Broaddus: A chance they will try to pass Darius Jackson through waivers

You're the biggest McFadden supporter on the board. You know it.

Instead of always looking to get banned go dig up some of my posts on McFadden and prove I'm one of his biggest supporters. :thumbup: If you're looking for laughs that comment will receive many. You're just continuing to make yourself look silly. Checkout this thread and the argument I had with you and see if I'm one of McFadden's biggest supporters. Lol
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I'm not responding to the coaches. Someone said the team is dumb if they pass on Jackson. Someone else said he'll end up on the Commanders and hurt us. It's posts like that I'm replying to.
OK got you. I take the coaches word most of the time as well so I agree with you but doesn't mean they are always right...haha
The debates we've had were all due to you. You made a comment that Jackson pretty much locked up a roster spot last week vs Seattle pushing McFadden out. I didn't agree and you kept arguing. We were on the same page with other things concerning both backs but you kept responding wanting to argue points that we shared similar views for some reason. If you don't want me to reply then don't reply back giving me something to refute. Don't respond with this crap that I'm a McFadden lover when you know damn good and well from following everyone of my posts in the McFadden vs Morris thread that it couldn't be farther from the truth.

I said all offseason that I don't want McFadden as the starter but I'm fine with him as part of our rotation. If he's fresh he could be very effective as part of a rotation behind our OL. In his first start last season he put up 152 yards due to having fresh legs from not having many carries but the following week his legs looked dead. That seemed to be the pattern with him, one productive game followed by a bad game. The carries started catching up with him he finished with a career high in carries.
Debates are due to me? I make a post about Jackson and you not the one starting it when I'm making a statement. Again I know how you feel about Jackson and McFadden I don't need you to remind me every post I make. I disagree with you and that's fine no need to stalk my every post on the subject to "reply" to my comment. It's like a broken record......I get it you don't like Jackson.....ok anything new to add? Or you just gonna keep saying the same thing over and over
Jackson could be an every down back, you want to keep these kind.
I totally agree. He catch run inside and out, he can catch, he can pass block and can play special teams. He can contribute and seems to take his pretty well. Hasn't came up in any injury reports and he is available to help the team. It's a no brainer m to me keeping Jackson over McFadden
Debates are due to me? I make a post about Jackson and you not the one starting it when I'm making a statement. Again I know how you feel about Jackson and McFadden I don't need you to remind me every post I make. I disagree with you and that's fine no need to stalk my every post on the subject to "reply" to my comment. It's like a broken record......I get it you don't like Jackson.....ok anything new to add? Or you just gonna keep saying the same thing over and over

Don't listen to a word KJJ is saying. We all know he loves DMac.
Don't listen to a word KJJ is saying. We all know he loves DMac.
Ya he spent days debating about how bad Mcfadden was now he debates about McFadden has to stay on the roster. Too much flip flopping for me. I will continue to want Jackson over McFadden but everybody has their own ideas. At least most stay with the same argument in the subject haha
Debates are due to me? I make a post about Jackson and you not the one starting it when I'm making a statement. Again I know how you feel about Jackson and McFadden I don't need you to remind me every post I make. I disagree with you and that's fine no need to stalk my every post on the subject to "reply" to my comment. It's like a broken record......I get it you don't like Jackson.....ok anything new to add? Or you just gonna keep saying the same thing over and over

Yes, debates are due to you because you have an agenda of lying and twisting my comments and I'm just about to prove it. :D You made a post about Jackson practically locking up a roster spot last week pushing McFadden out and I simply disagreed and gave my position. If you didn't care to debate it, you didn't have to reply back. No one is stalking you, last week was the first exchange we've had in months. Most of our debates have been initiated by you because you're one of those who always has an issue with my views. To show how big of an agenda you have, you just accused me of having a "man crush" on McFadden. LOL I hate to inform you but you're the same guy who passed out a grand total of 27 "likes" to me in the McFadden vs Morris thread for dogging him. :laugh: All anyone has to do is click on the link to that thread I provided to see all the "likes" you gave me. Lol To show you the true scope of the jr high agenda I'm dealing with, Cal Poly who I went several pages arguing with in that thread who was in support of McFadden remaining as the starter just claimed I'm one of McFadden's biggest supporters and I know it. :facepalm: :laugh: It's almost like some of you are on a mission to make yourselves look foolish so no one will take you seriously. The childish crap some of you pull that's easily exposed isn't going to help your credibility on this board. You just claimed that I don't like Jackson when I told you a few days ago that I liked the kid and think he has potential. Did you forget that or were you so blinded by your agenda you forgot? C'mon man, I said a lot of positive things about Jackson, even going so far as to say that if McFadden isn't healthy by the start of the season I would keep him and move on from McFadden. Stop insulting the intelligence of everyone I don't need to bust your nads with links and quotes for most to see the stunts you and others try and pull. If you're going to spin BS you're picking the wrong poster because I'm going to call you on it and show everyone what you're all about. I'm the last person on this board you want to play games with because I'll expose you.
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Ya he spent days debating about how bad Mcfadden was now he debates about McFadden has to stay on the roster. Too much flip flopping for me. I will continue to want Jackson over McFadden but everybody has their own ideas. At least most stay with the same argument in the subject haha

I spent all of last season and this entire offseason arguing that McFadden shouldn't be the starter and the team agreed with me. There's no flip flopping, you have an agenda. I made it perfectly clear for months that I don't want McFadden starting but would be fine with him as part of a rotation. I've been repeating the same thing for a year and you claim I'm flip flopping??? Lol
I think I read a while back Broaddus used to post on this site, any truth to that ?
Ya he spent days debating about how bad Mcfadden was now he debates about McFadden has to stay on the roster. Too much flip flopping for me.

I debated how average McFadden was as a "starter" been doing that since the day we signed him with MANY of his supporters. LOL You agreed with me 100% that he's an average starter but because I would rather have him as part of our rotation "if healthy" when the season starts over Jackson who you clearly have a "man crush" on, you now accuse me of flip flopping. :laugh: I've been consistent on how I feel about McFadden and my archives from last season all the way through the offseason will back it up. Knock off the agenda before you completely destroy whatever credibility you have here. It's the BS you post that causes me to respond back and it's being proven in this thread. LOL If you don't want someone responding back debating you, don't pull them back in by posting false claims. If you're going to twist my comments and post lies I'm going to expose it.
This was my prediction when he was drafted. Try to get him through waivers. Lose him to another team. Watch him embarrass Zeke Elliott for the next 10 years.
Lord.... I sincerely hope it doesn't happen this way. With their shallow backfield, I can see the Commanders snatching him right up... I really like the guy and think he would be incredible behind the 1s. This is a tool we need to keep in our tool box.

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