Brock Lesnar returns to WWE.

Biggems;4553933 said:
Paul Heyman? As in Paul E. in the founder of ECW....was in WCW, TNA, WWE, ECW, and several others.....has been known as a Manager, GM, Announcer, Writer, Agent....etc. He is in the mold of Jim Cornette.

This. This is good explanation of Paul.

I really like him. He's a great wrestling mind.

Romo 2 Austin;4553985 said:
He was never in TNA. Paul Heyman was the booker for Smackdown from 2002-2004, the best period in WWE history. Raw sucked. SD far exceeded the attitude era.

Come on man. Seriously?


It was a really good time for Smackdown but it pales in comparison, and badly, to the 97-2000 time frame of RAW.

Smackdown during that time, while really good, didn't have anything close to all the great stuff that Austin, The Rock, Foley, Taker, HBK, HHH, and others were bringing on RAW from probably middle of 96 really until about late 2000.
Romo 2 Austin;4553985 said:
He was never in TNA. Paul Heyman was the booker for Smackdown from 2002-2004, the best period in WWE history. Raw sucked. SD far exceeded the attitude era.


Paul Heyman was and IS an annoying little troll. Smackdown was never, I repeat NEVER in the same league as RAW. RAW has always owned SD. Always will.

I am completely sick of Cena. He is just useless to me unless he is getting jumped or is not around. This whole gimmick he has just sucks.

Even though I can't stand Brock. Atleast there was something brought to the WWE that wasn't as stale as Cena.

Really like Orton. Dude is just all wrestler. Must be in the genes.:lmao2:

Dolph is another good seller in the ring.

The "Yes" moron O' Brian is just useless.

Do they even need a Divas squad? Some of em are hot, but, I just don't see the point.
I'm pretty confident in stating there would be a ton of hormonal teenage guys pissed off if WWE got rid of the divas..and probably some men thrown in there too.
Hook'em#11;4555442 said:

Paul Heyman was and IS an annoying little troll. Smackdown was never, I repeat NEVER in the same league as RAW. RAW has always owned SD. Always will.

I am completely sick of Cena. He is just useless to me unless he is getting jumped or is not around. This whole gimmick he has just sucks.

Even though I can't stand Brock. Atleast there was something brought to the WWE that wasn't as stale as Cena.

Really like Orton. Dude is just all wrestler. Must be in the genes.:lmao2:

Dolph is another good seller in the ring.

The "Yes" moron O' Brian is just useless.

Do they even need a Divas squad? Some of em are hot, but, I just don't see the point.

Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar, Undertaker, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit.... Triple H, Kane, Kevin Nash, Rob Van Dam, Ric Flair.

Key people in the storylines in 2002-2004 on SD/RAW... Yeah Raw was better. :laugh1: Are you kidding. The booking on RAW was nonsensical and ******** while SmackDown was exciting. Hell even Vince McMahon was involved on SD weekly, guess he wanted to be associated with the better product.


The attitude era had a much more entertainment based atmosphere than the ruthless aggression era of SD 2002-2004, I prefer the wrestling elements. I prefer Angle, Guerrero and Benoit to Rock, Austin and Foley.
Romo 2 Austin;4556761 said:
Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar, Undertaker, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit.... Triple H, Kane, Kevin Nash, Rob Van Dam, Ric Flair.

Key people in the storylines in 2002-2004 on SD/RAW... Yeah Raw was better. :laugh1: Are you kidding. The booking on RAW was nonsensical and ******** while SmackDown was exciting. Hell even Vince McMahon was involved on SD weekly, guess he wanted to be associated with the better product.


The attitude era had a much more entertainment based atmosphere than the ruthless aggression era of SD 2002-2004, I prefer the wrestling elements. I prefer Angle, Guerrero and Benoit to Rock, Austin and Foley.

I don't think I have ever heard or read anyone use SD and exciting in the same sentence.

Hook'em#11;4557036 said:
I don't think I have ever heard or read anyone use SD and exciting in the same sentence.

Nothing exciting has happened their since JBL/King Bookers title reigns, which were both excellent. After that it collapsed, prior to that it was the better brand.
John Cena has filed for divorce from his wife. His ex wife has hired the lawyer that represented Hogans' wife, this is the lawyer that got 70% of Hogan's assets from him.. How he pulled that off seems illogical, it was Hogans work and she gets a majority of it? Mental. Either way this divorce is going to get nasty as the article even states it is expected to get really nasty.

Cena, worth over $18 million, has a 2009 prenup that is said to include the ability to take back all gifts and presents.

Aahaha! Go Cena. With the news of that prenup I have become a bigger Cena fan than I have ever been.
I doubt they saw each other much unless she traveled with him. He's what mid 30's? I presume she would be as well or close to it. She may have wanted a family or just that he be home more. Most marriages under normal circumstances don't last. He's a celebrity. Those rarely do. Sorry to hear it.
BoysFan4ever;4557184 said:
I doubt they saw each other much unless she traveled with him. He's what mid 30's? I presume she would be as well or close to it. She may have wanted a family or just that he be home more. Most marriages under normal circumstances don't last. He's a celebrity. Those rarely do. Sorry to hear it.

This is different than most celeb relationships, they have been dating sice high school.
Romo 2 Austin;4557274 said:
This is different than most celeb relationships, they have been dating sice high school.

And he's still a celebrity. Still gone most of the time. If anything her being his HS girl it should make them stronger because she was there when he was a can bet she knows all those skeletons rattling around in his closet if he has any. I would say a high profile WWE star would have a hard time maintaining a happy marriage. Their schedules are murder.
John Cena has today come to terms with the release of his wife, Liz. John would like to wish Liz all the best in her future endeavors.
Romo 2 Austin;4556761 said:
Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar, Undertaker, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit.... Triple H, Kane, Kevin Nash, Rob Van Dam, Ric Flair.

Key people in the storylines in 2002-2004 on SD/RAW... Yeah Raw was better. :laugh1: Are you kidding. The booking on RAW was nonsensical and ******** while SmackDown was exciting. Hell even Vince McMahon was involved on SD weekly, guess he wanted to be associated with the better product.


The attitude era had a much more entertainment based atmosphere than the ruthless aggression era of SD 2002-2004, I prefer the wrestling elements. I prefer Angle, Guerrero and Benoit to Rock, Austin and Foley.

The attitude era, during portions of it had all, or close to all, of the people you mentioned above. The exceptions being RVD, Flair, Nash, and Lesnar. Lesnar coming in, along with RVD and Flair just after the attitude era tailed off.

The huge difference was that the Attitude era that had great stuff from HBK, HHH, Jericho, Angle, Taker, Foley, Benoit, Guerrero (Although not till the waning part of the era), and others it also had to very key elements that put it over the top, in every way.

It just so happened to have the two most popular superstars of all-time at the top of it's cards to make it the best era ever.

Stone Cold and The Rock

Don't get me wrong I thought SD during the era you're talking about was very, very, very good.

It just wasn't nearly as good as the Attitude Era. In any form or fashion.

That era had all the great wrestling you're talking about, and most of it from the exact people you mentioned, plus additions, as well as having by far the best promo work and entertaining personalities. It's not even a close contest, on any front, between the two.

And all of that stuff I just mentioned about the Attitude Era doesn't even factor in the red hot tag team division they had during the time with the APA, The Dudleys, Edge and Christain, The Hardyz and such. That tag division was amazing and just helps further put that era even more over the top as the better era.

You'd really be hard pressed to find a better era for overall product from great wrestling, to great promos, great personalities, great singles feuds, great tag team feuds.

Top to bottom just absolutely amazing shows every single week.
BraveHeartFan;4557823 said:
The attitude era, during portions of it had all, or close to all, of the people you mentioned above. The exceptions being RVD, Flair, Nash, and Lesnar. Lesnar coming in, along with RVD and Flair just after the attitude era tailed off.

The huge difference was that the Attitude era that had great stuff from HBK, HHH, Jericho, Angle, Taker, Foley, Benoit, Guerrero (Although not till the waning part of the era), and others it also had to very key elements that put it over the top, in every way.

It just so happened to have the two most popular superstars of all-time at the top of it's cards to make it the best era ever.

Stone Cold and The Rock

Don't get me wrong I thought SD during the era you're talking about was very, very, very good.

It just wasn't nearly as good as the Attitude Era. In any form or fashion.

That era had all the great wrestling you're talking about, and most of it from the exact people you mentioned, plus additions, as well as having by far the best promo work and entertaining personalities. It's not even a close contest, on any front, between the two.

And all of that stuff I just mentioned about the Attitude Era doesn't even factor in the red hot tag team division they had during the time with the APA, The Dudleys, Edge and Christain, The Hardyz and such. That tag division was amazing and just helps further put that era even more over the top as the better era.

You'd really be hard pressed to find a better era for overall product from great wrestling, to great promos, great personalities, great singles feuds, great tag team feuds.

Top to bottom just absolutely amazing shows every single week.

What he said.:)
BraveHeartFan;4557823 said:
The attitude era, during portions of it had all, or close to all, of the people you mentioned above. The exceptions being RVD, Flair, Nash, and Lesnar. Lesnar coming in, along with RVD and Flair just after the attitude era tailed off.

The huge difference was that the Attitude era that had great stuff from HBK, HHH, Jericho, Angle, Taker, Foley, Benoit, Guerrero (Although not till the waning part of the era), and others it also had to very key elements that put it over the top, in every way.

It just so happened to have the two most popular superstars of all-time at the top of it's cards to make it the best era ever.

Stone Cold and The Rock

Don't get me wrong I thought SD during the era you're talking about was very, very, very good.

It just wasn't nearly as good as the Attitude Era. In any form or fashion.

That era had all the great wrestling you're talking about, and most of it from the exact people you mentioned, plus additions, as well as having by far the best promo work and entertaining personalities. It's not even a close contest, on any front, between the two.

And all of that stuff I just mentioned about the Attitude Era doesn't even factor in the red hot tag team division they had during the time with the APA, The Dudleys, Edge and Christain, The Hardyz and such. That tag division was amazing and just helps further put that era even more over the top as the better era.

You'd really be hard pressed to find a better era for overall product from great wrestling, to great promos, great personalities, great singles feuds, great tag team feuds.

Top to bottom just absolutely amazing shows every single week.

While I understand the appeal of the attitude era and can justify your reasoning for placing it above the "Ruthless Aggression" era of SD, that era of SD has a much closer place to me personally so I view it much more favorably. I guess the best way to phrase it is that I view that era of SD better than the attitude era however had I been born 5 years earlier I may view the attitude era more favorably. It is far from a fringe statement to regard that period in SD's history as the best in wrestling's history, it had entertainment based segments mixed in with the greatest wrestling ever on weekly TV led by the aforementioned talents. RAW at this time was under HHH domination that would not let up until Cena was moved from SD to RAW in 2005, what was happening on RAW was they would build up a character to be squashed by HHH, since and repeat for 3 years. Very similar to what they have done with SuperCena the only difference was that HHH was a heel so it was more interesting but to compare it to SD where you had the core of the main event scene being Brock, Kurt and Undertaker it is just not reasonable.

Also Bobby Roode is about 9 days from becoming the longest running TNA World Champion of all time... This is excluding the time when the NWA title was the top championship in TNA, if you include that Jeff Jarretts run of nearly a year would still hold the top position.

Also - The Rock is being dubbed with the nickname "The Franchise Savor" by various media outlets for his role in Wrestlemania, Journey 2 and Fast Five.
I just got a chance to watch RAW from Monday. Hmmm. The Big Show segment was dumb. I guess to put that Lauranitis (sp) guy over as some super heel. I liked the stuff with Cena at first but it just went on and on and on. And maybe it's just me but I have a really hard time understanding Sheamus. His accent is so thick! I do like when he is on though. And because I am wrestling naive is HHH's arm really broken?
Romo 2 Austin;4563256 said:
While I understand the appeal of the attitude era and can justify your reasoning for placing it above the "Ruthless Aggression" era of SD, that era of SD has a much closer place to me personally so I view it much more favorably. I guess the best way to phrase it is that I view that era of SD better than the attitude era however had I been born 5 years earlier I may view the attitude era more favorably. It is far from a fringe statement to regard that period in SD's history as the best in wrestling's history, it had entertainment based segments mixed in with the greatest wrestling ever on weekly TV led by the aforementioned talents. RAW at this time was under HHH domination that would not let up until Cena was moved from SD to RAW in 2005, what was happening on RAW was they would build up a character to be squashed by HHH, since and repeat for 3 years. Very similar to what they have done with SuperCena the only difference was that HHH was a heel so it was more interesting but to compare it to SD where you had the core of the main event scene being Brock, Kurt and Undertaker it is just not reasonable.

Also Bobby Roode is about 9 days from becoming the longest running TNA World Champion of all time... This is excluding the time when the NWA title was the top championship in TNA, if you include that Jeff Jarretts run of nearly a year would still hold the top position.

Also - The Rock is being dubbed with the nickname "The Franchise Savor" by various media outlets for his role in Wrestlemania, Journey 2 and Fast Five.

I never thought I'd see the day where you would admit that your views are biased.
BoysFan4ever;4563543 said:
I just got a chance to watch RAW from Monday. Hmmm. The Big Show segment was dumb. I guess to put that Lauranitis (sp) guy over as some super heel. I liked the stuff with Cena at first but it just went on and on and on. And maybe it's just me but I have a really hard time understanding Sheamus. His accent is so thick! I do like when he is on though. And because I am wrestling naive is HHH's arm really broken?

yes, but not because of Lesnar.....he broke it bench pressing Stephanie's silicons.....
Romo 2 Austin;4557149 said:
John Cena has filed for divorce from his wife. His ex wife has hired the lawyer that represented Hogans' wife, this is the lawyer that got 70% of Hogan's assets from him.. How he pulled that off seems illogical, it was Hogans work and she gets a majority of it? Mental. Either way this divorce is going to get nasty as the article even states it is expected to get really nasty.

Aahaha! Go Cena. With the news of that prenup I have become a bigger Cena fan than I have ever been.

Young man, you REALLY need to go get yourself a life... you're WAAAAAY too into the sideshow circus known as professional wrestling...

This is coming from a fan of that sideshow circus...
Romo 2 Austin;4557274 said:
This is different than most celeb relationships, they have been dating sice high school.

That you know that merely proves the point made in my last post...

I imagine your room, and I see posters from Wrestlemania, and all of the other little knicknacks that the WWE markets to the 8 year old demographic...
BraveHeartFan;4557823 said:
Don't get me wrong I thought SD during the era you're talking about was very, very, very good.

It just wasn't nearly as good as the Attitude Era. In any form or fashion.

SmackDown was conceived as the little brother to Raw... it was always marketed as the lesser show... but R2A has his pet wrestlers, and a number of them wrestle on Smackdown, so he thinks the whole world should agree with is biased opinion...

Any long-time wrestling fan knows that SmackDown is the lesser show... even though my personal favorite (Randy Orton) wrestles there most of the time these days...

The current practice of having wrestlers cross over from SmackDown to Raw and vice versa was devised precisely because SmackDown was foundering... as was having Orton "drafted" by SmackDown some months ago...

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