Brett Favre

utrunner07;2143521 said:
First of all I will take Favre on the early 90s Cowboys teams over Aikman on the two Green Bay Super Bowl teams any day....

Second your original statement was "and he [Favre] sux in the playoffs anyway" --- so my question to you. Does Favre suck in the playoffs or does he have a few bad games just like any other QB?

(I recognize that Favre makes more mistakes than Aikman, Favre was also on a less talented team than Aikman, take it for what its worth)

Wow... just wow.

Aikman is known for his Great decision making. Favre is not.

No way we win 3 with Favre at the helm. Emmitt would get less caries too.

Wake and smell the Colombian Beans.

Favre: "I think this is most talented team I have ever been on"
iceberg;2143845 said:
now favre spent 2-3 years holding the team hostage while he pulled a parcells and had to go find the inner strength to go on making millions a year and then he finally walks away into the sunset.

sort of.
I'm not a big fan of Favre's actions either.... I just don't feel sorry for Green Bay, or believe they're "being held hostage." Favre's one of the all-time greats, and if the Packers believe he can still play at a high level, of course they're going to want him to play as long as he can get it done. I don't feel sorry for them because he's indecisive, they're benefiting by not having to turn the reins over to an inexperienced guy. And if he's learning something every day sitting behind Favre, then all the better for them when Favre leaves.

I mainly got into this thread though because of some people's refusal to consider him an all-time great QB. That's pure lunacy.
peplaw06;2144102 said:
I'm not a big fan of Favre's actions either.... I just don't feel sorry for Green Bay, or believe they're "being held hostage." Favre's one of the all-time greats, and if the Packers believe he can still play at a high level, of course they're going to want him to play as long as he can get it done. I don't feel sorry for them because he's indecisive, they're benefiting by not having to turn the reins over to an inexperienced guy. And if he's learning something every day sitting behind Favre, then all the better for them when Favre leaves.

I mainly got into this thread though because of some people's refusal to consider him an all-time great QB. That's pure lunacy.

if i were management and at the end of the last 2-3 years i had to wait for favre to go on a sabbatical to see if he could go another year, i'd get tired of it. hostage may be harsh, but geez dude...chit or get. i'm not sure why he can't make up his mind but he seems to cry out if the spotlight isn't on him.

this has nothing to do with him the player. he's a 1st ballot HOF easy. now if they had a whiner-boy-HOF he'd be in the running for that at this rate as well.

i think green bay had enough and if favre wants to come back as a backup, good. i'm on the management side of this cause favre needs to stop the drama-fest every year. he's now gunning KISS for the most times any major celebrity can retire from their chosen field and just be kidding.

i don't think green bay should be forced into a trade OR making him the starter if they've spent all this time getting aaron rogers up and going FINALLY. i hope they don't cave into the great favre who seems to be relying on his rep and history to get his way.

he never could make up his mind on the field and made crap up as he went and now he can't make up his mind off the field either.

favre is one of the greatest to play the game. he's also one of the biggest prima donnas and i'm just tired of favre-TV.
peplaw06;2144102 said:
I'm not a big fan of Favre's actions either.... I just don't feel sorry for Green Bay, or believe they're "being held hostage." Favre's one of the all-time greats, and if the Packers believe he can still play at a high level, of course they're going to want him to play as long as he can get it done. I don't feel sorry for them because he's indecisive, they're benefiting by not having to turn the reins over to an inexperienced guy. And if he's learning something every day sitting behind Favre, then all the better for them when Favre leaves.

I mainly got into this thread though because of some people's refusal to consider him an all-time great QB. That's pure lunacy.

he's not in my top 10... He wasn't even the best QB in the game while he was playing.....:rolleyes:
iceberg;2144050 said:
if he loved the game, he'd not consider retirement year in and year out. he would not have retired and then suddenly when life went on without him, he wants back in.

i've always respected favre the player but favre the person needs to slap a pad on it and shut up.

I think he has paid his dues. It is up to GB if they want him back or not and from my understanding the Pack appear to be ready to move on with Rogers.

Pack can let Brett move on and I think they will and there are some teams out there who clearly could use a vet QB to bridge the gap until they have a QB they feel is ready to take over.
From Steve Czaban's blog:

The true colors have come out.

Brett Favre: Hero. Legend. Iron Man.


And let's throw in "phony" while we are at it.

I warned people when I gave Brett the benefit of the doubt at his teary press conference: "If he's just kidding....."

Well, here we are, and I think any columnist in America who doesn't rip this narcissistic hillbilly for the crap he's attempting to pull, need to pull their own head out of the clouds.

Brett Favre is Chad Johnson without the gold teeth. He's Terrell Owens without the Sharpie fetish. He's just as bad as any athlete today who pouts and stomps until he gets his way - EXACTLY his way - no matter what harm comes to his team because of it.

Sorry Favre fans. Truth hurts. You gave this guy unconditional love, and he's spitting on it.

Go ahead, write the angry emails at me. Say it was all the Packers' fault. Blame Ted Thompson. Do whatever makes you feel better.

Truth is, though, this guy left YOU. You and the legion of faithful Packer fans who excused his numerous game-killing INTs with the feeble excuse of "Brett Being Brett." Or you covered for him by saying "he doesn't have the weapons."

Memo to Brett. Grow up. It's sorta late, but never TOO late. Apologize first for having done this. Then make your best honest case as to what you really want right now. It's your only hope to save any sort of face.

Professional football teams don't come installed with doggie doors for legendary QBs to just come and go as they please. While you think your incredible career has "earned" you the right to do crap like this, fact is, it hasn't. The men you walked away from in tears in March, had the task of marching forward without you.

This involves great responsibility and risk. They had no choice.

You did, however, and despite urgings to consider carefully, you took the cop out route.

Retire now. Scoop up all the hero salutes and video montages. And hell, you'll figure the rest out later. Right? I mean, you are BRETT FAVRE, right? If the Pack wouldn't take you back on a 10 minute heads-up, then surely a half dozen other teams would.

Asking for what you REALLY wanted would have made you feel cheap, right Brett? "I want to play for somebody else." Wouldn't have been that hard to say. But then again, it would have put the burden on you. Why do you want to leave? What could have made you stay?

You would have to explain yourself, and take some heat, and hell, The Legend doesn't do that, does he? Better to just "retire" and then try to whipsaw the team into a stupid and awkward position, and walk out on the tab.

This is just plain ugly. Legacy dented. Not ruined, but when you look at the Favre statue, it'll be hard not to notice this one.
I think from GB perspective they should go with Rogers, I think playing a mind game with him would not be good for him or GB in the long run. However I don't fault Brett for not wanting to hang them up. This was not a ploy to get more money and no one is forcing GB to keep him. If someone is willing to bring in Brett for a year or 2 they clearly would be getting a QB that has some game left. Why anyone else is offended by Brett doing this is beyond me.
DaBoys4Life;2144153 said:
he's not in my top 10... He wasn't even the best QB in the game while he was playing.....:rolleyes:

Wow, just wow! He was the outright winner of the league MVP for two years and shared it with Barry Sanders for a third and he wasn't the best QB playing at anytime during his career? :confused:
Doomsday101;2144204 said:
I think he has paid his dues. It is up to GB if they want him back or not and from my understanding the Pack appear to be ready to move on with Rogers.

Pack can let Brett move on and I think they will and there are some teams out there who clearly could use a vet QB to bridge the gap until they have a QB they feel is ready to take over.

why? why should they let him move on if they'd like him in a backup role?

as for dues...he's made his millions too. i'm not that concerned about him anymore.
iceberg;2144311 said:
why? why should they let him move on if they'd like him in a backup role?

as for dues...he's made his millions too. i'm not that concerned about him anymore.

I think they will let him move on, I don't think they intend on punishing him because he had a change of heart and I don't think they want to delay Rogers any longer. Could GB take a hardnose approach and say you either stay retired or you play backup? sure they could but I think they respect him more than that. For me I don't have an issue about Favre returning if that is what he wants to do
utrunner07;2143931 said:
I would be careful talking about stuff that you don't know very much about...your entire argument here is VERY weak.

The media OVER-HYPES this guy. It's as if this guy does nothing wrong.
Ok so you hate him becuase the media over hypes him. Ok. How many records does Favre hold...oh important to his team is he....oh yeah...does he play for one of the legendary teams in football...oh yeah...maybe he is not so over hyped....

He can throw 6-8 INT's in a playoff game (GB vs. Rams I'm sure Packer fans can't forget that one), and all you hear is
"Don't worry Bret, you'll do better next time."
"He's playing like a Kid out there"

Ah the much fabled 6 Interception game (BTW it was 6 if you are going to argue like you know something you might want to make sure you know the facts)...yeah you keep focusing on ONE game, just like all the other haters. I have said it before, you can easily pick out one of Aikman's playoff games and just looking at that one say he must have sucked...and no after a bad game the media did not get down on Aikman. Why? Because like Favre they knew it was a fluke.

"Why retire this guy can play for another 3 yrs"

Well everyone said he should have retired before last year and look what happened.

but when T.O. wears a Santa hat after they lose the Christmas game.
It's a distraction. C'mon people.

Wow...this comparison is absolutely absurd....comparing a players on the field play to what someone does off the field? What? I don't even know what you would try to accomplish by comparing the two...what a pathetic argument...becuase wearing a Santa hat = throwing interceptions? :banghead:

Bret is a good QB, but I can't trust him in the playoffs
(ya know, when It really counts)

Who cares if you can trust him? Do you trust Tony Romo? You sure better say you don't becuase Favre is better in the playoffs than Romo has been.

What's his playoff record?

Lol, I really doubt you know. 12 wins and 10 losses.

Did u see how he played against Dallas this year? Bret was going to be pulled out of that game if he kept throwing bonehead INT's.

Wow you talk to Packer Management? You know he was going to be pulled? Wow!

Did u see how Bret played against the Giants? Not good.

Did you see how Romo played? What's your point?

Did Bret throw a Killer Interception in that game when it counted? Yes

Was that game in GB? Yes.

Steve Young, Troy Aikman, Joe Montana, Joe Namath, Peyton Manning...all have had similar interceptions....AT HOME:eek:

Was that 2007 team good enough to get to the SB? Yes, only because Dallas was eliminated. Farve can't win in Dallas.

Ok well then Favre really must suck if he can take his team to the superbowl even if Dallas was eliminated...

No, but he needs to be treated just like the rest of the QB's in the league. Stop with this favortism.

I tell you what, when every other QB in the league holds the majority of the passing records then he can be treated like the rest...until then maybe you need to realize that he has almost every major passing record and is going to get hyped becuase of it.....(plus lots of other reasons)

The Farve lovers are coming out of the woodworks because he had finally had a decent season. Where were guys a couple of seasons ago?

Ok so you hate him becuase the media over hypes him. Ok. How many records does Favre hold...oh important to his team is he....oh yeah...does he play for one of the legendary teams in football...oh yeah...maybe he is not so over hyped....
I don't care about his passing records it's about championships (that's why GB IS a legendary team) maybe you haven't figured that out yet.

I don't hate Farve. I've already typed that.

I'm pretty sure Farve is sick and tired of getting his butt kissed on a daily basis by the media.

If you noticed in my 1st argument i never compared Romo and Farve.
Cause Romo's career is just starting.

If u want to compare Aikman & Bret we can do that.
IMO Aikman makes the SMARTER decisions on the field than Bret.
If u disagree with that comment....Your Crazy!

As far as stats go. I HATE THEM!!
Therefore, I don't us them as often (or at all).

:starspin :starspin :starspin :starspin :starspin
YoMick;2144083 said:
Wow... just wow.

Aikman is known for his Great decision making. Favre is not.

No way we win 3 with Favre at the helm. Emmitt would get less caries too.

Wake and smell the Colombian Beans.

Favre: "I think this is most talented team I have ever been on"

YoMick! Why can't Packers fans see through this?

Rogers might be a better QB, but I don't see the fans letting "Lord" Farve go in thier minds.

BTW, are a Farve Hater (like Farve Lovers like to call Cowboys fans here) or are YOU just tired of Fare-TV?

:starspin :starspin :starspin :starspin :starspin Championship for every star!!
MWILL;2144386 said:
The Farve lovers are coming out of the woodworks because he had finally had a decent season. Where were guys a couple of seasons ago?

Ok so you hate him becuase the media over hypes him. Ok. How many records does Favre hold...oh important to his team is he....oh yeah...does he play for one of the legendary teams in football...oh yeah...maybe he is not so over hyped....
I don't care about his passing records it's about championships (that's why GB IS a legendary team) maybe you haven't figured that out yet.

I don't hate Farve. I've already typed that.

I'm pretty sure Farve is sick and tired of getting his butt kissed on a daily basis by the media.

If you noticed in my 1st argument i never compared Romo and Farve.
Cause Romo's career is just starting.

If u want to compare Aikman & Bret we can do that.
IMO Aikman makes the SMARTER decisions on the field than Bret.
If u disagree with that comment....Your Crazy!

As far as stats go. I HATE THEM!!
Therefore, I don't us them as often (or at all).

:starspin :starspin :starspin :starspin :starspin

actualy the quality of the player is not measured by championships. Marino is one of the best ever. How many championships does he have. If Elway would not have won Super Bowls the last two years would he have still have been considered one of the best ever. Absolutely. The championships were icing on the cake to a stellar career. Championships are more a result of the complete team and how they are playing at that time. The final stats are what defines the quality of a player. Barrry Sanders is known as one of the greatest RBs of all times. How many championships does he have. Jim Kelley has none, he was one of the greatest Ever. It just so happened his team did not measure up against the Dallas Buzzsaws of the 90s. JIm Plunkett was a nothing QB until he went to a great team. STeve Young was a nothing QB until he went to a great team. Championships are for the team. STats define the player.

Favre is one of the greatest players in the history of the game. He has the
records and the trophys to prove it.
YoMick;2144083 said:
Wow... just wow.

Aikman is known for his Great decision making. Favre is not.

No way we win 3 with Favre at the helm. Emmitt would get less caries too.

Wake and smell the Colombian Beans.

Favre: "I think this is most talented team I have ever been on"

Aikman played with pereniall pro bowl players on his offensive line, A Hof WR, A HOF Rb, please tell me that Aikman would have done great with the Robert Brooks, Antonio Freemans, Dorsey Levens of the world. I know you think your guy can do no wrong, But your guy did have HOFers and perenial pro offensive line players. FAvre didnt. Favre did mroe with less than any QB in history. And at 38 yrs old had a season most other QBs only dream about. Not bad for an old washed up, worn out tired has been like you like to call him.
bbgun;2144210 said:
From Steve Czaban's blog:

The true colors have come out.

Brett Favre: Hero. Legend. Iron Man.


And let's throw in "phony" while we are at it.

I warned people when I gave Brett the benefit of the doubt at his teary press conference: "If he's just kidding....."

Well, here we are, and I think any columnist in America who doesn't rip this narcissistic hillbilly for the crap he's attempting to pull, need to pull their own head out of the clouds.

Brett Favre is Chad Johnson without the gold teeth.

I've been saying this for a long time.
MWILL;2144397 said:
YoMick! Why can't Packers fans see through this?

Rogers might be a better QB, but I don't see the fans letting "Lord" Farve go in thier minds.

BTW, are a Farve Hater (like Farve Lovers like to call Cowboys fans here) or are YOU just tired of Fare-TV?

They dont want to. Its blind unadulterated homerism.
I am the BIGGEST T.O. HOMER on the site and I STILL call him out for the negative. It can be done.

Rogers is not better. But they also dont know what he can deliver if anything for a season. That needs to known.

Absolutely do not hate Favre. No way, he is a good guy and a good QB.
I just cant watch and listen to him being lauded like the next coming of __________(insert grandness here) lol

When he has cost him team ALOT of BIG games due to his poor decision making.... its all about HIM throwing the Game Winning TD.... Aikman hands the ball off to Emmitt..... JUST TO GET THE WIN.

FloridaRob;2144419 said:
Aikman played with pereniall pro bowl players on his offensive line, A Hof WR, A HOF Rb, please tell me that Aikman would have done great with the Robert Brooks, Antonio Freemans, Dorsey Levens of the world. I know you think your guy can do no wrong, But your guy did have HOFers and perenial pro offensive line players. FAvre didnt. Favre did mroe with less than any QB in history. And at 38 yrs old had a season most other QBs only dream about. Not bad for an old washed up, worn out tired has been like you like to call him.

Please, please..... please stop.

Favre lost the games he played us in the 90's before they even played them.
And I quote "who do we play next? Oh, Dallas... pack our bags... season is over" HE HAS SAID THAT.

Romo had a season that most other Qb's dream about too... what of it?
Favre if nothing is consistent. When you need him to win that playoff game. FORGET IT!
YoMick;2144458 said:
They dont want to. Its blind unadulterated homerism.
I am the BIGGEST T.O. HOMER on the site and I STILL call him out for the negative. It can be done.

Rogers is not better. But they also dont know what he can deliver if anything for a season. That needs to known.

Absolutely do not hate Favre. No way, he is a good guy and a good QB.
I just cant watch and listen to him being lauded like the next coming of __________(insert grandness here) lol

When he has cost him team ALOT of BIG games due to his poor decision making.... its all about HIM throwing the Game Winning TD.... Aikman hands the ball off to Emmitt..... JUST TO GET THE WIN.

Please, please..... please stop.

Favre lost the games he played us in the 90's before they even played them.
And I quote "who do we play next? Oh, Dallas... pack our bags... season is over" HE HAS SAID THAT.

Romo had a season that most other Qb's dream about too... what of it?
Favre if nothing is consistent. When you need him to win that playoff game. FORGET IT!

Dallas teams in the 90s were better teams than Green Bays> No question about it. And if Dallas would have played Green Bay in 96, Dallas would have lost too. Green Bays teams were better. Constantly putting all the blame on a QB because of a TEAMs failures is beyond ridiculous. Green Bay lost to Atlanta when the only player left on offense was Favre. No WRs, No Tes, No RBs, and both tackles were out of the game. But it was all Favres fault. Green bay lost to the Rams in St Louis when they had the greatest show on turf. Nobody could stop that team. Green Bay got down early and Favre had a horrible game. IF Favre threw for 450 yards in that game, they still lose. Green Bay at Philly when GreenBay had the game won except for a horrible 4th and 26 play and Shermans 4th and 1 choke job of a call. But because of those two plays FAvre gets the blame for the pick at the end. The funny thing about that play was earleir in the game, Favre threw the exact same pass that JavonWalker went up and got and scored a TD. The 2nd time at the end of the same the same play was called and WAlker ran a different route. But I guess that is FAvres fault too. This past championship game, the Giants were a buzzsaw as the Cowboys found out earlier and the Patriots found out later. Give them credit for a great game plan. Even if Favre doesnt throw the pick, the Giants still win the game. The Packers could not move it late against the Giants. I blame Al Harris or the defensive coordinators lack of adjustments more for that game than anybody else. But like clockwork, you blame Favre.

MIck, You really don't like FAvre. He is one of the greatest Players not just QBs to ever play the game. HIstory will prove that. Your rants about him won't change.
FloridaRob;2144489 said:
Dallas teams in the 90s were better teams than Green Bays> No question about it. And if Dallas would have played Green Bay in 96, Dallas would have lost too. Green Bays teams were better. Constantly putting all the blame on a QB because of a TEAMs failures is beyond ridiculous.

Green Bay lost to Atlanta when the only player left on offense was Favre. No WRs, No Tes, No RBs, and both tackles were out of the game.
But it was all Favres fault. Green bay lost to the Rams in St Louis when they had the greatest show on turf. Nobody could stop that team. Green Bay got down early and Favre had a horrible game. IF Favre threw for 450 yards in that game, they still lose. Green Bay at Philly when GreenBay had the game won except for a horrible 4th and 26 play and Shermans 4th and 1 choke job of a call. But because of those two plays FAvre gets the blame for the pick at the end. The funny thing about that play was earleir in the game, Favre threw the exact same pass that JavonWalker went up and got and scored a TD. The 2nd time at the end of the same the same play was called and WAlker ran a different route. But I guess that is FAvres fault too. This past championship game, the Giants were a buzzsaw as the Cowboys found out earlier and the Patriots found out later. Give them credit for a great game plan. Even if Favre doesnt throw the pick, the Giants still win the game. The Packers could not move it late against the Giants. I blame Al Harris or the defensive coordinators lack of adjustments more for that game than anybody else. But like clockwork, you blame Favre.

MIck, You really don't like FAvre. He is one of the greatest Players not just QBs to ever play the game. HIstory will prove that. Your rants about him won't change.


Let me get this straight. He blocked... then threw and caught the ball...... gtf outta here?!?!

You telling me I dont like Favre doesnt nothing for your poor arguments. I dont dislike him at all.

Neither will your inaccuracies.
YoMick;2144499 said:

Let me get this straight. He blocked... then threw and caught the ball...... gtf outta here?!?!

You telling me I dont like Favre doesnt nothing for your poor arguments. I dont dislike him at all.

What are you talking about with the running, blocking, etc. Dallas teams were better in the early 90s. No? Green Bays team in 96 was better than DAllas. No? The WRs Glenn and driver were hurt and both tackles were out of the Atlanta game, and Ahman Green was also hurt. No he didnt do it all but he should have with the group he had left to play with. But he should ahve been SuperBrett and won it in spite of the horrible talent left for him to play with that playoff game.

As opposed to your ommisions. I love how you said, "Aikman would have not have made a bad decision, he would have just turned around and handed the ball to Emmit Smith to win the game." No kidding Sherlock. The only problem wtih that is Favre never had an Emmit Smith to turn around and hand the ball to, or a HOF Michael Irvin, or a perenial pro bowl line. Would have loved to see how Aikman would have done with the Edgar Bennets, Dorsey Levens, and noname offensive line, and Antonio Freemans and Bill Schroeders of the world. Aikman played with great players as well as being great himself. Favre played with good to very good players who he made look better than they really were.

As I said, not only one of the greatest QBs ever, but one of the greatest Players EVer in the history of the game.
FloridaRob;2144413 said:
actualy the quality of the player is not measured by championships. Marino is one of the best ever. How many championships does he have. If Elway would not have won Super Bowls the last two years would he have still have been considered one of the best ever. Absolutely. The championships were icing on the cake to a stellar career. Championships are more a result of the complete team and how they are playing at that time. The final stats are what defines the quality of a player. Barrry Sanders is known as one of the greatest RBs of all times. How many championships does he have. Jim Kelley has none, he was one of the greatest Ever. It just so happened his team did not measure up against the Dallas Buzzsaws of the 90s. JIm Plunkett was a nothing QB until he went to a great team. STeve Young was a nothing QB until he went to a great team. Championships are for the team. STats define the player.

Favre is one of the greatest players in the history of the game. He has the
records and the trophys to prove it.

I understand what your saying.

Championships ARE a result of a team effort.

In the past 5-6 seasons Farve has not been the same in my eyes.

One of the records he's been known for is his INT's. I believe he is on top of that list now.

He has been killing GB from getting further in the playoffs from his bad decisoin making in recent years.

Farve had a good season last year, but he threw a ball that ended thier season. Their were no excuses this year for GB (and Dallas) Bret had a better team this year.

Does Bret has the records? Yes.

Is he a Hall-of-Famer? Yes.

Do I like his style of playing? No.

Despite Farve's records, retirement, & comebacks, the Packers are still going a different direction (should've done that a few years ago IMO).

That should say something. Shouldn't it?

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