kapolani;1592096 said:Absolutely...
If any dog were to viciously attack a human being or even another person's pet they should be put down if they were deemed to vicious.
On the other hand sometimes pets attack because they were provoked.
Now you're reaching.
The impetus for this debate was the unnecessary killing of dogs because they performed poorly and weren't deemed fit for dog fighting. Not because these dogs were attacking people.
Angus;1592102 said:No, this is about a media type who can't seem to see the difference between outrages against animals and outrages against people in considering punishment.
Doomsday101;1592098 said:PETA interest is in the protection of Animals but that does not mean they don't care about people. MADD is not going to protest the Vick situation because it does not pretain to what their organization is about. I'm no fan of the ogranization PETA and do not agree with some of their stances but I do agree with them when it comes to this type of act regardless if it is Vick or some backwood hick doing this.
aikemirv;1592084 said:Dallas Cowboys football board. What does this thread have to do with Dallas Cowboys or football? If somebody else is going to post about their personal vendetta then by all means I will post about mine. So many Mike Vick and Dog threads in the Fan Zone when they should not be here. So guess what, if they can do it, what better place to put mine.
By the way. what he did was dispicable but don't be a hypocrite about him being barbaric if you condone some other things OK.
da_whiz_kid;1592108 said:I just feel that their priorities are wrong. They make a big hoopla about this stuff, but when someone gets killed, they have nothing to care about? Or when a dog kills a child, they have nothing to say about that? whether the dog was provoked or not, someone was still killed....I don't know, maybe its just the whole idea of the the organization that kind of annoys me...
WWAAAAAAYYY of topic. But right about now I can think of a certain persons mother that should of made "that choice."aikemirv;1592042 said:I am really sick of all this condemnation of Vick when we as a country murder millions of unborn every year in the name of choice. It is really getting old!!
Doomsday101;1592118 said:But PETA is all about People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, that does not mean that they don't care about about people getting killed. That is like saying why didn't Green Peace come out against Vick? Because it has nothing to do with their organization but does not mean people within that organization do not care about other issues. As I said I'm no big fan of PETA but I clearly understand why they have come out against this act by Vick.
da_whiz_kid;1592123 said:gotchya...Maybe i just don't like the organization...lol...
Seven;1592122 said:WWAAAAAAYYY of topic. But right about now I can think of a certain persons mother that should of made "that choice."
aikemirv;1592130 said:By the way, it was illegal thenBut I guess we are much smarter now huh
Vick is off topic to a Cowboys message board too.
YoMick;1592126 said:There is more than a good chance that Vick will play again in the nfl. A team will take a chance on him.
Anyone who says, without a doubt, that Vick will never play again in the nfl obviously is not keeping up with the "occurences" in sports, entertainment, life... etc...
Nope, I wouldn't like it one bit but legality wise, there isn't anything I could do but will try to voice my opinion to make it illegal.aikemirv;1592130 said:If dog fighting becomes legal someday are you just going to say "oh well, it is their animal"?
aikemirv;1592130 said:By the way, it was illegal thenBut I guess we are much smarter now huh
Vick is off topic to a Cowboys message board too.
If dog fighting becomes legal someday are you just going to say "oh well, it is their animal"?[/quote]
Yeah, like that's going to happen!
And as far as the Vick topic on a Cowboy board? Why not? It's a topic that should be discussed so that others MIGHT LEARN SOMEHING?
No matter how much you want it swept under the rug because you don't want to hear about Ron Ookie Mexico...think again because it's going to be coming over and over until the big metal door slams SHUT with that big "BANG"!
iceberg;1592132 said:vick is at least football. you're stretching things WAY out of line to squeeze in your pesonal agenda cause you don't like the current "hot topic".
great. ignore it then. but if you wanna talk abortion then go find another forum and start threads till your heart is content.
The problem with dog fighting is that these animals are horribly mistreated in order to make them good fighting dogs. Once they begin fighting, they are forced into a life of constant fighting or killed. This life is forced upon them by their owners. If you can't see the difference between this and farmers raising animals for food, I feel sorry for you.baj1dallas;1592060 said:I guess I'm one of the very few who also thinks "it's just dogs". I don't feel one ounce of the outrage that the rest of the country apparently feels. Compared to the other atrocities that go on every day, it's just not that big of a deal. I mean don't we slaughter thousands of animals every day to eat? What makes dogs any difference, other than the wastefulness?
baj1dallas;1592060 said:I guess I'm one of the very few who also thinks "it's just dogs". I don't feel one ounce of the outrage that the rest of the country apparently feels. Compared to the other atrocities that go on every day, it's just not that big of a deal. I mean don't we slaughter thousands of animals every day to eat? What makes dogs any difference, other than the wastefulness?
aikemirv;1592130 said:By the way, it was illegal thenBut I guess we are much smarter now huh