What's most bizarre is that there was never any actual football imprint of any kind from WCO that Mike McCarthy came from going all the way back to the 49'ers great offenses and quarterbacks (and McCarthy being an offensive coach before) - through the great QB's he had in Green Bay. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Take a look at
this Bill Walsh coaching tree, where you will see Mike McCarthy listed. What we got was a forced Jason Garrett redux offense with Moore. In my opinion Garrett would still be here if not for the public and media scrutiny backlash that the FO was receiving for keeping his ordained pick for a head coach around for 10 years. So, since Jerry Jones could not keep Garrett around, he decided to allow Kellen Moore to coach the offense vicariously through Jason Garrett. It's as if Garrett never really left and McCarthy never
truly arrived. McCarthy is nothing more than a walk around sideline piece.