
I agree. I don't see what 1 has to do with the other. The judge in the Little case evidently dropped the ball and let Little off with a light sentence. As for public outrage, I think a lot has to do with most everyone knows who Vick is regardless if you watch the NFL or not, I think most non football fans would not know anything about Little.

I think it is relavent because the NFL has set precident by allowing him back in the league.
GimmeTheBall!;1591999 said:

From the Richmond, Va., Times-Dispatch about Michael "The Executioner" Vick.

And it would not hurt to contact this writer and tell him what a great read it was.

Now if Vick had done all that to people instead of dogs, such vitriol would certainly be warranted, but people who can't emotionally recognize the difference between people and dogs sometimes go too far.

I do not defend Vick, but dogs are not people.

baj1dallas;1592060 said:
I guess I'm one of the very few who also thinks "it's just dogs". I don't feel one ounce of the outrage that the rest of the country apparently feels. Compared to the other atrocities that go on every day, it's just not that big of a deal. I mean don't we slaughter thousands of animals every day to eat? What makes dogs any difference, other than the wastefulness?

There is a huge difference. The animals we eat are for sustenance. We don't slaughter them because _it's_ fun.

Give me a break. If you can't see the difference then there's something wrong with you.

We breed dogs for companionship. Dogs - or other animals that we keep as pets - become beloved by the owner. The animals that we eat - we don't get attached to them - that is the difference.

I feel no pity for Vick.

I have dogs. I have a pit bull in fact. My other dog is a sharpei. I didn't get a pit bull because of the 'thug' image that most of the pit bull owners like to portray. I got my little Maxwell because I love their loyalty and their inherent desire to please their master.

I hope he goes to the "pound you in the arse" type of federal prison. Maybe then he'll feel a tiny bit of the terror these dogs had to endure.
Angus;1592063 said:
Now if Vick had done all that to people instead of dogs, such vitriol would certainly be warranted, but people who can't emotionally recognize the difference between people and dogs sometimes go too far.

I do not defend Vick, but dogs are not people.


So, if someone were to break into your house, vandalize your property, violate the place you call home, you wouldn't be upset? Afterall - it's just a house...

You would just think 'aw shucks... bummer, but oh well..."

People who have pets understand the atrocity that was committed. It's not just a dog. It's often times like a family member.

Just they other day. Some kids cut through my yard and started throwing rocks at my dog. I was livid. I grabbed all of them - took them to their parent's house - and berated them for not instilling some sense of morals in their children...
kapolani;1592070 said:
There is a huge difference. The animals we eat are for sustenance. We don't slaughter them because _it's_ fun.

Give me a break. If you can't see the difference then there's something wrong with you.

We breed dogs for companionship. Dogs - or other animals that we keep as pets - become beloved by the owner. The animals that we eat - we don't get attached to them - that is the difference.

I feel no pity for Vick.

I have dogs. I have a pit bull in fact. My other dog is a sharpei. I didn't get a pit bull because of the 'thug' image that most of the pit bull owners like to portray. I got my little Maxwell because I love their loyalty and their inherent desire to please their master.

I hope he goes to the "pound you in the arse" type of federal prison. Maybe then he'll feel a tiny bit of the terror these dogs had to endure.

PETA got caught killing dogs. Animal shelters do it all the time. Farmers do it to animals that have been injured or are old.

I am in the its just dogs catagory. I loved my dogs when I had then and cried when they passed away. But in the end its just dogs.

Vick going tojoil or not going to jail. Meh I really don't care one way or the other. I just think it is funny that you can do more time for killing a dog than you can get for killing a person.
baj1dallas;1592060 said:
I guess I'm one of the very few who also thinks "it's just dogs". I don't feel one ounce of the outrage that the rest of the country apparently feels. Compared to the other atrocities that go on every day, it's just not that big of a deal. I mean don't we slaughter thousands of animals every day to eat? What makes dogs any difference, other than the wastefulness?

:cool: He asks a question then in the same sentence he answers his own question!

kapolani;1592071 said:
So, if someone were to break into your house, vandalize your property, violate the place you call home, you wouldn't be upset? Afterall - it's just a house...

You would just think 'aw shucks... bummer, but oh well..."

People who have pets understand the atrocity that was committed. It's not just a dog. It's often times like a family member.

Just they other day. Some kids cut through my yard and started throwing rocks at my dog. I was livid. I grabbed all of them - took them to their parent's house - and berated them for not instilling some sense of morals in their children...

Children should have some sense of morals, and adults should have some sense of values. No matter your attachment to your dog, it is not a person.

I have always had pet dogs. But they are not people.

aikemirv;1592042 said:
I am really sick of all this condemnation of Vick when we as a country murder millions of unborn every year in the name of choice. It is really getting old!!

and i get sick and tired of everyone trying to tie their own personal vendetta on whatever happens to be the "most visible" crime of the time.

if you feel that strongly about it - work to go change it and stop whining that something else is getting more attention than your preferences.
Angus;1592077 said:
Children should have some sense of morals, and adults should have some sense of values. No matter your attachment to your dog, it is not a person.

I have always had pet dogs. But they are not people.


and i'm sure the dogs are pretty happy about that. at least this way we keep our man-made bullcrap out of their lives. well, till we kill 'em and call 'em...just dogs.
Please make sure not to turn this into a political debate.
Angus;1592077 said:
Children should have some sense of morals, and adults should have some sense of values. No matter your attachment to your dog, it is not a person.

I have always had pet dogs. But they are not people.


I would gladly kill people i.e. rapists, child molesters, etc over killing dogs because they didn't perform in a blood sport.

Aren't the above people too?

With your rationale the aforementioned people are more worthy to live than our pets?
iceberg;1592078 said:
and i get sick and tired of everyone trying to tie their own personal vendetta on whatever happens to be the "most visible" crime of the time.

if you feel that strongly about it - work to go change it and stop whining that something else is getting more attention than your preferences.

Dallas Cowboys football board. What does this thread have to do with Dallas Cowboys or football? If somebody else is going to post about their personal vendetta then by all means I will post about mine. So many Mike Vick and Dog threads in the Fan Zone when they should not be here. So guess what, if they can do it, what better place to put mine.

By the way. what he did was dispicable but don't be a hypocrite about him being barbaric if you condone some other things OK.
kapolani;1592083 said:
I would gladly kill people i.e. rapists, child molesters, etc over killing dogs because they didn't perform in a blood sport.

Aren't the above people too?

With your rationale the aforementioned people are more worthy to live than our pets?

But would you gladly kill a pit bull who attacked a woman or a child?

sacase;1592061 said:
I think it is relavent because the NFL has set precident by allowing him back in the league.

That was the last commissioner not Goodell. Is Goodell bound by all moves that Tag made in the past? I don't think so
The day PETA cares about someone getting murdered in the street, whether it be gunned down, stabbed, or just beaten to death; then I will care about this Vick case. Until then, all I have to say is 'oh well'
Angus;1592088 said:
But would you gladly kill a pit bull who attacked a woman or a child?



If any dog were to viciously attack a human being or even another person's pet they should be put down if they were deemed to vicious.

On the other hand sometimes pets attack because they were provoked.

Now you're reaching.

The impetus for this debate was the unnecessary killing of dogs because they performed poorly and weren't deemed fit for dog fighting. Not because these dogs were attacking people.
da_whiz_kid;1592093 said:
The day PETA cares about someone getting murdered in the street, whether it be gunned down, stabbed, or just beaten to death; then I will care about this Vick case. Until then, all I have to say is 'oh well'

That has no bearing on their stance on this issue.

PETA is an organization that champions the rights of animals. Not human beings. So your issue is moot.
da_whiz_kid;1592093 said:
The day PETA cares about someone getting murdered in the street, whether it be gunned down, stabbed, or just beaten to death; then I will care about this Vick case. Until then, all I have to say is 'oh well'

PETA interest is in the protection of Animals but that does not mean they don't care about people. MADD is not going to protest the Vick situation because it does not pretain to what their organization is about. I'm no fan of the ogranization PETA and do not agree with some of their stances but I do agree with them when it comes to this type of act regardless if it is Vick or some backwood hick doing this.
Doomsday101;1592091 said:
That was the last commissioner not Goodell. Is Goodell bound by all moves that Tag made in the past? I don't think so
I don't think so either.

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