Thatkidbob;5091451 said:That's like a magic 8 ball answer.
Does that mean he's done well enough that's it's certain he'll make the roster, or that he's done so poorly that the issue is already decided? Without knowledge of Broaddus' previous comments on the guy (and even, perhaps, with that knowledge) this answer does nothing to shed light on the question he was asked.
Thatkidbob;5091451 said:That's like a magic 8 ball answer.
Does that mean he's done well enough that's it's certain he'll make the roster, or that he's done so poorly that the issue is already decided? Without knowledge of Broaddus' previous comments on the guy (and even, perhaps, with that knowledge) this answer does nothing to shed light on the question he was asked.
RS12;5091401 said:Bryan Broaddus ‏@BryanBroaddus 12h
“@gmoneythomas: @BryanBroaddus Does Arkin look or seem stronger this year? Does he have chance to make 53?” You should move on.
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CowboyFan74;5091468 said:I'm confused, did he even respond?
TheCount;5091457 said:He is not high on Arkin.
burmafrd;5091454 said:pretty clear that Broaddus means he is toast. Not sure why you would think otherwise.
TheCount;5091457 said:He is not high on Arkin.
burmafrd;5091454 said:pretty clear that Broaddus means he is toast. Not sure why you would think otherwise.
tm1119;5091493 said:I thought this was pretty evident when someone like Derrick Dockery was brought off the street over Arkin. Being a rookie is one thing, but if you've already had a full year of sitting and learning and the team still doesn't think you are worthy of playing in a backup role there is a huge problem.
AbeBeta;5091498 said:Not really. As has been expressed about a million times on this board -- whether or not the guy pans out -- he came in a major project. He was from a tiny school AND just not at all physically close to playing in the league.
Your Dockery argument is a bit silly considering that Arkin was the backup Center for the first half of our season. He played C and worked exclusively at C in pre-season. Why on earth would our backup G have anything to do with that?
I don't know if this guy ever amounts to anything here -- but what I do know is that we are treating him like you have to treat developmental prospects.
tm1119;5091543 said:Is that why the team went out and immediately traded for a center when the starter went down? And then even slid Bernadeau over to C when Cook went down instead of putting Arkin in?
AbeBeta;5091559 said:im·me·di·ate·ly adverb \i-ˈmē-dē-ət-lē also -ˈmē-dit-, British often -ˈmē-jit-\
Def. without interval of time : straightway <I'll make that call immediately>
Cook was acquired on August 31st, 2012. Phil Costa was injured on August 10th, 2012.
You don't understand what immediately means, do you?
And yeah, I totally would expect a team to go out and get a C rather than play in real games with someone who had never snapped the ball before the training camp.
tm1119;5091573 said:lol ok pal. Thanks for clearing that up. Next time I'll have exact dates handy.
So what will the excuse be next year IF he makes the roster this and doesn't play again? I look forward to that ridiculous excuse making. Should be fun to hear.