Broaddus on Kellen Moore

My biggest concern about Moore is that he owes his alligence to Jones: he owes his playing and coaching careers to Jones.

I have a suspension Moore would be Jason Garrett re-do.
There is no suspicion, he will be Garrett 2.0. First contract is coach in training, second contract, well…..who knows. This is an absolute nightmare scenario that reverts this team back a decade :mad:
BB says he believes Deion is trying to leverage Colorado to buck up and hit him with a bigger salary,

BB not sold Deion really wants to come here- he has a lot of irons in the fire , commercials etc .

Zimmer would love to be the HC he’d comeback immediately.
( F!!!)

There’s a buyout on Deion 8.5 M

Maybe MZ would stay as DC. They are ultra tight,

But Zimmer would jump at the HC job.

Per Broaddus
There is no suspicion, he will be Garrett 2.0. First contract is coach in training, second contract, well…..who knows. This is an absolute nightmare scenario that reverts this team back a decade :mad:
I like having the #1 offense.
I like having the #1 offense.
Dak isn’t young anymore. This is not 2022 either. Philly was ranked #8 with probably the best RB in football, at least the NFC. He is not head coach material but a pretty good OC.
I love how most of you in this thread still think we are the boyz of the 90s and early 2000s where everyone will want to come here ..... we are going to get a retread or first time HC from college.

We are a soap opera 365 (Jerry's words not mine).
There were / are huge questions and concerns about his ability to lead.

There are / were questions about his ability to call plays with assertiveness.

Has not interviewed well

Not viewed at all as a leader by the panel
On 103.5 FAN

One compared him to a ball boy - small male figure too not a talker very quiet.

Doesn’t make sense - Deion does.

Broaddus says go get Aaron Glenn immediately.

The other guy said ….
He thinks it’s Moore & Zimmer.
My lawd
Deion makes sense. LOL.

Yeah, if you want to turn this circus from an 8 to a 10.
Fans on here calling for Witten and DSanders to be our HC. lol

We need someone to fix the offense.

Yeah because his offense was so spectacular when he was here last, or with the chargers lol. Y’all are nuts. Moore isn’t good. He has a future HOF running back, the best OL in football, and a stud WR.

Here he has one of those things. Just stop. You were a supporter of Zeke. Your football iq isn’t relevant.
He was a QB. Used to leading.

His offense rankings have been #1

His team just won a playoff game.

he's not Big Mike.
There are a lot of QBs who were bad leaders

Mike McCarthy has #1 offenses too, including being HC of the teams you reference that were #1

McCarthy has won 11 playoff games and a super bowl

I'm not even that anti Kellen Moore, I think hes a fine OC, but this is a very odd argument.
We couldn’t wait to get rid of McCarthy.

Here’s to having the pick of the litter when it comes to HC jobs.

I’m sure we’re due for an awesome upgrade
Yea I never liked McDaniels as a hc when everybody was saying he was "cool" I thought he was pretty lame with the college frat boy act
just because he is quirky and weird doesn't make him less a leader.

I suspect though that the old school fans here would soil themselves if he was our HC and had his pants rolled up to his knees

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