Brock Lesnar returns to WWE.

Romo 2 Austin;4579588 said:
I am far from a TNA fanboy and probably would regard Ring of Honor as my favorite wrestling product in recent months, up until 2 weeks ago when TNA began their new production direction which I have loved. WWE with the exclusion of the excitement from Brocks return has been absolute garbage at the top and the only exciting things are the new talent that are being debuted from FCW.

Sandow is beyond awesome he's come to save your from your ignorance
Ren;4579582 said:
Teenage fanboyism, powerful stuff

Well I passed my teenage years about 6 years ago & I am not a boy so I can't relate to either. I value my time & I sure don't waste it on crap I don't like. I don't get people that do. You cleared it up for me! Thx.
Romo 2 Austin;4579569 said:
I am not talking about the time that the NWA title - I am referring to the time period since TNA crowned their own title.

Lets compare it to the more prestigous of the two WWE titles -

It has changed hands about another ten times.

about 12 more transfers.

So not only has the main event scene of each title been watered down more than the TNA scene as a whole but to fairly ***** the WWE main event scene you must combine the two titles for about an extra 40 title transfers. Only ignorant people would argue that the WWE main event scene is more prestigious than the TNA main event scene. In TNA the talents are built up for years before given a shot in a main event role, WWE decides that someone has the look and gives them the title when absolutely no one wants them to get it and then when the push fails they go "not our fault, the talent didnt get over" and they bury them for 3-4 years for absolutely no good reason once more.


Yeah I'm just going to ignore the history of the belt that doesn't fit your argument.

Great plan there.

I will not ignore a large portion of that titles history because of a name change in order to make you feel better about a stupid comment.

Again it's very simple.

Punk, Cena, Orton, Sheamus, Jericho, Daniel, Del Rio > Roode, Angle, Bubba Ray, Storm, Hardy, and whoever else might be in the main event scene currently. I'd add in AJ but I'm not even sure if he's actually being pushed in the main event scene right now.

Outside of Roode, and a much improved Bubba Ray, I'm not at all interested in anything else in the top part of TNA.

And that includes Angle who I haven't found entertaining, mostly because of the way he's been booked/pushed, since they started the whole stupid angle with his Ex-Wife.

Romo 2 Austin;4579586 said:
Because they are facts and figures. People want to **** on my arguments event though they are statistically accurate. Guess they don't like facts or statistics.

Actual facts yes. The problem is that you bring personal opinion into what you are told are facts and not only do they hurt your figures but they make you sound more ignorant.
Romo 2 Austin;4491141 said:
I figured that people that dont watch WWE would be intrigued by this and click in while they otherwise would not have checked the RAW thread.

You wanted attention, plain and simple... why would people who don't watch WWE give a hammered crap about Brock Lesnar??
Biggems;4491151 said:
Lesnar blows....he was crap in his first run, he will be crap now.

Amen... but watch out, R2A is about to come at you like a lover scorned, you done dissed his man...
Romo 2 Austin;4491433 said:
Brock is back nearly full time

Strange how we haven't seen him since the PPV... I guess your definition of "full time" is a bit different from mine...

He was the biggest UFC fighter in the world

I don't follow UFC, but I do know that he was considered to be pretty much a joke in his time there... a 5-3 record does not make one the biggest UFC fighter in the world... he had a lot of name recognition, which is really the only reason he got a title shot as early as he did, but that name recognition came not from anything he did in UFC, rather it was because of his time in the WWE...
Romo 2 Austin;4491439 said:
Vince will not leave millions upon millions of dollars on the table over Brock leaving and then going on to become the biggest fighting superstar in the world.



Go back to fondling your Lesnar action figure (doll) fanboy...

Groupies are soooo comical...
I do have a question. If Brock is the savior of anything that can be computed with facts & figures why isn't he on more? I am not complaining mind you but it makes no sense that if he is the most sought after human of all time that WWE would sign him and have him on a few times a month. They are the ones that have the millions to pay him so they had the upper hand. With Rock they knew what they were going to get. His life is probably scheduled to the day for the next few years. I would think if Brock is really all that he'd be pulling a Cena or Punk type schedule.
What on earth would Brock be saving?

WWE is rolling along just fine without him. RAW is still the number 1 rated show.

They have CM Punk, Cena, Occaisionally Rock , Taker, HHH and SBK..

Brock is needed as much as a crapper full of crap.
silverbear;4579987 said:
a 5-3 record does not make one the biggest UFC fighter in the world... he had a lot of name recognition, which is really the only reason he got a title shot as early as he did, but that name recognition came not from anything he did in UFC, rather it was because of his time in the WWE...

This .....

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